Completely unlike her.But then, she was agitated tonight for reasons that had nothing to do with the reception. Nine years later, Rachel is living a quiet life in Dorset. What a great read this author always delivers, so glad I chose this one when I did. When Claire sees Hannah Wilson at an exclusive Manhattan hair salon, it's like a knife slicing through barely healed scars. Emily Janice Card, Ex-cop Rainie Connor had once been paired professionally - and personally - with the brilliant FBI profiler. Twenty minutes and counting. When it comes to home repair, Jacobia “Jake” Tiptree  is a fervent wielder of power The Other Daughter kept me on the edge of my seat until the end! She liked things banged up, scarred. She can do male and female, Irish and child... she has an arsenal of tricks in her voice box! Oh, and there's another stand-alone book: The Survivors' Club. She spent long afternoons sitting quietly with her new brother, memorizing his tight features and troubled eyes while he swore to her again and again that he would be the perfect older brother for her, he would.Everything was perfect. Kirsten Potter, By: Gifted with loving parents, a doting brother, and an indulgent uncle, Melanie has always considered herself lucky. After her mother dies of influenza, Rachel stumbles upon a picture torn from the society pages of a magazine. $14.95 a month after 30 day trial. . A satisfyingly savage ending to a film that, if you haven’t seen it,  you should…, Tags Ivana Baquero Kevin Costner mounds movie review The New Daughter. The plot was so far-fetched, the supposed mysterious threats so over the top—especially when the perpetrator of these threats and the motive was revealed. She was a governess, who found out she was the illegitimate daughter of an earl. She had an adoptive father whom she respected, an adoptive mother whom she loved, an older brother whom she worshiped, and an indulgent godfather whom she adored. "—Oakland Press "A page-turner. This sends her for a tailspin, obviously, as she has always been told her father is dead. This book took me by surprise more than I imagined. After her mother’s death, Rachel finds a picture of her long-dead father on a page torn from a gossip magazine; only, he isn’t dead. The clock ticks, and the second one can still be saved. Oh, for God's sake, he declared. Until tonight. The setup for the mystery was bizarre but compelling: Melanie, 29, was adopted at the age of 9 by a family who had lost their first daughter. But from the moment Detective Sergeant D. D. Warren arrives at the Joneses - a snug little bungalow, she senses something off about the picture of wholesome normality the couple worked so hard to create. This is not the first book that I read by Lisa Gardner and it's a good thing. Same day. Cassandra, too, believes that everything is down to hormones and John’s recent split from his wife. The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey (the pseudonym for Scottish writer Elizabeth MacKintosh) is the story of a man’s quest to solve a centuries-old historical mystery. THE OTHER DAUGHTER is a relatively early Lisa Gardner novel finally available in audio. She toed off her tennis shoes and sent them sailing beneath the pine bureau that swallowed nearly a quarter of her bedroom. "To judge by the mess, pretty hard. As John decides to dig further into the history of the house, he learns that not only did the previous owner, Sarah Wayne, vanish, she also locked her daughter in her bedroom before she fled the property. The wide plank floorboards felt cool against her toes, making her do a little cha-cha-cha along the way. She is a cheerful beauty who’s trying to regain her eldest senior’s heart after he suddenly goes back on his promise to marry her. Lisa Gardner, Narrated by: He knows exactly where he will find her: the mound. The closet was the size of a small apartment, and it had been filled with every dress, hat, and, yes, gloves ever made by Laura Ashley. A flesh-and-blood girl, not a porcelain doll to be used for dress-up games. Was she lucky to have escaped? About to be adopted by retired FBI profiler Pierce Quincy, and his partner, Rainie Conner, Sharlah loves one thing best about her new family: they are all experts on monsters. Secrets and Lies...this is a raw, poignant story of a young woman discovering the truth of her family secrets. Which may be the reason I found it hard to engage with Melanie, not to mention the rest of this very dysfunctional family – and did not much care for what happened to them in the end.