While he is near - propitious (Psalms 34:18; Psalms 145:18). 6.Seek ye Jehovah. I want to know if you have a class on Isaiah 55:6-7. The Jewish writers, as Aben Ezra and others, generally interpret it before the sealing … Near. And this invitation or exhortation is general, like that Isaiah 55:1, reaching to all nations, both Jews and Gentiles, implying that both of them had lost him and his favour, and were gone astray from him. How important is the present moment - for another moment may place us beyond the reach of pardon and of grace! David Kimchi gives the true sense of this passage: "Seek ye the Lord, because he may be found: call upon him, because he is near. But God is not lost. (6) While he may be found . Seeking the Lord means seeking his presence. There is reason to fear that God, though essentially present with all, is spiritually and practically absent from the most of us—. So we can seek him through that. Suffering may quiet our singing for a time, but God designed singing to sustain our souls. Perhaps it may have some respect to the time of Christ's incarnation, and his being in the land of Judea; and to the destruction of the temple by the Romans, when the Lord could be no more sought unto, and found in that place; or when the Christians were obliged to move from Jerusalem, because of the siege of it; and when the Jews had no more an opportunity of hearing the Gospel there. How easy are the terms of salvation! [Note: Young, 3:380.]. And we know what dulls us and blinds us and makes us not even want to seek him. We need not give a formal distribution of the text, as it is our intention only to ground upon it a general exhortation to seek the Lord. In this passage, God is admonishing Israel, and all of us individually, to seek a relationship with him "while He is near." Seek you the LORD while he may be found, call you on him while he is near: while he may be found ⦠while he is near, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. ; God is to be found, as Aben Ezra observes, in all places, and at all times; under the Old Testament there was a particular place appointed for the worship of God, the tabernacle and temple, where he was to be sought unto, and might be found; under the New Testament, all places are alike, and wherever the church and people of God meet together, there he is to be sought, and there he may be found, even in his house and ordinances: call ye upon him while he is near; the same thing designed by different words: seeking and calling design not only prayer, but the whole of public worship, and the time and place when and where the Lord is to be found, and is near. Isaiah 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Ver. "The 1599 Geneva Study Bible". It may be understood of place, as well as time, and be rendered, "seek the Lord in the place where he may be found" (l); God is to be found, as Aben Ezra observes, in all places, and at all times; under the Old Testament there was a particular place appointed for the worship of God, the tabernacle and temple, where he was to be sought unto, and might be found; under the New Testament, all places are alike, and wherever the church and people of God meet together, there he is to be sought, and there he may be found, even in his house and ordinances: call ye upon him while he is near; the same thing designed by different words: seeking and calling design not only prayer, but the whole of public worship, and the time and place when and where the Lord is to be found, and is near. What is implied is that the present, when these commands are given, is the time of salvation.