That’s it. With each step he will age by one year. The only flaw I’m seeing is that it is inconsistent with the story of Mido and Oh-Daesu. Knowing how they were forced together and programmed to do something that would break them psychologically, are the characters better off in the end or should they know the truth? I definitely do think the story is deeper than what it first appears to be on screen. ( Log Out /  i really need to ask u some questions. By Michael Cunningham Viva Asian film! Surely she must have had a different name or else he would immediately have thought of his child when he met her. I like your interpretation, find it’s very insightful. Does Google collect and store data about activity done on Incognito mode? he has a undergrad in philosophy. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Duuuuude. Since the puppet master lost everything he lived for (everything he loved), he no longer wanted to live knowing he had finally proved his point. In the end it seemed like the monster had left him and he got to go on living with Mido, no longer believing that they were father and daughter, more at peace with himself. I went back and watched the movie again, for probably the 3rd or 4th time. Maybe he felt like there was nothing in his life without her. She explains it's a one way trip. It really is one of the greatest films I’ve seen. Despite its purpose to the plot, I still felt this verse was a strange choice; primarily because it’s so ambiguous I can’t imagine how it would stand out to the filmmakers. Korea is making some amazing films right now. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Got his revenge for the puppet opening his mouth, and 2. It can’t be Lees sister, because she died. There a many scenes in the film that back this theory up and I encourage you to watch it again and look for them. Oh Dae-Su pauses, and very slowly repeats what the man just said, as if the words held some significance to him. He takes away his life because he would not find any more pleasure out of his revenge even though he wants Oh Dae to suffer more for his sister death or may his own after he dies and the hypnotist helps him out. Using our current understanding of science, is it possible for biologically plausible animals to be resistant to our current military weapons? “My Name, Oh Dae-Su, means getting through one day at a time. We are animals like all others on this planet, but we are gifted with a far greater intelligence than any other beings on earth. After they have sex, oh dae su drys Mido’s hair. I thought it was superb. I think Oh Dae-Su molested his daughter and his wife found out. How to claim an abandoned dwarven fortress? Hi! On Oh dae su’s part where he holds the other guy by his tie, it is just a side story maybe having parallel to the brother sister story…but neither is oh dae su interested in saving that guy from committing suicide and really thats not his problem, he has become to cold to even care about listening to his story and maybe in the end he feels that he should have saved that guy, so uses that guys line to convince the hypnotist knowing that however shitty the world maybe, n perverted…love still has a chance. Anyway, these interpretations are fabulous. Its very interesting to read everyone’s interpretation of the movie. This verse was chosen specifically just as the rest of the chapter is deliberately left unmentioned. This could be hypno-babble for, "walk 70 steps and you'll forget that your lover is your daughter" or you won't forget till you die at the age of 70. Has the second box with the photo album deceived Oh Dae Su already? He dint have the courage to face societies contempt for incestous relationships n this cowardice is what takes away the strength from her sister who may have been pregnant but can’t reveal the fathers identity. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. The realization that after all he had done to exact revenge, it didn't ease the pain of his first (and most likely only) love dying? The puppet master wanted revenge... By making the puppet fall in love and hence procreate with his own kin, he: 1. Are you saying that this opening scene means that the monster found him again, told him the story again, and thats why he kills himself? As this falls into place in his mind, he kills himself out of guilt. Also, did she really live in Sweden for ~15 years? I always interpreted that as: the man is gone, all that's left is the monster. Be the action as big as a rock or small as a grain of sand Lee Woo-jin makes no discrepancy between the two. The line they chose was "laugh and the world laughs with you, weep, and you weep alone". When he's found, he's lying in the snow several steps from the folding chair and as I recall, he looks older (might just be the snow). Remember when he the monster had to take 70 steps and then he will die a peaceful death? What a lot of people seem to overlook in the ending is that is the very same hypnotist used to put Oh Dae-Su's suffering in motion by someone with insane patience and calculation. Not being a very helpful member of society. I’m very interested in your thoughts on this movie, as well as others’. Create a free website or blog at It is just as you said a parallel scene that the director uses to enhance the story telling. This is a typical act between a father and daughter. In my interpretation of the film i believe the most important quote, that is repeated throughout the film, is that of ” be it a grain of sand or a rock, in water they sink the same”. However it's been a while since I watched the film, so I'm not sure. To let the viewer know that we were left with the one that walked away....aka "The Monster", Creating new Help Center documents for Review queues: Project overview, Explanation of the ending of “It Follows”. In your interpretation you said that Lee Woo-jin’s revenge seemed way too extreme to dish out on someone such as Oh Dae-Su as he had done something seemingly so minor. Or does he still know that she is his daughter? I’ve heard that violet is related to spirituality or serenity but I can’t quite piece it together. Interesting interpretation, but I do think you should’ve gone deeper on your knowledge of Korea and it’s culture. @coleopterist - I agree, I don't know why it was deleted. She says to him: ‘look at that tree… It’s slowly changing into a concrete pillar. It’s just that I found your analysis on the movie quite interesting and wanted to hear your opinions more. Similarly I think a suggestion to meet that hypnotist had been added to his sub-conscious mind. She can only go backwards in sequence. I thought he cut out his tongue because it was what he had used on his daughter., My Journey Into Aokigahara Jukai (青木ヶ原 樹海) - The Suicide Forest, The Chord Guide: Pt III – Chord Progressions. Lee Woo-jin’s intricate plan of revenge seemed way too extreme to dish out on someone such as Oh Dae-Su, who was guilty of nothing except behaving like any teenage boy would have done in his circumstances. Why is WooJin so concerned about his suit in the penthouse? In my opinion, and I think the director intended for the film to be open to interpretation, Mido is not his daughter. It kinda seems far fetched but since he already made Oh Dae pay so much for a mistake by a teenager it is possible that he would relate his suicide also so directly with Oh Dae that now he wants him to suffer more (this time for his death). That is why he could kill himself, but why he actually did it was to find peace. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! What’s even more interesting is that this take on it is much more relatable to people than the, “plotline.” It seems like you put your own experiences into this interpretation and I like that about it. If that's so with hypnosis again (I don't own the DVD, can't check), I think it should be open to interpretation for the viewer what Oh knows at the end. and gathers its food at harvest.”, These I find especially interesting since ants are used in sequences of hallucinations. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Yeah I’ve been informed about the name structure, I should probably change it… that part of the analysis was a rookie error on my part! I’m not sure what parts exactly you’re referring to, but I assume the eating live octopus part making Oh Dae-Su a monster is one of them. I thought he cut out the tongue so that the antagonist would not tell Mi-do. But in the process, he (I can't remember his name) is reminded that he couldn't stand the rumors, so he killed her. Thanks for sharing! It is based on the Japanese manga of the same name written by Garon Tsuchiya and illustrated by Nobuaki Minegishi. Park has a doctorate in Psychology. This traumatic experience leads Lee Woo-jin to blame Oh Dae-Su, which forms the motive for why he imprisoned him for 15 years. ( Log Out /  I never thought about it that way, but that’s a very interesting point. So I started writing frantically, desperate to catch my train of thought before it left the station. This interpretation came to me like a vision after I had watched the film and struggled to fall asleep. They don’t put the whole animal in their mouths like the way Oh Dae Su does. The movie holds a 80% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes out of 127 reviews and Roger Ebert called it ‘a powerful film not because of what it depicts, but because of the depths  of the human heart which is strips bare.’ Spike Lee is also planning on making a joint out of it, so be sure to watch it before he does. She does an odd expression… I’m not sure but all the clocks indicate different times and the set, the sound of the clocks is disorientating Mido and us, the spectators. If you count the footprints from the chair to the scene where dae su fell down, it was exactly 70. Oh Dae-Su tells the man his story, which is presumably one of being contained and locked up for 15 years. But since in the last scene the hypnotist says that there isn’t much reason for her to help him so I think it was Oh Dae who had asked her for the meeting but nevertheless the hypnotist could have made her presence felt in a way that Oh Dae reached out to her. Oldboy is a 2013 American neo-noir action thriller film directed by Spike Lee and with a screenplay by Mark Protosevich. Oh Dae-Su keeps creating (rationalizing) a story that allows him to explain his current situation (i.e. For starters, the clock store scene where Mido asks about oh daesu’s daughter’s whereabouts is a mystery. I know I just gave a possible answer but it still doesn't satisfy me. Woo-jin also says that it wasn’t his ‘dick’ that got his sister pregnant, it was Oh Dae-su’s tongue. The revenge masterpiece starts with Oh Dae-Su on a rooftop, hanging tightly onto a man’s tie while he’s teetering off the edge of the building, the man is terrified as Oh Dae-Su glares at him menacingly saying ‘I want to tell you my story’. So cool how people can keep seeing new things in it. I think the story has to be taken as is, don’t forget the starting scene where oh dae su was abducted etc. Maybe even in such a way that it kinda stays permanently in his mind and that he even forgets that hypnotism is a way out and only remembers that he has had a relationship of incest with his own daughter. Very well thought out, adds another layer to the movie. Interesting read though! Does Tremorsense allow Attacks of Opportunity while Blinded? So the basic premise of the film is that a girl goes back in time to prevent a civil war that happens in the future. Oldboy 4.5 stars ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 24th January 2017 by Sarah Cartland Leave a Comment “Seeking revenge is the best cure for someone who’s been hurt”, says the captor of Oh Dae-su, a man who has been held for 15 years in a grimy hotel room, and this is a … Like it didn’t seem very justified to me, but your interpretation could work although what James points out is kinda valid, like is Mido another part of his internal realm? Can someone please explain this?