When it is your turn to play mother, remember to be kind, because eventually you will be a “child” asking permission of another Mother. “Mother” calls each child by name one at a time and tells them to take a random number of steps towards them. For example, one might ask, “Mother, may I take five steps forward?” Mother replies, “Yes, you may” or “No, you may not, but you may take _____ instead” and adds a suggestion. This is totally at her discretion. Mother may offer an amended suggestion that is a direction the child MUST follow, leading the child closer to or farther from the goal of reaching Mother. How to Play Mother May I? How to Play "Mother May I": 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow They must preface any request with the words "Mother, may I?" ii) Step 3 may begin with the child, himself, asking the Mother, if he could perform a certain task like taking 5 giant steps ahead. Any child who forgets to ask “Mother may I?” must return to the … Instead of asking for three giant steps, ask for 1 giant step on 1 turn and 20 baby steps on the next. If players forget to say "Mother, may I?" Players will be more successful if they are not greedy when they ask for step. Depending on your rules, "Mother" can allow, deny or modify requests 1. -- for example, a player might say "Mother, may I take three giant strides?" Next, Mother responds with “Yes, you may” or “No, you may not”. Personalize It. For example, they may ask if they can take so many baby steps, giant strides, bunny hops or frog jumps. The mother then answers “Yes you may.” This also has to be accompanied with the line “Mother, May I?” 4. For example the “mother” will say “Bobby, take 3 giant steps.” Before the player takes the steps they must ask the “mother” .. “Mother may I?”. “Mother May I?” Tips. Sally Monroe, the owner of Silly Sally's Events, offers the idea of using the lead …