Oh, and blood. As opposed to the list of PS2 emulated games, the list of PS3 game titles are accessible through PlayStation Now has new additions pretty much every month. Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy (playstationnetwork.com/terms-of-service & playstationnetwork.com/privacy-policy). 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ForeverKillzone[/su_column], [su_column]Killzone 2Killzone 3Knytt Underground[/su_column][/su_row], [su_row][su_column]Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild WestLeague BowlingLearning With The Pooyoos: Episode 1LegasistaLego Batman 2: DC Super HeroesLego Batman: The VideogameLego Harry Potter: Years 1-4Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7[/su_column], [su_column]LemmingsLinger In ShadowsLocoRoco CocorecchoLone SurvivorLost Planet 2Lost Planet 3Lost Planet: Extreme ConditionLumines Supernova[/su_column][/su_row], [su_row][su_column]MachinariumMadagascar 3: The Video GameMafia 2Magician LordMagic OrbzMagrunner: Dark PulseMagusMahjong Tales: Ancient WisdomMamorukun CurseMars: War LogsMass Effect 2Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and BeyondMega Man 10Mega Man 9Mercury Hg[/su_column], [su_column]Metal SlugMetal Slug 2Metro: Last LightMirror’s EdgeMortal Kombat Komplete EditionMotoGP 13Motorcycle ClubMotorStorm: ApocalypseMotorstorm RCMouseCraftMX vs. ATV: AliveMX vs. ATV: ReflexMX vs. ATV: SupercrossMX vs. ATV: 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I dont even remember how much Blitz cost but I would lay down $25-30 for a game with 20 new songs. ROMs » Sony Playstation 2 » B » Blitz - The League. blitz was one of my favorite games on 360, and at the top of my list for backwards compatibility support on xbox one, because i haven't had one since launch of the xbox one. Many have compared the payment system to Netflix. i was so addicted to blitz. Sony could have invested into making the complex emulator for PS3 to be more customer-friendly, but instead, they made a costly service for their most hardcore fans who understandably expected more. 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