The breeder informed me that the drivers would not take the puppy’s food. A waybill is a document issued by a carrier giving details and instructions relating to the shipment of a consignment of goods.Typically it will show the names of the consignor and consignee, the point of origin of the consignment, its destination, and route.Most freight forwarders and trucking companies use an in-house waybill called a house bill. I’ll be sharing this in every social media outlet and the better Business bureau. If your puppy will grow to 55 pounds or more, you may need a smaller crate for the first few months and then transition to a larger crate as your puppy grows. Our services include shipping pets domestically or internationally. This is the third day since we’ve got him, and I’ve already had to spend over $6000 for treatment and hospitalization because he was given to me with parvo, pneumonia, and parasites as well. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, "What is a waybill? When she was delivered, she had been sitting in her feces for the 24 hours it took to drive her from Missouri to Arizona. When she was delivered, she had been sitting in her feces for the 24 hours it took to drive her from Missouri to Arizona. Shadiest part is the breeder knew precisely what she was doing sending the puppy through Puppy Travelers, but wouldn’t give me the name of this company until the puppy had left. The paperwork was not even close to being remotely paperwork for my puppy. Vet visits just within the first few days cost me $600. Do your puppy or dog a favor as they will be the ones to suffer. If you ever buy a dog from a breeder or anyone selling dogs and they are transporting via Puppy Travelers, do not go through with it, there are many articles about this Puppy Travelers stating the horrible condition the puppies are transported in. This may feel like short notice, but we do this to make sure your puppy is healthy before arriving home to you by seeing a licensed veterinarian a few days prior. She’s got a side eye that rivals mine. Just like human air travel, puppies’ planes can be delayed or arrive early. What horrible…Puppy Travelers. That dog will learn something even quicker than you think you’re teaching it to them but they also will know how to get one over on you if you slack up. Find a TRUSTED transporter if you’re looking for air or ground transportation. waybill.pdf: File Size: 2002 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. I am sorry for these owners who’s pups didn’t make it. At least carry the dog as you care. Here, at Puppy Travelers, we are committed to continuously improving every aspect of our business to provide the best full service transportation in our industry., Petland Reviews | One-Star | Yelp | 2020. She finally arrived home today  In an Urn. Puppy Travelers does not take any care of their puppies whatsoever. I also wished I had started crate training earlier because I let her sleep with me for the first few weeks and ended up having to wash the sheets every night. If your dog was on the same truck and has had medical problems, please contact me. Let’s all get is act together. If you would like to write an article for the Hub please contact us - we would love to hear from you! Choose editable waybill, which is in a Microsoft Word (.doc) format. Typically it will show the names of the consignor and consignee, the point of origin of the consignment, its destination, and route. Under s.1(3) of the Act, a sea waybill is: "any document which is not a bill of lading but is such a receipt for goods as contains a contract for the carriage of goods by sea; and identifies the person to whom delivery of the goods is to be made by the carrier in accordance with that contract". I found out when I texted him letting him know I was at our designated place to meet and that I am early and will wait for his arrival. On the topic of working as a dog owner, if you will be at work all day and don’t have anyone to check on the dog it’s important to get someone. Won’t eat or drink. Are sick ‘puppy mill’ dogs being disguised as rescues to sidestep new California law? She had non stop diarrhea and after a $350 vet visit, she had contracted two parasites, the vet suggested most likely from sitting and possibly ingesting her feces during that time frame — an absolute disgusting company with no care in the world about animals. When we arrived home, she drank water non-stop and was very dehydrated. If I could give less than one star, I would. I recently got a puppy and he was sent to me through Puppy Travelers. Please read and do what you can. Puppy Travelers is going DOWN! While our team will try our best to keep you posted on your little one’s arrival, we recommend calling the airline with your air waybill number handy to check for delays or cancellations before leaving for the airport. Advice for Juggling Motherhood While Traveling, Tips for Sharing a Rental With Other Healthcare Travelers. It’s obvious there’s an epidemic here with the van that’s transporting our puppies. Our puppy was transported via puppy travelers. He’s in a Vet Hospital diagnosed with Parvo and  Giardia. The puppy was EXTREMELY thirsty as if he did not have any water during the trip. Although I was hesitant to enforce the crate training because I felt bad, after months of just letting her have the run of the bathroom while I was at work, even with a dog walker, I wished I had just crate trained her from the beginning. Regardless of the breed, owning a dog of any age while living the crazy travel healthcare life can be a bit intimidating to navigate. She’s brave, sassy, protective, loyal, and not afraid to speak her mind. [2], Most airlines use a different form called an air waybill which lists additional items such as airport of destination, flight number, and time.[3]. Office #: (417) -451-2252 : Home Services Booking Photos/Testimonials Contact Us Pricing Q & A ***Now serving areas of South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia! I will not be able to handle it well. We are so heartbroken. “This is not a Gypsy toy… THIS is a Gypsy toy.”, “Listen, I know you don’t like it but that’s the rule.”, “Well… I needed a new one of those anyway,”. I would avoid Puppy Travelers like the plague if I were you. So, that tells me there is a possibility after being on their truck for over 24 hours; the puppy did not eat as what were they feeding the puppy. I received a text back indicating “Oh I am sorry, I didn’t let you know, I am running over an hour late.” Not acceptable and not professional. All rights reserved. Who wants in? Has anyone done anything to resolve this issue? Create Booking. It was horrible, horrible, horrible! Some sentences people may have heard me utter over the last 5 months…. Please contact us BEFORE MONDAY to book your animal(s) for transport. Note: the UK's Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 does NOT apply to contracts for the carriage of goods by sea. Stench is a better description. If you’ve never been around a herding dog just know that they are most likely smarter than you. Derek lathered her in the baby powder before handing her over and carried her out of the van holding her as if she didn’t have a heartbeat. Puppy Laundering Scheme Violates California State Law, Now I’m reading about so many other owners of puppies with the same issues of their puppies dying? The main content of these reviews has not been edited; however, we did fix spelling and grammatical errors and replaced Company with Puppy Travellers LLC. Owning an intelligent breed dog is both a blessing and a curse. 3 Copies of the Health Certificate must accompany shipment. It took weeks to get my puppy to become normal again. Now, about the driver, the driver did not communicate to me; he was going to be over an hour late. But it’s an incredible time and energy commitment. I said “yeah yeah I got it.” And I did it anyway (shocker). It turned out being ALOT more work than I anticipated. She started a blog to document each contract and all my shenanigans of her travels… [1], A waybill is similar to that of a courier's receipt, which contains the details of the consignor and the consignee and the point of origin and the destination. The breeder had supplied a bag of dog food the puppy was on, toy, a bag of treats, coupons and all of the puppy’s paperwork. Most freight forwarders and trucking companies use an in-house waybill called a house bill. There were times I declined invitations to hang out with coworkers in the evenings because I knew she had been in the crate for most of the day and I didn’t feel right coming home to let her out just to put her back in it again. Zero compassion. Well, the puppy arrived and was handed to me with the wrong paperwork. Puppy Travel is the expert in pet travel. I suggest at least a week to spend with the dog, more if you can.