Once you've finished [L48. The Call of the Past] will then automatically pop up for you.
46+ Kaslow Once you reach level 46, go to Kaslow and the quest [L45. There is no "final boss room" to this dungeon, so you just need to kill the first three bosses for the Mission Order.
Old Siwa Island (OSI) is the fifth dungeon in the game, and you do not get an automatic quest for it. Old Siwa Island Grand Fantasia is a free to play MMORPG developed by X-Legend Entertainment and published by Aeria Games. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Find Babama] He will also give you an item called Ruby Ring so make sure you have at least one backpack space or you won't be able to accept the quest. Once you defeat Furuguru turn in the quest to Aquil and he'll give you another quest called [L48. This wikia is a collaborative resource for the game and is maintained by the contributions of the fans. All editors are welcome. Crisis of Siwa Island] which asks you to kill the first boss, Furuguru (X:303, Y: 424). Once you've completed the quest, turn it in to Aquil. Maps and Dungeons with Permanent EXP Boosts, https://grandfantasia.fandom.com/wiki/Grand_Fantasia_Wikia?oldid=310529. The Call of the Past] will then automatically pop up for you. Come join our community! Grand Fantasia Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community.
¡Explora Safael en compañía de tus leales compañeros, los Sprites, y enfréntate a las fuerzas del mal! This wikia is a collaborative resource for the game and is maintained by the contributions of the fans.
You will need items for this Main Quest, so make sure you have space/your sprite out.
Once you reach level 46, go to Kaslow and the quest [L45. Location Type
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
Find Babama] and talk to Apprentice Sage Babama he'll give you [L50. The game was released in 2009. Old Siwa Island (OSI) is the fifth dungeon in the game, and you do not get an automatic quest for it. This Main Quest is typically the same as the first four, save for the extra item you get from one of the NPCs. Grand Fantasia is a free to play MMORPG developed by X-Legend Entertainment and published by Aeria Games. Shadow Beneath the Falls] which requires you to kill Vice-Chief Fishman and collect Giant Fishman Gills from him. Grand Fantasia Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. Interestingly, Vice-Chief Fishman moves around and is not in just one set place.
He can typically be found anywhere from (X:294, Y:161) to (X:372, Y: 172).
The Main Quest technically gives the title [Grandbaron Liberator], but the Mission Order gives the title [Time Traveler] (Evade +7%, Defense -5%). Level You will need items for this Main Quest, so make sure you have space/your sprite out. The dungeon is located in Kaslow (X:277, Y:233). Once done, turn it back in to Ludaumann for the title [Grandbaron Liberator] (STR +1). Also talk to Little Boy Ludaumann to receive [L49. You do not need an item or mob kills to complete this quest. Un fascinante juego MMORPG en 3D de estilo anime totalmente gratis. The game was released in 2009. https://grandfantasia.fandom.com/wiki/Old_Siwa_Island?oldid=292475. The dungeon is located in Kaslow (X:277, Y:233). Connecting Maps
The quest requires you to talk to Drifter Weidor in Kaslow. Feel free to use our forums or chat room to discuss gameplay. None. If you give it to him however, he'll give you an item called Babama's Mace which you can wear or put in to your archive.
Normal Dungeon Download the game at Aeria Games. Once you turn the quest in to him you'll have to talk to him again and select "Touch the Time Compass in Weidor's hand" to go in to the dungeon for the rest of the quests. Set in an expansive and carefully crafted fantasy world, Grand Fantasia offers players a variety of innovative and engaging features, including: character and sprite customization, a branching class system, sprite crafting, an incredible menagerie of mounts, player-versus-player (PvP) combat, team-based battlefields, challenging dungeons, epic region and world bosses, a player statue feature, in-game bulletin boards, auction houses, a lover system, robust guild management and communication tools, and a host of quests (solo, party, and guild) that will entertain gamers of all play styles. The Grandbaron's Threat] which asks you to kill Ancient Grandbaron and collect Grandbaron's Weakened Soul from him. You can either give the item (Ruby Ring) Aquil gave you to Apprentice Sage Babama by selecting "Lost Ring" in his chat menu, or you can keep it for yourself.
Grand Fantasia is a Free to Download and Free to Play Online 3D anime themed MMORPG where players go on journeys with their Sprite companion battling the forces of darkness. Talk to Village Head Aquil (X:175, Y:422) for [L40.
46+ Kaslow Once you reach level 46, go to Kaslow and the quest [L45. There is no "final boss room" to this dungeon, so you just need to kill the first three bosses for the Mission Order.
Old Siwa Island (OSI) is the fifth dungeon in the game, and you do not get an automatic quest for it. Old Siwa Island Grand Fantasia is a free to play MMORPG developed by X-Legend Entertainment and published by Aeria Games. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Find Babama] He will also give you an item called Ruby Ring so make sure you have at least one backpack space or you won't be able to accept the quest. Once you defeat Furuguru turn in the quest to Aquil and he'll give you another quest called [L48. This wikia is a collaborative resource for the game and is maintained by the contributions of the fans. All editors are welcome. Crisis of Siwa Island] which asks you to kill the first boss, Furuguru (X:303, Y: 424). Once you've completed the quest, turn it in to Aquil. Maps and Dungeons with Permanent EXP Boosts, https://grandfantasia.fandom.com/wiki/Grand_Fantasia_Wikia?oldid=310529. The Call of the Past] will then automatically pop up for you. Come join our community! Grand Fantasia Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community.
¡Explora Safael en compañía de tus leales compañeros, los Sprites, y enfréntate a las fuerzas del mal! This wikia is a collaborative resource for the game and is maintained by the contributions of the fans.
You will need items for this Main Quest, so make sure you have space/your sprite out.
Once you reach level 46, go to Kaslow and the quest [L45. Location Type
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
Find Babama] and talk to Apprentice Sage Babama he'll give you [L50. The game was released in 2009. Old Siwa Island (OSI) is the fifth dungeon in the game, and you do not get an automatic quest for it. This Main Quest is typically the same as the first four, save for the extra item you get from one of the NPCs. Grand Fantasia is a free to play MMORPG developed by X-Legend Entertainment and published by Aeria Games. Shadow Beneath the Falls] which requires you to kill Vice-Chief Fishman and collect Giant Fishman Gills from him. Grand Fantasia Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. Interestingly, Vice-Chief Fishman moves around and is not in just one set place.
He can typically be found anywhere from (X:294, Y:161) to (X:372, Y: 172).
The Main Quest technically gives the title [Grandbaron Liberator], but the Mission Order gives the title [Time Traveler] (Evade +7%, Defense -5%). Level You will need items for this Main Quest, so make sure you have space/your sprite out. The dungeon is located in Kaslow (X:277, Y:233). Once done, turn it back in to Ludaumann for the title [Grandbaron Liberator] (STR +1). Also talk to Little Boy Ludaumann to receive [L49. You do not need an item or mob kills to complete this quest. Un fascinante juego MMORPG en 3D de estilo anime totalmente gratis. The game was released in 2009. https://grandfantasia.fandom.com/wiki/Old_Siwa_Island?oldid=292475. The dungeon is located in Kaslow (X:277, Y:233). Connecting Maps
The quest requires you to talk to Drifter Weidor in Kaslow. Feel free to use our forums or chat room to discuss gameplay. None. If you give it to him however, he'll give you an item called Babama's Mace which you can wear or put in to your archive.
Normal Dungeon Download the game at Aeria Games. Once you turn the quest in to him you'll have to talk to him again and select "Touch the Time Compass in Weidor's hand" to go in to the dungeon for the rest of the quests. Set in an expansive and carefully crafted fantasy world, Grand Fantasia offers players a variety of innovative and engaging features, including: character and sprite customization, a branching class system, sprite crafting, an incredible menagerie of mounts, player-versus-player (PvP) combat, team-based battlefields, challenging dungeons, epic region and world bosses, a player statue feature, in-game bulletin boards, auction houses, a lover system, robust guild management and communication tools, and a host of quests (solo, party, and guild) that will entertain gamers of all play styles. The Grandbaron's Threat] which asks you to kill Ancient Grandbaron and collect Grandbaron's Weakened Soul from him. You can either give the item (Ruby Ring) Aquil gave you to Apprentice Sage Babama by selecting "Lost Ring" in his chat menu, or you can keep it for yourself.
Grand Fantasia is a Free to Download and Free to Play Online 3D anime themed MMORPG where players go on journeys with their Sprite companion battling the forces of darkness. Talk to Village Head Aquil (X:175, Y:422) for [L40.