Let this be a lesson to the entrepreneurs out there: Make a product Shaq likes, and you get Shaq… though you still have to pay him. Shaq’s endorsement of Ring isn’t particularly funny or exciting: All he really does in the commercial is wear the shirt, smile and exist as the celebrity cameo. Once again, Shaq is denied the cool refreshment of the Pepsi he craved previously, only this time it’s not a kid holding out but Michael J. Caption a Meme or Image Make a GIF Make a Chart Make a Demotivational Investopedia has pinned him to at least 50 different products, and he probably has three times that many companies chasing down his agent at this very moment. Share the best GIFs now >>> What It’s Like to Pop Your Cherry on Reddit’s ‘Virginity Exchange’, The Sad, Strange Life and Death of Devonte Hart: The Crying Black Boy Who Famously Hugged a Cop, Hasan Piker Can Bro Down and Demolish Capitalism at the Same Time. Exactly how many commercials has Shaq appeared in over the years is anyone’s guess — 100, 500… 10,000? r/combinedgifs: A subreddit for gifs put together in a relevant manner. Same here, I also though the camera was slowly getting closer. ... Make your own images with our Meme Generator or Animated GIF Maker. The commercial remains fine 23 years later, but there’s no denying that the Kobe Bryant cameo adds an unexpected element. Search, discover and share your favorite Shaq Shimmy GIFs. @yagai this gate business was a lot more complicated than he thought it was going to be. Sure, Shaq still has a regular gig critiquing today’s NBA players on Inside the NBA, but that almost seems secondary to his side hustle — pitchman extraordinaire. 1,699 notes. Shared by ShellyneR. Reblog. As Shaq told Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, the key to unlocking his potential as an advertising powerhouse was Bud Light pitch pup Spuds MacKenzie. Hell, Shaq doesn’t even bother to throw in a goofy face, it’s just him sitting on a couch reciting some lines about a bottle of vodka with programmable message capabilities. Taco Bell refused to pull the ad, because nobody cancels Shaq. 542. The perfect Shaq Shimmy ShaquilleONeal Animated GIF for your conversation. What Is Ahegao, the Hentai Face That’s Suddenly Everywhere? 739 views, 2 upvotes. PREVIOUS. Shaq-cat-dragster-shimmy . View entire discussion (24. comments) More posts from the HighQualityGifs community. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Date: 03/08/16 Full size: 400x322 next last. He didn’t have to utter a single word for this Taco Bell commercial, just a head tilt and a few crunchy bites were all that was needed. Your brain was showing down. Shaq’s been in so many commercials for The General that “Does Shaq own The General insurance?” is a common search term. I have to understand it. In terms of animated insurance mascots, The General lacks both the charm factor of the Geico Gecko and the humorous appeal (at least what little there is) of the Aflac Duck. Shaq’s earlier commercials managed to flip the script on that professor, however, and his sheer size worked to his advertising advantage. Joel Stice lives inside the internet and has written for Paste, Uproxx, Mental Floss, and lots of other websites your grandparents have never heard of. Shaq’s been starring in commercials since the early 1990s, but he’s seriously stepped up his commercial acting since retiring from the court in 2011. Like, black socks with Crocs bad. Damn, it must feel good to be Shaq. Big men + graceful activities like ballet dancing or the trapeze = funny 100 percent of the time. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Almost. Yet, Shaq continues to ride shotgun with the mustachioed mascot. What Happens, Financially Speaking, When Your Parents Die? May 31, 2015 14,205 notes Basically, if Shaq enjoys a certain type of food, there’s a good chance he’s finding a way to leverage it into his financial portfolio. He also once co-owned an empire of 155 Five Guys franchises. Shaq gold bond gif shaq shake shaq shimmy submission greg grease. Post with 121 votes and 904487 views. What Does an Ethical Mass Layoff Look Like? Considering the sheer number of businesses that Shaq has linked himself to, it’s quite literally a possibility that he’s sold something to every man, woman and child in the U.S. Perhaps you’ve never tried a Shaq Soda, sprinkled Gold Bond between your toes or taken a Caribbean cruise with Carnival, but you’ve more than likely handed a buck or two to Shaq. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. As silly as the “taco neck” Shaq commercial was, the brand actually caught heat from the National Spasmodic Torticollis Association, which claimed it was insensitive to people with neck injuries. Shaq might be a great basketball player, but he’s arguably an even better pitchman. Oh god thank you... "Cat Gif" resulted in too much Cat. Categories #2020 GIF Images; 01 A Alphabet GIF Download; 02 B Alphabet GIF Download; 03 C Alphabet GIF Download; 04 D Alphabet GIF Download; 05 E Alphabet GIF Download; 06 F Alphabet GIF Download; 07 G Alphabet GIF Download. Perhaps you just have Comcast cable running through your house. r/HighQualityGifs. Shaq Meme. Show off your new gifs, ... Shaq Shimmy Cat Shimmy [Repost] ftfy. To pretty much everyone born after 1996, or anybody who doesn’t follow professional basketball, Shaq is that guy on the TV who pitches everything from pizza to car insurance to sleep apnea masks (yes, Shaq wants to help you breathe comfortably and safely while getting some zzzs). He doesn’t have an ownership in the company, but what he does have is a history with it. ‘Kicking and Screaming’ Is the Hidden Gem of Will Ferrell Movies, Ariana Grande’s Song About 69ing Is an Anthem for Power Bottoms, Why Your Boomer Parents Are Obsessed With Sarah Cooper, With ‘It’s the ___ for Me,’ Gen Z Advances the Art of Insult Comedy. For its Super Bowl XLII spot, though, the beverage company put Shaq on a horse dubbed “Chunk of Love” that had him racing alongside much smaller jockeys (see comedy formula above). Members. Original gif credit /u/woland2010 ... Shaquille O'Neal's 2016 Hall of Fame Induction Speech - Duration: 36:21. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Oddly enough, Shaq was initially told by a marketing professor that his 7-foot-1 frame made him too large to work well in the advertising industry. Shaq had already worked with Gold Bond’s sister product, Icy Hot, but he stepped up his comedic chops when it came to the Gold Bond commercials, and the internet noticed. Press J to jump to the feed. Are the Beastie Boys Secretly Gods in the Star Trek Universe? Related Wallpapers. “I have to like the product. During an interview with CNBC, Shaq said that after getting quotes of $50,000 for security cameras in his house, he saw the Ring camera while buying some TVs at Best Buy. According to Sports Business Journal, Shaq used the low-cost insurance during his college years and liked the commercial’s jingle. “Smart and insightful reported features about modern masculinity.”, “@WeAreMel is phenomenal ... the best outlet covering digital culture today.”, “I just laughed out loud for a solid five minutes.”, “The rare men’s magazine that has taken upon itself to investigate masculinity, not enforce it. Embed image in a … Find GIFs with the latest and newest hashtags! You’ve no doubt run across it on the internet at some point. Song : search for: Epic Sax Guy original video: http://www.ispot.tv/ad/7ZRl/gold-bond-powder-spray-featuring-shaquille-oneal Everything he does is funny. Despite the possibility of this highly annoying jingle getting stuck in one’s head for hours, this commercial is a win simply for Shaq’s Cirque du Soleil-esque cookie dunk. Continue browsing in r/HighQualityGifs. by Quintonimor115. Let’s Rewind Back to the World of VCR Board Games. A subreddit for gifs put together in a relevant manner. Shaq. Looking back at it now, Pepsi clearly took some inspiration from it for their Kyrie Irving Uncle Drew commercials. Fox. If you’d like to test the limits of your sanity by watching a five-hour loop of Shaq singing “a little shake, a little tingle,” you’re more than welcome to do so. I’m funny. Let’s go ahead and admit the obvious: The commercials for The General car insurance are bad. Coronavirus pretty much killed any appeal that once existed from being stuck on a cruise ship with 1,500 other randos. According to the celebrity appearance site Athletic Speakers, hiring Shaq for a speaking event can cost $100,000, so a commercial appearance likely doesn’t come cheap either. It's a HQ remake. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the combinedgifs community. It seems to get faster as I watch it more times. Original gif credit /u/woland2010. O’Neal has joined A-listers Alex Rodriguez, Jennifer Lopez (you get one, you get the other), Marshawn Lynch and Michael Strahan as an investor in the NRG eSports brand. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. At the rate Shaq puts out commercials, he’ll have a new one out before I finish reviewing his old ones. Regarding the comedy gag, Shaq said, “I put my house on the line that people are going to remember a 7-foot-1, 321-pound basketball player riding a horse.” Mission accomplished. I just watched that for much longer than i should have, thinking it was speeding up and something more epic was coming! How the TikTok Aesthetic Is Changing the Face (And Body) of Porn, The ‘Stonks’ Meme Can Teach You a Lot About the Stock Market, The Instagram Economy of Phat-Ass White Girls, A Dignified Simp Knows the Art of Looking Respectfully, Sorry, but ‘Requiem for a Dream’ Is a Terrible Movie. If there's any repost I don't mind seeing over and over again, it's this one. You’ve no doubt run across it on the internet at some point. share. magobjects . Categories #2020 GIF Images; 01 A Alphabet GIF Download; 02 B Alphabet GIF Download; 03 C Alphabet GIF Download; 04 D Alphabet GIF Download; 05 E Alphabet GIF Download; 06 F Alphabet GIF Download; 07 G Alphabet GIF Download. shaq shimmy gif. shimmy shimmy shimmy shimmy shimmy shimmy shimmy. Reblog. Take, for example, this 1993 Pepsi ad that pitched him as a giant who gets put in his place by a little kid. Maybe you have a Buick parked in your garage or enjoy the occasional Krispy Kreme donut. 281 notes. There’s no escaping the Shaq marketing machine! cat dance dancing shaq shimmy shaq and cat. r/HighQualityGifs: HighQualityGifs is the subreddit for original high-quality gifs and associated help requests. More interesting than Shaq’s acting in the commercial itself, though, is how he came to team up with the brand.