Watch it again now and you’ll get all the jokes that went over your head in the ‘90s. One of the best shows of 2020 is this “FX on Hulu” exclusive starring Cate Blanchett as Phyllis Schlafly, the woman who stood in the way of the Equal Rights movement in the ‘70s. —Amy Amatangelo, A giant of the late-aughts WB/CW teen drama era, One Tree Hill is one of those deeply beloved, increasingly bizarro shows that managed to not only launch nearly as many Hollywood B-team careers as it had characters (look no further than Hallmark and Lifetime anytime a holiday-themed movie season rolls around for proof), but also to survive such wild storytelling decisions as—and this is not a joke—having a dog eat a main character’s heart. You\'ll receive the next newsletter in your inbox. More than anything, Adventure Time realizes that to avoid change is to become tired and stagnant. It helps that both installments have such likable, charismatic casts. Now a ViacomCBS subsidiary, AwesomenessTV began as part of the YouTube Original Channel Initiative in 2013, and has been slowly building itself a teen media empire ever since. Noah Hawley’s critical darling is simply brilliant, starting with a wonderfully entertaining first season anchored by Billy Bob Thornton and Martin Freeman, and then developing into an arguably-better second season. As they continue to play with the format and the rules, it feels Survivor could outlive us all. Is there any group of people out there more loyal than Rick and Morty fans? The story of an ex-surfer named Dud who finds community with a fraternal order in Long Beach feels like it’s just on the cusp of being your friend’s favorite show. But that wasn’t always the case. Four years ahead, in fact. That title belongs to this gem, a family comedy in cartoon form that works for (mostly) all ages. There had never been anything like Twin Peaks on television and there wouldn’t really be anything like it again until David Lynch returned to this world 25 years later. The show was then and remains one of the best TV series of all time. Never was this sensibility more apparent than in Stakes, the eight-part miniseries that went a long way towards exploring the backstory of vampire Marceline, one of Adventure Time’s most beloved, mysterious and tragic characters. Sixteen years after the Peach Pit gang left the airwaves, it’s easy to forget how utterly influential this Aaron Spelling drama was. Once again, it’s a sci-fi comedy steeped in philosophical commentary on human nature, this one about an alien family trying to fit in on planet Earth long enough that they can enact their plan for world domination. that re-adapting it for television felt like sacrilege. Why do people still hope for a reboot? You don't have to live in the Ann Arbor Public Schools District to attend! Smarter about relationships in the age of sexting and Tinder than nearly any other modern show, this hit just wrapped its run after five successful seasons. Workaholics is incredibly rewatchable, thanks mostly to the great comic timing by Blake Anderson, Adam DeVine, and Anders Holm. It starts off a little shaky but check out this spiritual child of The Office that relocates that show’s ensemble brand from a paper company to a big box store. But it sounded like ‘F— Off.’ Really it did. This one is on the Mt. People and events of the past always had a way of popping back up, the way they do in real life. Like Pixar’s great films, it transcends its “target” audience of children by distilling nuanced, powerful emotions into a universally comprehensible form without losing any of its intellect. Joey King and Patricia Arquette were Emmy-nominated for their excellent work in this 8-part mini-series about one of the most sensational true crime stories of the modern era. Sure, watching from the marginally more “woke” vantage of 2020 can be jarring (the pilot, for example, plays a lot looser with fat jokes and Confederate flag gags than should have been appropriate even then), but the fizzing chemistry the ensemble cast has with one another from the start remains undeniable, as does the happy-go-lucky charm of fan favorite Scott Michael Foster as Kappa Tau Gamma President, Cappie. If you can ignore some of the show’s stereotypes and politics, Kiefer Sutherland has never been better than he is as the iconic Jack Bauer, one of the most beloved TV characters of the modern era. Love who you are. Rheon’s portrayal of the shy and often overlooked group member was one of the most captivating parts of the show. —Alexis Gunderson, The original 10 Things I Hate About You is so devastatingly iconic (the Seattle bridge troll! They also knew how to use snappy dialogue and uncomfortable situations to full effect. The show was groundbreaking. What if we told you that this quirky comedy was one of the biggest hits from our neighbor, a show that recently won an award for Best Canadian Comedy series and earned a commitment for dozens more episodes? How … Everyone still seems to talk about veterans The Simpsons and Family Guy, but neither has been the best FOX Sunday Night animated program in years. But the silliness and muddled plotlines mean that the ending came as more of a relief than a disappointment—it’s the perfect example of a good show being murdered by tinkering network execs.—Mark Rabinowitz, Hulu’s teen star-studded comedy miniseries All Night might not have crossed your radar before this, but if you know To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, you know the team behind it. This Fox hit doesn’t get enough credit for helping to lead the sitcom from the laugh-track, studio-audience era to the current single-camera comedy format that everyone knows and loves. There have been some stinkers, but Survivor remains a strong performer for CBS for a reason. Before they go their separate ways to college, two high school teens want a night to remember. It’s shockingly rewatchable and still more often funny than it’s not. Sure, the 12 seasons of this ABC cop drama fluctuated wildly in terms of quality, but when NYPD Blue was good, it was among the best shows on television. You can use the old axiom that lightning doesn’t strike twice, but it’s truly difficult to get out of the shadow of a major hit. All the while, the series continued portraying a realistic racial makeup of one of TV’s most whitewashed cities and avoiding several white savior situations by putting its lead downworlders of color in powerful positions. Why not catch up with Rod Serling’s wildly influential and brilliant creation, a show that still works brilliantly more than a half-century after it first aired, before you return to The Twilight Zone? —Mark Rozeman and Allison Keene, I’m not going to lie, sometimes it can be exhausting trying to keep up with all that Good Trouble is trying to tackle. If there are two things, it’s stories about feelings, and John Green. Watch them all. Thank you for being a frieennnnd. You’d be hard pressed to find another program that had the same range and consistency of character development. In all seriousness, the saga of Frasier Crane and his put-upon brother Niles has held up marvelously. As a central character, Zack Morris (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) is like a slightly preppier version of Ferris Bueller, a schemer and philanderer with no shortage of friends. It’s the story of two working-class buddies that just happen to be a blue jay and a raccoon. It’s a hard show to hate. To this day, talk of Team Dawson or Team Pacey will elicit passionate, well-considered responses. Go back and watch the early brilliance of the Bluth family saga, and on Hulu you won’t have to worry about even being tempted to watch the revival, with previews for how far the show has fallen, like you would on Netflix. Who you’ll go to prom with, having sex for the first time, fighting with your best friend—these are all huge deals. Just see what all the buzz is about for yourself. Will Thursday Night Football be on Amazon Prime? Reese Witherspoon produced and stars in this Emmy-nominated mini-series adaptation of the novel of the same name by Celeste Ng. One of the smartest comedies on TV doesn’t get nearly the critical attention it deserves but that’s starting to change as it goes into its fifth season. ABC’s last great drama premiered in 2004 and became an overnight sensation. Kristen Bell uncannily portrays someone who is simultaneously smart, vulnerable, tough and injured. Rudy wants to eat the ballots to see if they’re really tortillas. We got six seasons, now where’s our movie!? Co-starring his buddy Nick Frost, Spaced features Pegg as Tim Bisley, an average guy who ends up living with a woman he just met, played by Jessica Stevenson. —Alexis Gunderson. Already a subscriber? Over its ten seasons and counting, Archer has redefined itself, starting as a straightforward, adults-only spoof of 007 and spy movies, but twisting over rebooted seasons that parody things like film noir and Miami Vice.