2016 She and SpongeBob share a favorite hobby of karate, and frequently fight each other for fun. ], ‣ Sandy's Texas Swing - Nicolas Carr [Opening.] Karate: Out of all the characters in the show who practice karate, Sandy is the best at it; she has green karate gear. The suit comes with a big glass helmet with a pink and yellow flower on it. Sandy is a thrill seeker who loves extreme sports and karate. She enjoys physical activity along with science, obviously to appeal as a good role model to children. She explains, "I absolutely love that! Portrayer: Series information The first is ", This is the third time SpongeBob and Patrick eat large quantities of ice cream.  ‣ Lap Steel - Nicolas Carr [Transition to the next scene.] She then forces all Bikini Bottomites to search nonstop for days on end looking for him, to the point when they all run and hide from her just like SpongeBob did. We'll be updating this all weekend long as we see people streaming! • Cream Pie - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob and Patrick ask how they did.] She speaks with a heavy Southern accent and uses typical Southern slang words and phrases, such as "howdy" and "y'all.". In "Sandy's Rocket," she wears a light blue nightgown and is shown for a split second until the camera cut to her face. It gets hot in that suit. In "Culture Shock," Sandy says Gary has "such a way with words.". Previous Gender: However, in ". Sandy tells them that they all get an A+ and ice cream. [1], • Kalua Jubalee - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Title card. The suit is white and has a yellow patch with an acorn on it. Not only do I get to read the script, I can actually see what the artists have in mind. 1880x2841px 1.73 MB. Patrick then makes the error of missing the digit in the tens place as SpongeBob has the same digit in the ones place as him, causing him to get frustrated with SpongeBob. Sandy Cheeks is a squirrel who lives in a dome underwater to run experiments. In various other episodes, such as "Karate Island," "Christmas Who?," and "Whelk Attack," Sandy usually tends to briefly, but prominently, display her muscular body. Lawrence got the role of Sandy when she was in Los Angeles at Los Feliz. View the profiles of people named Sandra Cheek. However, she disturbs and annoys the Bikini Bottomites by eavesdropping and reading her observations out loud. Sandy comes from the state of Texas, known from the episode of the same name, and exhibits many characteristics of a cowgirl character. In "MuscleBob BuffPants," she shows SpongeBob her immense biceps as well as an intense daily exercise routine. 17K Views. After SpongeBob asks how he wants to count the sand, he simply says that first suggestion, which is both of them counting the white sand first and then the black sand. 36 Comments. ‣ Unknown Track 23 - "Et tu, Gary?" Sandy takes full pride in her Texas heritage and shown with her Texan accent. They are also very nervous due to the microphone and recorder; the nervousness immediately goes away when Sandy ends her experiment. Sandy is smart, athletic, and talented, and therefore has many skills, such as: 1. Let's do it for the kids! ‣ Humorous Conversation - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Sandy gives SpongeBob and Patrick ice cream.] Her old habitat was back home in Texas. She met Donna Grillo, a casting director, on a sidewalk. She can be overly competitive, which is best seen in "Squirrel Jelly," where she even harms her friends due to her competitive nature. The fish throw her and her equipment out of the bus and she decides to find someone who will not mind being observed. SpongeBob SquarePants Ocean 3D: Facts & 3D Pics, The International Justice League of Super Acquaintances, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical, How "SpongeBob Squarepants" Stayed Fresh and Subversive Over 15 Years, https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/Sandy_Cheeks?oldid=3367190. Squirrel Image size. Marc CeccarelliVincent Waller ‣ Unknown Track 23 - SpongeBob and Patrick stiltedly greet each other. The treedome also humorously includes a giant hamster wheel, among other backyard-like things. Connections In this episode, when Sandy tries to study SpongeBob and Patrick's behavioral patterns, her science experiment goes awry. In Bikini Bottom, she met SpongeBob SquarePants while she was fighting a giant clam. ‣ Unknown Track 23 - Sandy resumes observation. When she is on her exercise hamster wheel, she can be seen wearing a white hoodie and blue workout sweats. Texas (formerly)Her treedome, Bikini Bottom, Pacific Ocean (currently) Encyclopedia SpongeBobia is a FANDOM TV Community. Alan SmartTom Yasumi When she was learning to drive, she took a driving course called, "Driving You Nuts! She has been a playable character in several of them but usually appears as a non-playable character. I didn't see that coming."] Chronology Brown (fur) ‣ Hot Steel and Slide Licks (VIII) - Jeremy Wakefield ["Aha!"] Also, in the same episode, she burnt Jellyfish Fields to capture all the Jellyfish with her super suit. Family SpongeBob angrily fights back, with Gary telling Sandy that the situation is bad. Also, her face is a slightly different shape. Credits Please donate now at bit.ly/3m75JVN. General information © 2020 GIANT BOMB, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Squidward tries to get the ice cream, but when he comes, Sandy says the ice cream is sold out and slams the window on his nose, leaving him annoyed. Giant Bomb users. ‣ Nude Sting - Nicolas Carr [Sandy tells Patrick he's in charge.] ‣ Vibe Q Sting - Nicolas Carr ["Cameras?"] Sandy Cheeks-Squirrelsky is the squirrel of the Nickelodeon's 1999 television shorts film SpongeBob SquarePants. Explore sandy_cheeks. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ‣ Fooling Around 2 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Patrick wants SpongeBob to rub his feet.] Descendants: The first time was in, The ice cream truck and alias that Sandy used for her experiment is a reference to, SpongeBob's line "Et tu, Gary?" ‣ Short Military Bridge - Nicolas Carr ["Aye, aye, Captain Sandy."] As seen in the episode "Wormy," Sandy has many pets residing in her treedome, including caterpillars, snakes, crickets, mice, and birds, among others. Carolyn LawrencePresley Williams (Young Sandy in The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run) ", SpongeBob is seen imitating Sandy in "Gone," "Mimic Madness," and "Squirrel Jelly. 3. List of episodes Brian Robbins, the current president of Nickelodeon, believes there is a possibility for a Sandy Cheeks spin-off show. She is voiced by Carolyn Lawrence. She starts off by assigning them to go to the beach, to fill one bucket with white sand and one bucket with black sand to count. Although they first met in "Tea at the Treedome" as adults, Kamp Koral, SpongeBob's Under Years will contradict this event and instead have them meet at Camp Coral as children. SpongeBob and Patrick standing straight up perfectly still after being told to act naturally and whenever they realized they were being filmed. Supervising: First appearance: • Hot Steel and Slide Licks (d) - Jeremy Wakefield ["Oh, forget it."] "The Fish Bowl" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season nine. When the camera zooms in on Sandy when she's reading the book by SpongeBob's house, the window next to her changes lighting. "Married to Money" Numerous interviews with Stephen Hillenburg. https://twitter.com/VincentWaller72/status/702874844749127682, https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/The_Fish_Bowl?oldid=3363778. The two both don't know what they're supposed to do during natural observance and just stand straight while saying actions and forms of the word "natural." ‣ Star Trekkers 3 - Steve Marston [SpongeBob and Patrick glare at each other.] In that same episode, she takes great offense at SpongeBob and Patrick's negative insults about Texas and violently attacks them when they continue to make fun of it. Ironically, despite being re-established as a scientist in later seasons, Sandy is oblivious to the basic fact that sea creatures cannot survive without water in her first appearance. She enjoys physical activity along with science, obviously to appeal as a good role model to children. "Married to Money" • Light Conversation 1 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Patrick mixes white and black sand.] ‣ Bobbins and Spindles - Ronald Hanmer [Patrick's daydream.] ‣ Unknown Track 24 - Sandy opens psychology book. She was dressed up like a goldfish in "Scaredy Pants," but only her head resembles one. Season №: The episode starts off with Sandy sitting in her pool lounge chair listening to music when suddenly a book she ordered arrives at her dome. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. Episode №: Eye color: As seen in the episodes "Survival of the Idiots" and "Bubble Buddy," the dome produces snow during the winter, from which it can be assumed to simulate other weather patterns as well. The experiment is over!"] In "Survival of the Idiots," Sandy wears a pink nightgown throughout the episode. SpongeBob then counts the black sand after finishing with the white sand, but Patrick cruelly knocks over the bucket and mixes it all together, forcing him to start over. The book is about behavioral psychology, which Sandy uses to observe the behavior of fishes underwater. Want to discover art related to sandy_cheeks? Sandy crushing one of Squidward's body parts and telling him they are sold out whenever she is handing out free ice cream for her experiment. However, in older episodes, she is shown to be much crazier. [9] She has also met many other sea creatures since she arrived at Bikini Bottom. SpongeBob asks which method they will use to count the sand, but Patrick does not pay attention and continues to think about the phrase "I'm in charge." Its board of directors, a group of chimps, came for inspection in "Chimps Ahoy." Occupation(s): Check out inspiring examples of sandy_cheeks artwork on DeviantArt, and get inspired by our community of talented artists. Sandy was an experienced law enforcement officer. John Trabbic • Popcycles and Ice Cream - "More free ice cream here!" ‣ Vibe Q Sting - Nicolas Carr ["Hmm..."] List of characters. ‣ A Simple Conversation - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Sandy does the experiment on the bus.] When SpongeBob is counting the white sand, each grain looks bigger than it should look. BlackBrown ("A Cabin in the Kelp") Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As an inventor, Sandy is capable of creating extremely advanced devices with ease. 196a Physical appearance references the last words of. She is often seen at Goo Lagoon, lifting weights with Larry the Lobster, of whom she is a good friend, and other muscular fish. Patrick takes both cones and SpongeBob begs to have his but Patrick forces him to rub his feet and then count the sand while his ice cream melts. Sandy's younger self will be shown wearing braces, which she got removed sometime during her adulthood. At night, she wears a nightgown. Having come from the state of Texas, she has a Southern drawl and a love for rodeos. He has trouble counting the sand but SpongeBob does it flawlessly. In "Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy," when her fur pelt is off, she wears a purple bra and purple panties. Residence: ‣ Drowsy Reef - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Patrick crying.] In the very last shot in "MuscleBob BuffPants," paw pads are visible on the underside of Sandy's feet. It is an amazing process and I feel so fortunate to be able to work that way! Despite her experiment being unsuccessful, she gives them both an A+ for their effort and when they start cheering, she observes them again, only to provoke the same reaction. ‣ Humorous Conversation - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Patrick eats all the ice cream.] It is hinted at that she works for three monkeys, as they have been shown as her "bosses" in an episode. Carolyn Lawrence provides the voice of Sandy Cheeks. Sandy lives in a huge polyurethane dome, which is known as the "treedome."