Lincoln, Montana is lucky enough to see two varieties of shooting stars over the course of the year. METEOROIDS. Mercury, our smallest planetary neighbor, has very little to call an atmosphere, but it does have a strange weather pattern: morning micro-meteor showers. Scientists at Chicago's Field Museum are studying a piece of the meteor that broke apart earlier this month over Michigan. According to EarthSky, the South and North Taurid meteor showers are due to appear this month, followed by a Leonid meteor shower and a penumbral lunar eclipse. Sometimes, out of a sudden, we can all strike it lucky! The good news: Earth can support life for 1.75bn years. And this time, it was even bigger than the national lottery! The annual Leonid meteor shower begins tonight and will run through most of November, but viewers tonight will have to contend with a fairly bright moon that may hinder some of the dimmer meteor sightings. Who is the president of the United States. ': Space probe Rosetta wakes up and calls home before, Will the Rosetta spacecraft wake up today after two-year sleep? The universe is some 13 billion years old and is often imagined as just a vast expanse of dark, almost empty space getting colder with time. or. Black Beauty rock is ‘oldest chunk of Mars’ ever found on earth, Six-tailed asteroid leaves astronomers ‘dumbfounded’, 'A warning for Earth': Meteor blast over Siberia was equivalent to 30, In a galaxy far, far away... a water world capable of supporting life, Rome Stories: The 'Uncle Sam' architect delivers a refined riposte, 'Mother of all extinctions' took place before the dinosaurs died. It is, Scientists find evidence of meteorite that struck Earth 3.5 billion, Cloud of destruction: 20,000 evacuated as Mount Sinabung volcano, £2bn Gaia space probe blasts off on five-year mission to map a, Geminid meteor shower 2013: up to 120 meteors an hour expected, New research raises hopes of finding alien life on Jupiter's icy moon, Asteroid which wiped out dinosaurs 'could have sent life to Mars', Thousands flee as one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes erupts. Scientists have used data from NASA's Cassini mission to delve into the impact craters on the surface of Titan, revealing more detail than ever before about how the craters evolve and how weather drives changes on the surface of Saturn's mammoth moon. But what if some of our information ... A meteoroid exploded over the city of Lipetsk in western Russia last week without warning, lighting up the summer sky with a bright flash. This year, one meteor is expected to streak across the night sky every five minutes or so during the peak of the Leonids. Our atmosphere is a better shield from meteoroids than researchers thought, according to a new paper published in Meteoritics & Planetary Science.