Divide the students into groups of three and give each student a question prompt card. The definite article can refer to …, Tips for learning English grammar! Learn how to form tag questions in English with useful grammar rules, video, example sentences and ESL printable worksheets. 4 0 obj We use falling intonation on question tags when we are checking information and we expect the listener to agree. Question tags - Test - Answers - page 1. englisch-hilfen.de – LEARNING ENGLISH ONLINE B - Choose the correct question tag. We treat statements with these words like negative statements, so the question tag is normally positive. To form the two-word tag questions, you must follow the rules below: The adverbs never, seldom, hardly, rarely, … have a negative sense. Here is an intriguing tags questions speaking activity that helps students to practice mixed question and answer forms and tag questions. Learn how to use Reported Commands and …, Between vs Among! ESL Tag Questions 3 4. Sounds pretty simple, right? What is a helping verb? For ESL learners. There is a mosque in that street, isn’t there. 3) Jack can write good poems, a) can he? This is a free multiple-choice quiz that you can do online or print out. We use the verb form are/aren’t I when the subject is the first person singular. It is a common practice in conversation to make a statement and ask for confirmation at the end of it. We use shall we after sentences with Let’s. Give each group the sentence halves (which you have cut into strips prior to … They mean something like: “Are you okay?” or “Do you think so?” They are very common in English. If there is an auxiliary verb (be, have, do, is, etc.) %��������� b) isn't it? We use the pronoun they in question tags after statements with nobody/no one, somebody/someone, everybody/everyone as the subject. Sometimes question tags are used with imperatives (invitations, orders), but the sentence remains an imperative and does not require a direct answer. To form the two-word tag questions, you must follow the rules below: The subject in the statement matches the subject in the tag. @M�+�yǒM�Y J����D�2QPHf�X*�|��נ�U+�z��u۫:y�R�`��Z/t����0��b ��/���w��0��}���%�Ϟ�_^���;:�z]��0�Kp*�n���݀;�`R�2t�{&)F��b܄�:'yC~���cM��Oah�`5}����M�����o�Eĭ/�h�x! Tag Questions Quiz – 1 (Advanced Level) with Answers (Online) A tag question is a small question at the end of a statement. Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. [b/(z�uJ��z�v�����I(c�ىD�ِAY�ƶ����[. ), Reading Comprehension: Concepts and Strategies, Critical Reasoning: Concepts and Practice. ; Examples: Learn useful …, Future Tense! uU�S�ڪ*G� ����Z��m*��=aB�M@��t���R춬f��U��V��c� P��J'r~� af����M671�?��c�)��'.��#K@�m^a��}�l���QQJ?��� iY�k�t8}}d�ι �r}�mc�5�(��n\������ܱv�Sc_���h[ �����t�ѭ{����f���T�����ɺ�n�`!ݠ#����nV(�(!$Ck��>3Zdېkg�]p~� a�_���&��$ho&��4sɐӝ��R�v1Ԍl\�����Z�+�J̬]͠��y�=.e�9d��ϓ� /(�஢���BB� qR\ƇQp’��Y���� �,H2�0���M9��wsj9�V�����F�g��O�f0���I���#0v�RB(I��a,8�����633P��K��o�Odt�2��ᕄW�?�%�!��g�[�Q_]0��qı�bL���U�;�!�R��r�>��J2�N�X�`��`~*��/���؁�Yp�~�׸T�O�j�5#�����y�J��+��o�ѳ��C&f������H�B�(��fD�L�Ig��f����&�E��4������z��O��$������tUf;#c�}�� VfUO+�S��HĎ�l0���މG�/bo��k���@���G4U�D����U�� ����UcG�i�V�dT�r*ue���[*-s�o��B/�y�t&7m�{�H@E�j0��:�#Mg�d�*�t�^U]�K9�4.�Ä����^�P;��YAj��uX����)6�mJ�C�E��GX�ZT>|D%=�HH���o�(lC���F�gwN�h-Ul����]E��m5�zkeG�IH=��_m��D�z��{HȢ�[`!���2���B���m�՝mX�蚒��u����,d^J����dfe���t�™2�������̶.���p�ҏ��',n��2Jp�k���CGM~�ƚ�]�{h�s�r�9�3S"�3]�T U��s�:��œ|j )���C�+�A�}_�H$mӹqLI$�u^o���9]���y��=�� ��Lta�ص�( ��ka�Ŏ��U��K�� %PDF-1.3 Question Tags Exercises 2. Similarly, if there is a modal verb (could, can, should, etc.) Question Tags! Learn the Difference between BETWEEN and AMONG …, There are various types of nouns within the English language, …, What is an interrogative sentence? Copyright © Hit Bullseye 2020 | All Rights Reserved, Advanced Grammar (Subject-Object, Participles, etc. During conversation it is common to make a statement and then ask for confirmation. Explain the usage of question tags to students and when they are more preferable than direct questions. It may also be used to evoke a reply from the person you are speaking to. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar! The …, Future Continuous Tense! b) haven't they? If the statement is positive, the tag is usually negative and. The pattern followed by a positive question tag is: In case, the main part of the sentence doesn’t contain an auxiliary verb, the question tag is constructed with the relevant form of ‘do’. The subject in the statement matches the subject in the tag. Download this exercise in PDF here. That’s because it is. An example of this would be the statement ‘you don’t eat meat.’ By adding a question tag, you turn it into a question ‘you don’t eat meat, do you?’. Question tags are short questions used at the end of the statements to confirm if the statement is true or not. The subject of a question tag is always a. :: page Default Learn the four future tenses in English with useful …, Auxiliary Verbs (Helping Verbs)! Here comes the role of, Question tags are short questions used at the end of the statements to confirm if the statement is true or not. Just because nobody taught you …. stream b) Question Tags Exercise 1. ; If the statement is positive, the tag is usually negative and vice versa. is called a question tag. E.g. ; Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal verb … Exercise on Question Tags :: Learn English online - free exercises, explanations, games, teaching materials and plenty of information on English language. There are certain peculiarities in the usage of question tags that doesn’t follow the above mentioned rules. If the main sentence is negative, the question tag should be positive. Examples: Learn about the basics of question tags and rules for their correct usage. in the main sentence, the question tag is also constructed with the same modal verb. We can use affirmative tag questions after affirmative sentences to express a reaction such as surprise or interest. What is (‘) called? Question tags are short questions at the end of statements. The question is a classic ESL problem. It may also be used to evoke a reply from the person you are speaking to. in the main sentence, the question tag also contains the same auxiliary verb. When we use the there… structure, there is reflected in the tag. Need more practice? In the activity, students ask and answer questions and then check how much information they remember by asking tag questions. Check how to make question tags here. Divide students into groups of 3 - 4 and have them complete the gap-fill exercise. When the subject is this, we use it in the tag question. Welcome! Question Tag: Definition, Rules and Examples of Tag Questions, Articles with Countable & Uncountable Nouns, Quantifiers with Countable & Uncountable Nouns, Nouns that Can Be Countable or Uncountable: Useful List & Examples, Time Adverbs Used with the Present Perfect, Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous, Future Tense: Definition, Rules and Examples of …, Auxiliary Verb: Definition, List and Examples of …, Future Continuous Tense: Definition, Rules and Useful …, Reported Commands and Requests in English, BETWEEN vs AMONG: Difference between BETWEEN & …, Proper Noun: Definition, Rules and Examples of …, Interrogative Sentence: Definition and Examples of Interrogative …, When to Use “THE”: The Definite Article …, How to Learn English Grammar with Simple …. QUESTION!TAGS!!! Tag Questions exercises with answers for ESL teachers and students: Subject Explanations: Question Tags Drag and Drop Exercises: Question Tags Worksheets 1 Question Tags Worksheets 2 Question Tags Worksheets 3 More Exercises: 1. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Exercise!1:!2–!didthey,!3!–!wouldn’t!you,!4!–!haven’t!I,!5!–!shall!we,!6!–!could!it,!7!–!didn’t!they,!8!–! Statements with Nothing/Something/Everything as the subject. In this section, we are going to …, Reported Commands and Requests! In this article, you will …, The Definite Article THE! Question tags are used in a number of ways: negative or positive, with or without auxiliary verb, with modal verb, etc. We use question tags at the end of statements to ask for confirmation. Online quiz to test your understanding of English tag questions. We use won’t you for invitations, and can you/can’t you/will you/would you for orders. For example, in the sentence ‘It is very hot, isn’t it?’ we make a statement and then ask for confirmation. Most language answer either '(positive response word)' to signal that the implied answer is correct, or '(negative response word)' when it's incorrect.English expects an answer of the form 'Yes, it is' or 'No, it isn't', the first word matching the following phrase in negativity rather than telling you you are correct or not. They are mainly used in speech when we want to: confirm that something is true or not, or ; to encourage a reply from the person we are speaking to. We use rising intonation to ask a real question, when we are unsure whether the statement is true or not, or when asking for information and making requests. Let’s make this quiz and look your Grammar Level.Choose the correct answer. KEY! A question tag is something which can turn a statement into a question. When the subject is nothing/something, we use it in the tag question. 2) They have finished their homework, a) have they? Question Tags Exercise 4 5. The auxiliary verb or verb to be in the statement matches the verb used in the tag. 1) York is in England, a) is it? The subject of a question tag is always a pronoun. In this section, we are going to be taking a closer look at what question tags are and how they can be used, allowing you to be more confident in using them yourself. x�[��6��BY��/����-�� ���7���M`h���s$��k[־�!��n��{t�ѕ��z�~T�6��A�Q���k�g�ou���Vw�Ue���C��������ؖS7M���������Vus{�q�V�oou��V�WQ��Ӎ�Q����G�Q��7���0|�Ue��O�8�*wM^�H6~����1�;w_t?C��Oo��������> .��������Џ2����x]��b�˳�cs�+Å3�Ǩ�c=\a��wKuS��8N��ņ����:F�Z�?��^WM��M�j� C�s{�vc�>�w�m˦�p�CPt�f����r�O?ٴ������%��nҺ���fߤw����r�����\fr ?s���Oi�E��zʶ��䛏�Uݕ],6M I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Here the later part (isn’t it?) Statements with Nobody/No one, Somebody/Someone, Everybody/Everyone as the subject. Question Tags Exercise 2 3. Question tags are used when asking for agreement or confirmation. He eats fish, doesn’t he? What is an apostrophe?