The idea of standing up for the common man and defending innocents from those who would oppress them was a relatable theme at the time. At one point earlier in Sun God’s history, he and his team defeated an Incursion, saving their universe from annihilation. Throughout the fight, it’s pretty clear that Sun God is the strongest hero present, defeating the Hulk with just two blows. Adam adopted the superhero alias the Blue Marvel and saved his homeland multiple times. The father to Madame Masque, Nefaria acquired his power after being experimented on by one of Baron Zemo’s scientists. Even though that’s where the similarities end, there’s no denying that publishers publishers created Captain America in an attempt to replicate Superman’s success. When the Marvel Universe was first coming together, the publisher acknowledged they needed a character like Superman to fill the role of protector. The Amalgam imprint line, courtesy of DC Comics and Marvel, is not such an example. Alien species, an offshoot of the male Guardians of Oa. DUNE DRIFTER Trailer (2020) Sci-Fi Thriller Movie, NEW TV SHOW TRAILERS of the WEEK #44 (2020), JAWS 2 Open Wide Clip + Trailer (1978) Retro Horror, DREAMWORKS' TROLLS: TROLLSTOPIA Official Trailer (HD) Peacock Series, ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN Clip - "Thin Ice" (2006), WALKER Official Announcement Teaser Trailer (HD) Jared Padalecki, LET HIM GO Clip - "Eye to Eye" (2020) Diane Lane, MANK - Movie Review (2020) Gary Oldman, David Fincher, ALL THE CREATURES WERE STIRRING Trailer (2020) Horror Anthology, SPIDER-MAN: MILES MORALES (2020) "Be Yourself" Cinematic Trailer [HD] PS5 Marvel Game. Despite his power, he doesn’t have Superman’s speed and lacks a few powers like ice breath. Top 10 Star Trek Spin-offs We Want To See Next, Top 10 Fox Franchises That Should Become Disney+ or Hulu Series, Top 10 TV Series To Binge This Holiday Weekend, Advertise on this Site | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Site Map | Links | Shopping, © 1998 - present JoBlo Media Inc., All Rights Reserved | JoBlo® is a trademark of JoBlo Media Inc. Before we go any further, it’s important to understand that Captain Power appeared in the ‘90s, before gender equality and representation were considered the norm as it is today. Sound familiar? The only real separations are that Superior isn’t quite as powerful as Superman and he also has a lot in common with DC’s Captain Marvel Shazam. Buy BLUE - Marvel Characters Printed Water Bottle at LC Waikiki with affordable price, fast delivery and free return. He stopped a crashing satellite, prevented a nuclear disaster from happening, and dragged a submarine to shore. (DC), Member of the Star Sapphire Corps from Lartnec. One of Marvel’s lesser know and relatively short-lived characters from back in the ‘70s was the hero Omega the Unknown. And while there was that one time the FF ran into Superman, Ben also encountered the next best thing, relatively speaking, when he met Wundarr the Aquarian. The last time Miracleman was in comics was in 2014, his adventures penned by Alan Moore. Species of powerful blue immortals living on Oa. Alas, Omega’s time in comics was cut rather short as he died towards the end of the series. During "Siege" it required a nuclear explosion and Mjonir’s mightiest strikes to slay him. Before Marvel Comics was a thing, there was Timely Comics. Fantastic Beasts: Johnny Depp asked to exit franchise by Warner Bros. 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Originally a captain in the Kree militia, Mar-Vell believed the empire was not only tyrannical, but also downright racist. I do find it kind of strange that there are so many blue movie characters. BLUE - Marvel Characters Printed Water Bottle is here! Superman is one of comics' most popular hero, so it's no wonder Marvel would try to create their own versions of him. This is not below my work ethic, by the way, so don't act surprised when it happens. Blue Marvel returned decades later, going on to join the Mighty Avengers and the Ultimates, and proving himself as potentially the strongest hero on Earth. Yet if anything, Sentry is more like the Superman from the Injustice comic book line, where Superman became evil. Just like in movies or comics where you see montages of Superman stopping runaway trains or saving cats out of trees, Superior also shares many similar moments. If I wanted to do, say, My 10 Favorite Red Characters, it would just be five picture of Hellboy and five pictures of Darth Maul. Maybe I just wanted to rave some more about Pixar. His alter-ego, Kallark, is a portmanteau of Superman’s Kryptonian name, Kal-El, and his Earth name, Clark Kent. Gladiator’s flown across galaxies in seconds, taken nosedives into suns without an discomfort, knocked around Thor (and his hammer) with no effort, and destroyed an entire planet with a single punch. Over the decades, many different writers would take up penning the adventures of Marvelman; he’d even graduate to being called Miracleman. For yellow characters, see Yellow Fellows by Multiplus. All movie titles, pictures, etc... are registered trademarks and/or copyrights of their respective holders, Dedicated hosting provided by NEXCESS.NET Web Hosting, Website Design & Development by Face3 Media. Already this sounds a little odd and maybe not exactly Superman rip-off material, but just hang in there. I also made a "Blue characters" list on Anime Vice. Yet they both chose jobs that allow them to help people. Back in the good old days of Marvel, there was one cosmic hero that stood out: Captain Marvel. Adam Brashear served his country in the military, but then later discovered he had powers. His eyes also have the tendency of glowing red like a certain Kryptonian we all know and love. Characters with blue clothing or blue powers aren't listed (so for instance the Blue Power Ranger is out). While a cop from Chicago who becomes imbued with cosmic powers doesn’t necessarily sound like your typical Superman rip-off, not only do they share similar ideologies, but the two are almost indistinguishable where appearance is concerned.