Besides Chimera, this membership consisted of: Following the rebirth of the Multiverse in the aftermath of Secret Wars, Miss Sinister had made her presence known and assembled several mutants that became stranded from the Ultimate Marvel into the Prime Universe which she personally handpicked and trained to be killers. He used great speed to cause a small whirlwind which would fire sharp projectiles at his enemies, often severely hurting plenty of individuals at any one time. RELATED: X-Men: The 10 Most Powerful Hellfire Club Members, Ranked. Captain Marvel Vs. Wonder Woman: Who's Had The Better Costumes? Later, he lost his powers during M-Day and also fought for Magneto as a new clone. Download 5307 Roster (Provisional) which includes name, rank, serial number, battalion, and unit for each Marauder. The Seven Novels. Remus was heartbroken at the loss of his friends and found himself alone once more. Nathaniel Essex became heavily obsessed with the theory of evolution, and, after the death of his son, it drove him deeper into his work, experimenting on individuals to continue his research. Pietro's body was left behind by Miss Sinister in her base once she abandoned it, and it was eventually found by the young X-Men while investigating,[21] nevertheless the New Marauders remained by Miss Sinister's side as she allied herself with Havok, Emma Frost and Bastion to release "Mothervine" globally with the intent to make mutantkind the dominant species. Magneto unleashed the Marauders as a distraction while he completed his objective. vol. It turned out that Mystique was undertaking the prophecies as outlined in the Destiny Diaries and that her actions against Rogue were solely intended to protect her. X-Force returns to the facility where Vanisher lost the virus and battle and killed all the cloned assassins. They are responsible for the slaughter of the Morlocks. [16] However, the original Marauders were mysteriously absent from Krakoa. In Cable and Deadpool #42 and X-Men #200, Sunfire and Gambit seemingly killed Cable, while Senyaka attacked Deadpool. As a member of the Marauders, she was possessed by Malice—a mutant capable of manipulating the darkness within sentient life and controlling them to do her bidding. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other During their battles with the X-Men, X-Factor and the Norse God Thor, several Marauders are apparently killed; Riptide in Uncanny X-Men #211; Prism in X-Factor #10; and Blockbuster in The Mighty Thor #374. The Marauders is a team of fictional supervillain characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Category:Hogwarts students during the Marauders' era - Harry Potter Wiki. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll Especially during the First Wizarding Wars, they changed the war by joining Order of the Phoenix and lead the group. Marauders are one of the most important and famous groups of Harry Potter Series. Marauders are the group of four Gryffindor students of 1971 – 1978. She became a serious threat to the X-Men, and did much of Mister Sinister's dirty work for years until his death, causing her bond with Malice to eventually cease to exist. What makes her so dangerous is her ability to strike enemies with a deadly shockwave and how much joy she takes in hurting her enemies. [3] The Marauders then try to assassinate Madelyne Pryor in issues #221-222. There are a ton of dangerous mutants who have battled both with and against the X-men, and we've ranked some of the most dangerous marauders. The X-Men confronted the group in the subway, accusing them of a second Morlock Massacre. They pursued Nightcrawler through the sewers in order to capture Nightcrawler and bring him back to Mister Sinister to be one of his specimens. Wikis. The new lineup consists of: Arclight, Blockbuster, Harpoon, Prism, and Vanisher, with Chimera as the apparent new leader. but, surrounded. The Marauders make their first appearance during the 1986 crossover, the "Mutant Massacre", slaughtering a large percentage of the mutant community living beneath Manhattan known as the Morlocks. The group was sent by Apocalypse to destroy the land of Wakanda where Arcade was able to murder Black Panther and together destroy much of the land, the Marauders' life was cut short by Clint Barton and Gwen Stacy.[27]. After killing Mister Sinister in the Messiah Complex story arc, she used the baby to try and save Rogue. [25] Following the capture of the young X-Men, Emma Frost finally rejected Miss Sinister's ideal and psychically controlled Mach-II, Armor and Guardian in order to turned them upon their mistress, however, Miss Sinister activated a kill-switch she had implanted in their genetic code, which killed instantly all three. Chris is a lover of comics, movies, and TV, and has been a geek for far too long. Add new page. 5 DC Heroes Namor Can Beat (& 5 He'd Lose To), Wolverine: 5 Ways Old Man Logan Has Aged Well (& 5 Ways It Hasn't), Fantastic Four: 5 DC Villains The Thing Can Beat (& 5 He'd Lose To), The Boys: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Frenchie From The Comics. We rank the 10 most dangerous members of the Marauders and look at why they're the best at what they do. RELATED: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants: The 25 Strongest Members, Ranked. Mister Sinister tried to get the two to become entwined once again. The Marauders are most well known as a group of henchmen for Mr Sinister, assembled by Gambit. [18], During the Messiah Complex storyline, five former X-Men joined the original roster of the Marauders, and Sabretooth was not among the group.