it's a grey area in michigan. ... Runaway.from.michigan. You parents can contact the police and have you brought back (against your will if necessary). George W. Bush congratulates Biden on election win, 'Jeopardy!' Can I demand overpaid rent back from my landlord (My Mom)? Project Runway is an American reality television show in which contestants compete to be the best fashion designer, as determined by the show's judges.The series first broadcast in 2004, and seventeen regular seasons and seven all-stars seasons have aired as of June 2019. If you don’t hear back from us within 24 hours, please call the toll free hotline at 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929) or use the chat service when it is available. By calling 1-800-RUNAWAY or 1-800-786-2929, you will immediately share your story with a compassionate person and build a plan together. Get your answers by asking now. suggestion: consider that you're getting a bit too antsy and calm down. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. That is a lot of responsibility for someone at 17. Source(s): michigan runaway laws 17 years old: 3141B N. Lincoln What are the michigan runaway laws for someone who is 17 years old? Now he's headed to the WH. 17 and how many months? 1 decade ago. (d) That the minor has demonstrated the ability to manage his or her financial affairs, including proof of employment or other means of support. Call 1-800-RUNAWAY if you are thinking of running from home, if you have a friend who has runaway, or if you are a runaway ready to go home. you need a stash of cash. Previously entered content was automatically saved. Assuming you have not formally empancipated yourself, YES. This page was generated at 02:45 PM. ? Major came from a shelter. you don't need a new leather jacket or a car. 17 and how many months? seventeen and six months, no state would spend the manpower to do anything. Do you think there is a focus on socio-economic rights to the detriment of cultural rights? finish school. This project was supported by Grant Number 90CY2676 from the Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. you don't need to buy clothes or games, or beer, or anything. ETA emancipation? 60657, Frequently Asked Questions | Runaway Hotline and Online Crisis Hotline Service. but you do need to stay in school til you graduate high school or turn 18. it's the law. Paying a parking ticket in Romeo michigan? (b) THAT THE MINOR IS AT LEAST 16 YEARS OF AGE. All rights reserved. Anonymous. The first five seasons aired on Bravo, while the succeeding seasons aired on Lifetime. I know of a 16 yr old female 17 in 2 months. Our live chat service may be easier to tell your story to a compassionate person and build a plan together. 0 0. finishing school or not affects the rest of your life. and stash that money! �Other means of support� does not include general assistance or aid to families with dependent children administered under the social welfare act, Act No. Then as a legal adult you are free to go and do whatever you please. Open 24/7. All times are GMT-6. Copyright © 2015 National Runaway Safeline. NRS serves as the national communication system for runaway and homeless youth.