Directed by Robert B. Sinclair. "Murder Mismanaged". Based on the novels by Frances and Richard Lockridge. They attempt to solve the crime before reaching their destination. Later Richard Denning and Barbara Britton played the famous roles of Mr and Mrs North. A vicious counterfeiter escapes from prison and hides out in a remote cabin while recuperating from plastic surgery he got to change his appearance. Based on the novels by Frances and Richard Lockridge. Year: Season 1. A serial killer of sailors is on the loose. Jerry North (William Post Jr.) and his wife, Pam (Gracie Allen)return home after a night away in a holiday spirit. an overdose of pills. All original author and copyright information must remain intact. soured relationship, has checked in baggage containing a bomb set to explode during that flight; the woman who scorned him is aboard the plane. The thug shows his gratitude by killing the elderly country doctor. Sponsored by: Halo Shampoo, Colgate Toothpowder, Cashmere Bouquet. Click here to read more about Mr And Mrs North. He demands that the school stop their atomic production program or he'll detonate one of his own at the school's fieldhouse during that night's big basketball game. Arnold wakes up with a hangover and ba... + CBS net origination, AFRS rebroadcast. 6.9 (42) 0. © 2020 TV.COM, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. S1, Ep1 . It began as a light comedy show about a couple residing at New York City, then eventually became a mystery show in the season that followed. + Pam and Jerry North are Houseguests of Martha Gilroy a young authoress who has invited the Norths ... + When Mrs North went to answer the frantic ringing of her doorbell she found a desperate woman who ... + , AFRS rebroadcast. The radio series was first broadcast once in 1941 as an audition program with Carl Eastman and Peggy Conklin. Mr. and Mrs. North turned out to be a huge hit, garnering as much as 20 million listeners. * Your email address will not be published. A jealous husband arranges for his wife's lover's murder and then has second thoughts. A mystery magazine publisher and his wife are amateur sleuths who keep stumbling over various crimes and solving them ahead of the police. Mr. and Mrs. North are fictional American amateur detectives. Text copyright © 2011-2020, Both Robert and his fiancee have jilted lovers in their past who are bitter about the impending nuptials. HE LISTENS. Christopher Columbus has... + , AFRS rebroadcast. Marion Lane feels trapped in an unhappy marriage and wants her lover, Barry, to kill her bed-ridden husband. His gang lures the Norths tothe cabin and holds them hostage, their plan being to ultimately kill the couple. A murderous gangster, on the run from police and the underworld, forces the Norths to drive him to Montreal. Sponsored by: Adler Sewing Machines. Email * Your email address will not be published. There she becomes friendly with a quiet, naive young lady who is forced to cooperate with a drug ring upon her release from prison. Carried over from the popular radio program, Mr. & Mrs. North was a mystery/suspense show played with light humor. Someone has hired a hit man to kills the future groom before he says "I do." Stirring up the pot is the late actress' son, a playboy who can't believe there's no money left for him. In a case of mistaken identity, the gunman believes Jerry's the fellow soldier who betrayed him and their buddies when they were in a WWII German POW camp. Jerry may not get to be best man at his pal Robert Tyler's wedding. At the last minute, Jerry hears news from his private investigator about his missing author and decides to remain in Mexico City while Pam stays on-board. We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites. On Sale Religious Sci … Later on, Richard Denning and Barbara Britton took over. Free sample downloads! Alice Frost and Joseph Curtin had the title roles when the series began in 1942. The change of genre proved to be the right thing to do for the series, as it was able to generate ratings at par with its rival detective show Mr. District Attorney. AFRS program name: "Mystery " Frizby sets out to prove he c... + "Fool's Gold". Registered users can create playlists of their favourite episodes & series Roy, a man bitter about a soured relationship, has checked in baggage containing a bomb set to explode during that flight; the woman who scorned him is aboard the plane. At the last minute, Jerry hears news from his private investigator about his missing author and decides to remain in Mexico City while Pam stays on-board. Order your favorite old time radio shows from the A confused ... + CBS net origination, AFRS rebroadcast. Pam's in danger of become her next victim after determining the supposed friend is actually a phony. Show Details: Start date: Oct 1952 End date: May 1954 Status: cancelled/ended Network(s): CBS / NBC Run time: 30 … "The Last Escape". The spirit soon vanishes when the body of a man falls out of the liquor closet. Murder, mayh... + "Call Me Chu Chu". Mr. and Mrs. North was a mystery melodrama series that aired from 1942 to 1954. When Barry turns up dead in the Lane home, Marion is the only logical suspect But when the Norths visit, Pam discovers the truth behind Gordon's disabilities and finds her own life in jeopardy. The characters were featured in a series of 26 Mr. and Mrs. North novels, a Broadway play, a motion picture and several radio and television series. home; categories. Mr. and Mrs. North (a Titles & Air Dates Guide) Last updated: Tue, 5 May 2020 0:00. Mr. and Mrs. North was a radio mystery series that aired on CBS from 1942 to 1954. She's actualy Violet Budge, a killer on the run for murdering a wealthy old woman. Carrie Foster was the paid companion of an elderly silent film star and, according to the tabloids, had given the old lady an overdose of pills. We are just providing information, which we hope fans will find useful. While attending a college reunion, Pam is taken hostage by Jerry's former roommate who's now a professor. Rate ... Pam buys an old trunk at an auction and is immediately approached by a woman who offers her big money for it. 2 A mystery magazine publisher and his wife are amateur sleuths who keep stumbling over various crimes and solving them ahead of the police. "The Filed Skate". Lt. Weigand keeps the Norths locked down in their apartment with constant police protection, but that doesn't keep the revenge-seeking shooter from getting into the building. camp. 3 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. She's actualy Violet Budge, a killer on the run for murdering a wealthy old woman. and assumed her identity. In 1946, Mr. and Mrs. North received the first Best Radio Drama Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America. Rate. The truth is she's an impostor who tossed Amelia off the train and assumed her identity. Pam and Jerry investigate a murder in a ... + CBS net origination, AFRS rebroadcast. All Shows Adventure Children Comedy Compilation Country Music Detective Drama Gossip. This guide may be distributed and copied freely, in its entirety, for personal use. With Gracie Allen, William Post Jr., Paul Kelly, Rose Hobart. Pam and Jerry traveling by train from New York to Florida when an attractive blonde is murdered. Lt. Weigand keeps the Norths locked down in their apartment with constant police protection, but that doesn't keep the revenge-seeking shooter from getting into the building. The Norths search for a missing author who has secluded himself in Mexico City. Pam believes her odd behavior is simply a case of being overwhelmed by the big city. "The Death Trap". Mrs. North digs in her heels and refuses to sell. advanced search : categories > OLD TIME RADIO (361) OLD TIME RADIO OTR MR. & MRS. NORTH 59 EPISODES: Price: $4.99 Feedback: 99.67%, 514 sales: Ask seller a question: Shipping: US-Mainland: free (more destinations) Condition: Brand new … Newest Additions Historical Holiday Music Mystery-Horror News Personality Quiz Rare. Mr. and Mrs. North was a radio mystery series that aired on CBS from 1942 to 1954. "Dead Givaway". Gambler Nick Daniels has been acquitted of... + "Milkman's Ring". After the plane takes off, Roy regrets his decision to blow up the plane and alerts security. Alice Frost and Joseph Curtin had the title roles when the series began in 1942. Pam volunteers as an art teacher at a women's prison. Good thing they have Lt. Bill Weigand, a crime counselor, to help them along. golden age of radio. "Pam Keeps Out Of Trouble". Remember: Abuse of the image system may result in you being banned from uploading images or from the entire site – so, play nice and respect the rules! Created by Frances and Richard Lockridge, the couple were featured in a series of 26 Mr. and Mrs. North novels, a Broadway play, a motion picture and several radio and television series. Pam's in danger of become her next victim after determining the supposed friend is actually a phony. The show was all about the couple always finding themselves getting involved in a crime committed by others. Frustrated when they can't find him, they decide to go back home, booking themselves aboard the next flight to Miami. The script was repeated March 23, 1954, w... + CBS net origination, AFRS rebroadcast. Mr. & Mrs. North (1952–1954) Episode List. Jerry's day at the beach with Pam is disrupted by a sniper's gunshot. AFRS program name: "Mystery " "Jerry" is out of ... + "The Norths Discover Christopher Columbus". The script was repeated on March 12, 1954, ... + CBS net origination, AFRS rebroadcast. Season: OR . Copyright 2007-2020 Old Time Radio Downloads; Reproduction of text strictly prohibited. Mr. Harold Vance accuses his old war budd... + CBS net origination, AFRS rebroadcast. The script was repeated January 3, 1955,... 1 Any sales or other uses of this document are expressly forbidden, without the specific consent of the author(s). Stirring up the pot is the late actress' son, a playboy who can't believe there's no money left for him. Do not upload anything which you do not own or are fully licensed to upload. "Frizby Klizby". Soft-hearted Pam takes in a woman who'd tried to kill herself by jumping in front of their car.