Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. [Prov. Still, all Jessica needs to do report the theft to the bobbies, is claim on her insurance, go on a shopping spree and replace the lot. Yah- I didn't have any refs when I did this so "generic robot with freckles" became her design. Hell, The Office is almost entirely built upon them. I am 43 and have used the saying 'Bob's your uncle, fanny's your aunt!' From "British English: A to Zed" by Norman W. Schur (Harper Perennial, New York, 1987). But I don't know who Fanny is unless the phrase is a substitute for saying "My a*s.". Eng. It is a saying which has been around for over a hundred years. : Scran"ny) a. Origin of bizarre exclamations revealed ... At one stage "my giddy goat" was a popular term of surprise but it's not clear when or why it changed to aunt. Then there’s the name itself, which appears to have been used as a catch-all name for someone you don’t know, in much the same way that Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and that lot constantly referred to, well, anyone, as “Clyde.” It appears to have travelled over the Atlantic as “bub” too. No, not that F-word, the other one. 10 Sets of Actors Who Have Coupled-Up On-Screen More Than Once. IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE XD, And I thank you to no end for making my day cx, "Hmm... boom box butt, that could be fun! Get caught up in the latest full episodes of BBC America shows. FROM what I know Fanny's your aunt was used as a cheeky or comical retort. Soon they started saying “Robert’s your mother’s brother” and “…and Fanny’s your aunt” as if the lid had been torn off a chest full of nonsensical pleasantries. ‘Aunt’ is first recorded as being used as a mild exclamation in 1888, simpy as ‘My Aunt!’ There must just be something about aunts. Copyright © 2010-2020 New Video Channel America, LLC. In Reply to: Scranny posted by Bruce Kahl on October 11, 2000: : In the phrase: Bob's Your Uncle, Fanny's your Aunt where does the Fanny's your Aunt come from? BIG AND STORAGE FILLED WITH ALL MY DREAMS! They’ve left me with sweet Fanny Adams!”. Soon they started saying “Robert’s your mother’s brother” and “…and Fanny’s your aunt” as if the lid had been torn off a chest full of nonsensical pleasantries. a nice bit of scranny..... someone has told me that it could be a old english word for a tasty morsel: : of food... Any other info? However, the most likely direct origin appears to be a satirical swipe at A. J. Balfour’s promotion to Chief Secretary for Ireland by his uncle Lord Salisbury. The latter being a curious echo of another expression “my Aunt Fanny!” a statement of pure disbelief which works in much the same witheringly sarcastic way as “I DON’T think!” or “as if!”. voila!.An expression used at the end of instructions such as road directions, recipes and the like.One explanation of this curious phrase is its alleged use in Robert Peel's campaign for a seat in Parliament. To share this on Facebook click on the link below. HERE WE GO!". Scranny, Bob & Fanny. Contributor: Elisa Rolle (48982101) Daughter of Charles Benton Mease of Charleston, South Carolina and Sarah Matilda Graham of Boston, and wife of James Barrow, Jr. She was an author who initially wrote children's books, twenty five in all. In Reply to: Scranny posted by Bruce Kahl on October 11, 2000. : : In the phrase: Bob's Your Uncle, Fanny's your Aunt where does the Fanny's your Aunt come from? since I was very little. Similar to "there you are! And yet, these little social niceties are the ways in which we tell each other we’re being friendly. He was a 'law and order' man nicknamed Bob and 'uncle' was a term implying benefaction and protection: Vote for Bob - Bob's your Uncle! Mustard is so named because the condiment was originally made by making mustards seeds into a paste with must. I've heard people (in the U.S.) say "My Aunt Fanny" in response to hearing something that's not believable. Apparently she is going to get Custom Made! Lean, thin, bony, lank, meagre, gaunt, angular, skinny, emaciated, attenuated, scranny, scrawny. It’s fairly well known that the American use of the word “fanny” describes the backside, and the British use describes a lady’s, ah, frontside, a situation which brings a LOT of cross-cultural hilarity, especially around the item we’d call a bum-bag. : : i.e. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Don't like the size though. Simon: “I’m so sorry to hear your bag was stolen. 'Uncle' is British (as well as American) slang for 'pawnbroker,' and a pawnbroker is, presumably, a friend in need. This obvious act of nepotism was decried by many. This website does explain the origin of "Bob's your uncle" but I have heard this expression in conjunction with "and Fanny's your aunt." – user14237 Oct 27 '11 at 0:22 The saying then went (if this derivation can be believed): You ask for the job - he remembers your name - and 'Bob's your uncle!'." ... Post Jun 09, 2005 #2 2005-06-09T20:28. The point’s the same, something which should be there isn’t there, and it’s bloody annoying. Maybe. Dec 31, 2013. leafbladie. Although she reminds of al alternate version of EDI. It could be to do with Sir Robert Peel, who created the Metropolitan Police Force – known commonly as “bobbies” – and either campaigned using “Bob’s Your Uncle” as a (slightly creepy) slogan, or had a roguish nephew who was believed to have been kept from prison by his uncle. ", "Shock absorbers, useful but still too small...", "WHOO! [See Scrannel.] Susan, Fanny's your aunt did not originate from Pirates of the caribbean. BBC America's full episode service and you must have Of course, people being people, once they’ve got an expression to get their teeth into, they can’t even leave it there. By which it’s assumed she means “sweet f*** all,” although there’s some conjecture as to who Fanny Adams might be. It was often used to describe a girl when I was at school? It was the juice squeezed from grapes before it was made into wine. Your logic is once again infallible. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. that's it! Thin; lean; meager; scrawny; scrannel. So in a sense, even taking this scenic route around the houses is taking the Lord’s name in vain. She is widely known by her pen-name, "Aunt Fanny." Lord Salisbury’s first name being Robert, you see. Reply. Another educated guess at its derivation relates to the appointment in 1887 of Arthur Balfour as Chief Secretary for Ireland by the then Prime Minister Robert Cecil, Lord Salisbury, who happened to be Balfour's uncle. Dec 31, 2013. elek-tronikz Professional Digital Artist. This content is intended for mature audiences, It's been nearly 5 years..... eh. People do like to say common things in uncommon ways, just to show they’re human. And this is the root of a saying like “Bob’s your uncle,” which is a verbal dismount at the end of a set of instructions, the same way that people say “and there you have it” or “and you’re golden” or “and voila!”. : : Also what is the origin of the term scranny. The robot girl looks from that movie look great in your style! It's fun that even then, she had a decently sized booty! BOB'S YOUR UNCLE! What’s missing?” Being able to upgrade ourselves through science, the ultimate goal. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. Opinions are split as to where the expression came from. & Scot.] Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. Being able to upgrade ourselves through science, the ultimate goal. Let’s Hit Shoreditch’s Cafés. This browser is supported only in Windows 10 and above. - informal. It was often used to describe a girl when I was at school?