In addition, there are both the Sri Lankan and Burmese star tortoises. Finally searching where to buy a tortoise? Lastly, the larger species have a larger quantity of eggs, hence the sometimes cheaper prices. Staff were great at answering questions & picking out/sending exactly what we wanted. We have been specializing in captive bred reptiles for sale for over 2 decades. Whether you’re looking for a captive bred baby tortoise or well-started baby tortoise for sale, The Turtle store is your place for over 25 species of baby tortoise for sale shipped overnight. The teacher commented on how informative the presentation was . With decades of combined tortoise breeding, our tortoise farm staff are here to answer any care related questions you may have, for the entire life of your tortoise! the turtle store gladly provides support and will happily answer questions regarding care. We maintain one of the largest selections for sale anywhere in the world. Will Definitely Be A Returning Customer! I purchased a male and female RussianTortoises. Here you are able to order snakes for sale, frogs for sale, reptiles for sale, turtles for sale, lizards for sale, crickets for sale, feeders for sale, cages and supplies. For more information, check out How It Works. Baby tortoises are also very valuable to educational facilities where they can be cared for while teaching science and conservation. Caitlyn Reich (verified owner) – October 8, 2019, Just purchased a male Russian tortoise from this website, he arrived a little cool because we just had a mild temperature drop, but let him soak in some warm water, dried him off and put him in his new terrarium and he ate a bunch of the romaine/carrots I put in there this morning and he is now passed out under the heat lamp. DESCRIPTION: We have some nice cherry picked Adult Russian Tortoises for sale. Looking for a new adult, juvenile or baby tortoise for sale? Tortoises for Sale. I love my new babies!! The Sulcata has a few “morphs” in terms of color, including albino and ivory. They been crawling around the house enjoying one another though. Our tortoise has been a great learning tool . When you are looking for a baby tortoise or baby turtle on sale, consider the breeder. For that reason try to find which species or tortoise breeds are right for you. We will never spam you! Join our email newsletter and we'll email you a $10 OFF coupon code! You have come to the right place because the turtle store the largest selection of healthy captive bred tortoises in stock in the USA! They are so cute. Tortoise breeders offering baby tortoises for sale online are a dime a dozen nowadays and there is a big difference here at the turtle store. Additionally, we guarantee top-notch care and customer service as well as the health of all of our animals. In addition, there are both the Sri Lankan and Burmese star tortoises. 100% of all reptiles for sale from the turtle store will come with our full live arrival and a 7-day health guarantee! All of them immediately took to walking around and eating in their outdoor enclosure. I purchased mine with the special buy 2 get 1 free. In addition to common water turtle species like slider turtles and pond turtles for sale, we also offer box turtles for sale. If you need us to ship to another country please contact us directly at Got male & 2 females exactly what I wanted. Hunter Cihal (verified owner) – May 15, 2019. nihiser.hunter (verified owner) – August 24, 2020, Love my female she had some issues when I first got her I called to see if I could do something better or if they knew what it was I was told when I called they were short staffed and couldn’t give me advice over the phone it was a Vague shorts phone call that lead to no help BUT Glad I am experienced enough & have one already that I could handle it and figure it out and do some digging because there is something new you can always learn! These herbivores are the longest living animals on the planet. Highly recommend Underground Reptiles. Small tortoise for sale, or tiny tortoise species include: The turtle store has a spectacular selection of captive bred tortoises for sale. Searching for the best tortoise price online? We love our Louis so much . For this reason, the Egyptian tortoise price is typically around 1000.00 or more. shemika99 (verified owner) – July 16, 2020. The largest species of tortoise in the world are going to be the Galapagos tortoise and the Giant Aldabra tortoise. We have had him for over a week now and he is doing so well . Some. My first grade used Louis for her show and tell on her video zoom class . Turtle store also offers a wide variety of captive-bred baby tortoise and adult tortoise for sale, as well as many other captive bred reptiles, hatched right here at on reptile farm. We received our Russian Tortoise packaged so well with a warming pack, insulation inside a soft canvas bag that was then carefully placed in styrofoam and then boxed within a heavy box. I have 8 children and they adore our tortoise. Here at the Turtle store, we realize what special animals tortoises really are. Russian Tortoise (Adult) (Testudo horsfieldi) MALES, Russian Tortoise (Baby) (Testudo horsefieldii), Cherry Head Redfoot Tortoises (Chelonoidis carbonaria). Rare tortoises species for sale will always be more expensive. Awesome active tortoise that doesn’t get big. Price is also a factor, with the larger species of tortoise for sale (big tortoise for sale) being typically less costly than the tiny tortoises for sale. When you think of turtles or tortoises, we want you to say “My favorite turtle store is!” When considering purchasing a baby tortoise online, it is important to find the right tortoise farm. HABITAT: Large container. Will definitely be buying more reptiles from Underground Reptiles! Radiata - This are special tortoises from Madagascar, they do NOT hibernate for winter and requires uva and uvb light, 80% humidity . You can select which day you would like your animals shipped on the checkout page. Of course, all baby tortoises for sale are small tortoises at first! Order today and receive your new shelled friend overnight the following morning, or choose the perfect date of arrival. WE HAVE RUSSIAN TORTOISES FOR SALE. Provide unfiltered sunlight or UV bulbs during the daytime. When we opened our package our tortoise, Louis, was bright eyed, active, healthy and ready to eat . Some of the aquatic turtle for sale here at Turtle Store includes: In addition to common water turtle species like slider turtles and pond turtles for sale, we also offer box turtles for sale. These Russian Tortoises are approximately 4" plus. Highly recommend getting one for a first time buyer or even for a child. Over 25 species of baby tortoise for sale are available year round, shipped overnight here the #1 turtle store in the world. Whether you’re looking for a captive bred baby tortoise or well-started baby tortoise for sale, The Turtle store is your place for over 25 species of baby tortoise for sale shipped overnight. She is thriving now a fatty lol and so dang gorgeous . All the kids were fascinated and asking many questions about Russian Tortoises . Testudo family tortoises make up quite a bit of the more popular species of pet tortoises across the globe. Our small tortoise grouping includes the smallest species captive bred tortoise in the USA, the Egyptian. ReptMart is your online source for live turtles and tortoises for sale. Hieroglyphic River Cooter Turtle For Sale, Tuscan Western Hermann’s Tortoise For Sale, Red foots, Yellow Foots & Cherry Heads (ALL), Fresh Spineless Prickly Pear (Opuntia) Cactus Pads, turtle store Gourmet Tortoise & Turtle Seed Blend, JurassiDiet™ Aquatic Turtle Formula For Sale, Giant South African leopard tortoise for sale, Albino Red Eared Slider Turtle Care Information, Concentric Diamondback Terrapin Care Information, Lemon Lime Albino Slider Turtle Care Sheet, West African Side Necked Turtle Care Information, Yellow Bellied Slider Turtle Care Information, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Care, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Appearance, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Breeder, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Diet, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Enclosure, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Feeding, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Habitat, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Housing, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Humidity, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Lifespan, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Size, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Soaking, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Substrate, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Temperature, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise UVB Lighting, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise Water, Cherry Head Red Foot Tortoise Temperature, Whether you’re looking for a captive bred baby tortoise or well-started baby, , The Turtle store is your place for over 25 species of, and our customers with the best possible care and advice for your new, Turtle store has a large variety of captive-bred baby tortoise hatchlings for sale.