Human translations with examples: mama killa, renowned town. They can also be kept together with calm fish and other aquarium inhabitants. Quality: mey be seen as a remake of "The Quill". Warning: This alignment may be wrong.Please delete it you feel so. Usage Frequency: 1 Translate Maquillo. Save up to R900 on textbooks, save R1000+ on cell phones, laptops and much more. Last Update: 2018-02-13 Suggest a better translation Quality: Last Update: 2014-12-09 Click Here for Premium Dictionary Preview meksikanska salsa (2), Ricette Spezzatino (1), Tortillas di farina (1), Resep masakan mexico chimicanga (1), Punteggio di cibo 墨西哥 辣 Sichuan (1), Ricette pepe Messico (1), ricette di piatti/taco messicano minestra (1), Suppe Oppskrifter (1), ricetta quille chili (1), Ricette di zuppa fagioli Messico (1), ricetta del peperoncino rosso verde con tomatillos (1), Tortilla in Messico (1), Enchilada receptes (1), sopes messicano (28), Ricette di pollo piatto Messico (2), burrito na Recept (1), CHIMICHANGA resepti (5), ricetta dessert mexicansk (1), rece ispanico gratis[IES (1), Gratis ricette messicane (414), fajitas食譜 (1), טאמאלס מתכון (3), 容易菜 (1), lasagna med kummin (1), free authentic mexican recipes carnitas (1), free mexican pork recipes (1), リフライドビーンズ レシピ (1), Vegetarian sopes recipe (1), recepty na guakamole (1), Resep quesadillas carnitas (1), 墨西哥豬排 食譜 (1), tamale oppskrift (1), 玉米麵粉食譜 (1), meksikanska vistiena (2), meksikanska salsa (2), 燉菜 食譜 (1), 麵粉玉米餅 (1), Resep masakan mexico chimicanga (1), 墨西哥辣椒食譜 (1), 墨西哥辣椒 食譜 (1). Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Buy and sell second hand items within the safety and convenience of your university campus. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. Anzi, a grandi linee M.A.C. La prima partenza, che sarà realizzata con la nave Huanghai Glory, prevede scali a Bayuquan, Xingang, Dalian, Shanghai, Kaohsiung, Punta Quilla, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Vitoria and Suape. Suggest a better translation Quality: Warning: Contains invisible HTML formatting. Usage Frequency: 2 At night, long rows of devotees went to her temples that were totally of silver, to worship and revere her. Last Update: 2018-02-13 Luise Rau > Cello Max Renne > Klavier / Celesta Ursula Weiler > Leitung Justus Loges > Erzähler. Ai suoi tempii, che erano totalmente di argento, concorrevano di notte i fedeli in lunghe file per rendere culto e riverirla. English Translation, Synonyms, Definitions and Usage Examples of Spanish Word 'quillo' Take a look at what you can get upgrading to our Premium Dictionary for a very low fee. Quality: The male aspect, symbolized by the Sun, was completed by the female worship of the goddess Mama-Quilla or Coya, the Moon.