Guess who's coming to dinner ... Steve Carell, left, as Barry and Paul Rudd as Tim. “I’m not taking no for an answer,” she says, but she’ll have to take no for an answer if no is the answer. In an irony delivered with all the subtlety of a car crash, Barry becomes a kind of saviour for Paul Rudd’s Tim, a finance analyst desperate to climb up the corporate ladder. At the risk of inciting a pop-culture play-off between competing hobbyists, I reckon Barry may have the edge on trainspotters, and electric model car enthusiasts. Meanwhile, the men continue to re-enact The Room. Talk about kismet! A consensus is reached: Elly is stupid as hell. She should be. Emma tells Matt that she hopes to have many, many children, much like a spider. The American version of a successful ''foreign'' film is almost never as good as its parent, but it solves the problem of asking American audiences to read. They will select one Bachelorette to dine with them all that night. Share on Facebook - opens in a new window or tab, Share on Twitter - opens in a new window or tab, Share on Pinterest - opens in a new window or tab.

Every month, Tim’s boss Lance (the superb Bruce Greenwood) holds a dinner where his favoured employees must bring a 'schmuck’ as their special guest; the 'suit’ with the best 'loser’, wins. Matt gives her a rose, just to keep her dangling a bit longer. One woman will go home. Though Carell and Rudd are both saddled with characters that just aren't as interesting as many they've played in the past, the movie benefits from having drawn many gifted comedians to supporting roles. Playing a taxidermied mice diorama-creating IRS employee, the close-cropped Carell (almost a dead ringer for NZ's own idiot-savant Paul Henry) is a constant hoot, especially when he does things like describe how Louis Pasteur turned cheese into medicine.
Abbie is happy as Larry: not only does she get time with Matt, she gets to make another woman deeply unhappy, which is what she does instead of eating food. Sogand grabs one card, because she is sick of this shit. They meet Elly and learn that Elly is The One. The fact that director Jay Roach - director of the Austin Powers and Meet the Parents franchises - is prepared to settle for that means he cares more about the individual scenes than the overall sweep. Notice the crucial change: the mean one is now Fender, a representative of the financial class that Hollywood recently loves to hate. But the ultimate schmuck turns everyone else into the losers. Of course, Barry is something of a 'wise fool’, and in the great tradition of American screwball comedy, Barry’s antics will in effect 'teach’ the heartless, soulless Tim a life lesson in ethics, and morality (and in this movie you can chuck in romance, too).

They spread chocolate around and grope each other and honestly it is the most nauseating thing ever to appear on Australian television. SHARE. It's a tricky role because Barry is both a complete nincompoop and a functioning bureaucrat. He's more sympathetic but less funny. Dinner for Schmucks. Elly is a moron and frankly, she deserves to lose now. Matt takes Sogand off for their minor date. The incredible cruelty of this situation is becoming more and more apparent: sooner or later Matt is going to have to break it to Emma that she is a dangerous nut who frightens him, and then Emma is going to be sad and blow up a school bus. Dinner for Schmucks tell the story of Tim (Paul Rudd), a guy on the verge of having it all. Actually it’s nothing so fun. Chelsie thinks it’ll be her because she has so many feelings to share with Matt. Unfortunately, I also loved Le diner de cons. Dinner for Schmucks Critics Consensus. The success of this movie, following a formula upheld by just about any recent hit comedy you can name, lies as much with supporting players and plot-derailing set pieces as with the central story and characters. Tim (Rudd) is a rising executive who "succeeds" in finding the perfect guest, IRS employee Barry (Carell), for his boss' monthly event, a so-called "dinner for idiots," which offers certain advantages to the exec who shows up with the biggest buffoon. Consider this less as a film review and more as a public health warning. He brings him along to his boss' monthly dinner party where guests are challenged to bring along the dumbest person they can find, for the amusement of the group. Further Back in Time for Dinner S1 Ep4 The 1930s (PG) 104. The women squeal like stuck pigs, incredibly excited to be meeting what, for them, count as celebrities. They missed the opportunity to invite Emma and see the bag of Matt’s hair she’s been collecting. Have you seen this show, bro?

It was written by Francis Veber, who adapted his own hit play. At least he’s got a sense of humour.

Are you shrooming? It now stars Steve Carell and Paul Rudd, with an unusual supporting cast that includes Jemaine Clement from The Flight of the Conchords and David Walliams from Little Britain. The Bachelor Australia SE07E11 Recap: Dinner For Schmucks. By signing up, you agree to our terms & conditions and privacy policy. That sentence actually sums up about 95% of the conversations the ex-Bachelor people have had on this show. 12:00pm. “I’m taking that as a compliment,” says Emma, but it’s not a compliment. The film collects a cast of performers who know how to be funny. The trouble is, the rest of the movie should be like that too. FINE PRINT & DISCLAIMER: Flicks's official rating: Pretty good, but not perfect. It contains the paraphernalia for a baby shower: looks like this is the episode where the women find out they are all pregnant to Matt. He gives Chelsie a rose, for scientific solidarity. Emma thinks it’ll be her because she is out of her frigging mind. Tune in tomorrow, when Matt declares that he will have sex with whatever woman can climb to the roof of the mansion, and Elly kneels down and tells Abbie to stand on her shoulders. There is a wider problem, because Barry isn't a credible buffoon.

“You’re hotter than chocolate,” he says. Abbie is incredibly excited about the new cheese. Something went wrong. Next, they meet Emma, and she is out of her freaking mind. They keep on spreading chocolate. Man of Many participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we sometimes earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

But instead of being congratulated for bringing such a moron, Tim finds his life spiralling out of control with a series of personal and professional disasters as his new 'friend' accidentally paves a path of destruction. Sogand is depressed. His hobby is taxidermy. “I’m absolutely bricking it,” says Elly, but despite her stupidity, she should feel pretty confident because of her trump card: she’s white. Sogand tells Matt that after their single date she felt very strongly about him but she didn’t tell him for reasons that she would prefer to keep confidential at this stage.