An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. It took me a few readings to even figure out what exactly Mushnick was so riled up about, but here’s the deal: He’s mad that ESPN showed pre-game footage of the Michigan-Michigan State game that included some jawing between the players; he’s mad about kids these days; he’s mad about hurricane Florence; he’s mad that ESPN uses graphics that are too colorful because he can’t understand them; but most of all, he’s mad because he’s a hateful, prejudiced hack who probably feels aggrieved that he can’t say the n-word out in the open anymore and consequently seizes any and all openings to barf up Jim-Crow era stereotypes about black people. Without professional wrestling I would not have been able to discover my writing talents and journalistic abilities, which is why I have to defend professional wrestling whenever I see it being slandered. The 1000th episode of weekly TV show RAW. Eric also hosted Pro Wrestling Radio on terrestrial radio from 1998-2009. According to Cole, the plan was that if his name came up, Vince would point him out, and then announce the settlement in a dramatic televised gesture. Horse Evolved from Strange Sheep-Sized Animal... Linda McMahon, the former Trump administration official who now runs President Donald Trump's biggest super PAC, presided over a child-sexual-abuse scandal in the 1990s, an Insider investigation has found. Bruce Prichard has come home. Meltzer confirmed to Insider that this was an accurate account of his call with McMahon. He is best recognized as the sports columnist for the ‘New York Post’. In his statement on behalf of the WWE, attorney McDevitt acknowledged that Cole alleged that Joyal "made an unwanted solicitation twice, once when Tom Cole was 19, which is not exactly a child's age.". Articles from the Camel Clutch Blog have been featured by some of the world's most respected websites including;,, Yahoo News, Business Insider, MSNBC,, and more. He is best recognized as the sports columnist for the ‘New York Post’. It’s a tough task, as people look down on it and I can’t understand why. The exiled former WWE executive has returned to a... Roman Reigns returns to WWE RAW tonight to make a big announcement. Phillips, Loss said, chastised him by stepping on his toe "really hard." New York Post sportswriter Phil Mushnick has once again taken aim at WWE and company chief Vince McMahon over the staggering number of wrestlers to have died before the age of 45. It's a playbook that others have used to some effect. I love professional wrestling and will always support it, which is why it angered me when I saw a column from Phil Mushnick of the NY Post. The opportunity of a lifetime is a terrible thing to waste. This is a friendly letter and would like to encourage wrestling fans of all types to spread the word and support the sport you love the best. As Mushnick remembered it, McMahon responded "that's his guy, but he has his parents' permission." Wrestling fans know that WWE has many dark stories in its past — the best known being the death of Owen Hart in an in-ring accident, the steroid scandal that begat the federal conspiracy trial (and acquittal) of Vince McMahon in 1994, and the Chris Benoit murder-suicide. Your job as a journalist is to educate people, not slander others for your personal benefit. I don't want to tell you anything anymore.' This is a friendly letter and would like to encourage wrestling fans of all types to spread the word and support the sport you love the best. ESPN also posted a large graphic that was covered — covered — with multi-colored dots. Of individuals who appeared on RAW as a wrestler, manager or referee and died before the age of 45, the list includes the following 28 names: Additionally, of individuals who competed on RAW and died between the ages of 46 and 50, the list includes the following names: “Dr. Linda McMahon speaks at a news briefing at the White House on Wednesday, Oct. 03, 2018 in Washington, DC. A 1993 memo from the Behavioral Sciences Unit indicates that the FBI had acquired a videotape of Phillips "wrestling" with minors but that the tape, shot in public, "contained no obvious sexual activity.". I just want to work. ". Cole said. He is best recognized as the sports columnist for the ‘New York Post’. The CCB is a great outlet for your blogging or a great way to promote your own site, blog, and/or podcast through Guest Blogging. Nor did he address Mushnick and Meltzer's claims that Vince McMahon told them he was aware of allegations against Phillips as early as 1988. He quipped in his column Sunday, “A former WWF/WWE content man wonders if, in the upcoming 1,000th episode of Raw, Vince McMahon will present a roll call of WWF/WWE TV performers who didn’t live past 45. Also, he is quite famous for having published criticizing articles against WWE federation. The NY Post’s Phil Mushnick, long a critic of Vince McMahon, tackles the issue for what he says is the last time, in his column today. He described claims that the McMahons knew about the accusations while continuing to work with Phillips as "outlandish" and "classic libel. Eric has worked in the pro wrestling industry since 1995 as a ring announcer in ECW and a commentator/host on television, PPV, and home video. (Lee, in an interview with Insider, said the arrest stemmed from a paperwork error; court records show that his probation was discharged just three days after his arrest). Unfortunately, his wiki page doesn’t provide us with information about his date of birth. Wrestling isn’t perfect but neither is baseball, MMA, Boxing, Football, Hockey, or any other sport that’s out there. Jim Cornette's "opinion" for the week took shots at New York Post columnist Phil Mushnick, a man known for his negative perception of pro wrestling. Both sides moved jointly for a dismissal in 2001, likely indicating a settlement. Grab discounted WWE DVDs, merchandise, t -shirts, figures, and more from the WWE Shop on Is his editor the ghost of Rudyard Kipling? The Camel Clutch Blog is proud to have featured over 50 guest bloggers and contributors since its inception. The Department of Justice and a federal grand jury were then both investigating WWE, and Cole has alleged that the McMahons were using him to gain insight into the investigation. In the course of his career, he has earned a considerable amount of money. Joyal died in 1998. I work for two radio stations and have been published in several papers in my area. A former friend of his, the wrestling writer Mike Sawyer, wrote a letter about the ring-boy scandal to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter in March 2004 in which he said Loss had been "contacted by the WWF after his name got out.". Wrestling made me who I am today and I will do whatever I can to defend it. ", The scandal first broke in 1992 when two accusers, a pair of ring boys from New York state named Tom Cole and Chris Loss, went public to The San Diego Union-Tribune. "McMahon told me that it was his great regard for children, his own personal regard for children, that made him get rid of Mel Phillips," Mushnick said in the deposition. Breaking: Phil Mushnick hates everyone on WFAN. He is an American professional wrestling promoter and executive, American football executive, and businessman. The former top WWE star Bruno Sammartino, who died in April 2018, told the magazine that "Vince McMahon was told about the in­cident, and he elected not to do any­thing." Times Internet Limited. Phillips died in 2012. Cole also leveled accusations against another WWE employee, Terry Joyal, then the vice president of operations, who was Phillips' supervisor and had previously wrestled under the name Terry Garvin. Wrestling has had a very positive influence on me. As someone who has been affected positively by the wrestling business, I wanted to post an open letter to Phil Mushnick in defense of professional wrestling and his claims. All rights reserved.For reprint rights. The draft complaint accuses Joyal of harassing Cole twice — first when the boy was 16 and again when he was 19 — by asking Cole to "engage in immediate sexual activity with him." After reading your column on the NY post website, I felt I had to respond on behalf of wrestling fans everywhere. Do you have a passion for blogging? CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Other ring boys described similar behavior.)