I love my governor. The Smith & Wesson Governor revolver puts six rounds of customizable response under your control. Honey………. Smith & Wesson has been working flat-out to meet demand for its core products. This being America, consumers are free to buy the wrong gun for their needs. Lest we forget, lots of semi-automatic pistols hold ten or more .45s in a relatively tidy package and there’s no ten-pound trigger pull to throw off your aim. They expect the same from a black bear’s skull. The reason being I have a S&W 625 in .45 acp. And I’m here to tell you now that one shot of PDX1 OR Federal .410 at 12 yards or less from the Gov. We use your Support ID to provide faster resolution to issues experienced while on our website. On an instinctive level, the Governor makes perfect sense. I found that a light fast bullet would easily punch a hole right through it, while big heavy bullets simply bounced off. Ya know, guns aren’t always necessarily purchased to KILL things. The Smith & Wesson® Governor® Centerfire Revolver is a versatile, lightweight revolver, built for everyday carry and home defense. *Suggested Retail, Dealer Sets Actual Pricing, M&P®380 SHIELD™ EZ™ MANUAL THUMB SAFETY CONSUMER ADVISORY, i-Bolt Rifle Sear Engagement Pin Safety Recall, Performance Center Model 329 Safety Recall, Performance Center Model 460 Safety Recall, TCA Compass® Rifles Safety Recall Manufactured Prior to 9.16.16, TCA Icon, Venture, Dimension Safety Recall. I just purchased my new Governor and for my application I don’t think there is a better weapon ever built. Period. Who could POSSIBLY want a weapon that shoots multiple calibers… Who could POSSIBLY want a weapon that takes the place of three… Load with .410 2 1/2" shotshells, .45 ACP or .45 Colt - alone or in combination with the included moon clips* - and hit your target in every situation. I have the Gov. Many people buy them for FUN. And anyone that says these buckshot and PDX style 410 shells are not adequate are dead wrong. 2″ Groupings at 15 yrds On an added note I shot the PDX1 ammo on range again and I dont like it. Friends don’t let friends by Taurus handguns. I haven’t practiced beyond that range because short barreled guns really don’t have much range for accuracy, and 20-30 feet is all that will stand up in court as a self-defense distance for shooting bad guys. Then you’ll be singing “snake gun” in Hell, full of many small holes….. Seriously, I WILL pistol whip the first person to say something retarded like “say ello to the govna!” when they draw it from their holster. Most self-defense shootings end after just 1 to 2 shots. Penetration (in): 27.0 CCW IWB my Governor every day. i would buy one again in a second. A moon clip is a ring-shaped or star-shaped piece of metal designed to hold multiple cartridges together as a unit for simultaneous insertion and extraction from a revolver cylinder.ALL BACKED BY OUR SMITH & WESSON LIFETIME SERVICE POLICY.Availability subject to applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, and ordinances. Ah, but there’s a twist (so to speak). Shop with your new CLUB Card and start earning CLUB Points today! Style-wise, Smith & Wesson adhered to Henry Ford’s dictum: you can have the Governor in any color as long as it’s black. Width: 1.75″ / 4.445 cm By the way, I carry a S&W 638-3 in a pocket holster packed into the side bag so when stopping to eat or walk around I can drop that puppy in my pocket and be good to go. A textured thumb safety boasts intuitive manipulation, and a rubberized, overmolded, synthetic grip reduces felt recoil for improved control and comfort. Actually, I’ve been wondering about the accuracy of .45 rounds with the Governor. We go shopping for things that go splat, squish or boom! The nagging question in my mind is, besides portability, what happens if the moment comes I need a shot past 15 yards or so? I rather think I’d be wishing I had something like a Ruger Redhawk in .45 Colt with hot rounds, with the better accuracy than the Governor promises. Ergonomics (carry) * * * Your $25 Instant Credit will be automatically applied at checkout. We chat things that go bang often. In the event an error has been made, Champion Firearms asks your understanding while we make it right. For that reason I am a fan of “mixed loads”. All of these XXL revolvers are only marginally more carry-friendly than a cranky pit bull. inadequacy of the Taurus of Governor, I see what it does at 15′ or less and do not If you use an alternative payment method, you will not earn CLUB Points on your order. CorBons out at transonic velocities, ie, 1125+ fps.. My little back up only has a 3 inch barrel, but without the cylinder gap. Why? Light the fuse on some .410 shotshell (2.5″ only) and you’ll discover recoil stout enough to give a pint of Guinness a run for its money. + P loads and .410 shells in 000 buck in alternate holes will do a pretty good job, and I don’t have to pack 10 lbs. It could be transformed into a smokeless version of the BPM conversion of the Uberti Walkers. I live in an apartment complex and do not want to perforate my neighbors (some of whom I actually like) when I shoot at So I will compromise on the closest thing to a perfect pistol that I have seen yet! Simply rugged holster with 6 more 45 in a 5 Star speedloader in my pocket. Front Sight: Tritium Night Sight (Dovetailed) I’ve switched out the 14 coil mag springs for Walther P-38, 11 coil springs, and will definitely order the laser from C-T, by next month. What you do get: a large, well-made, multi-caliber revolver. My wife can easily handle and shoot this gun, and since I am on the road allot this is important. 45ACP Moon Clips, |regenC|MC Set || Li Mc HIT || || LP Mc HIT ||, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Flintlock Misc, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Matchlock/Wheellock Misc, Century Arms International (CAI) - Rifles, Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Rifles (perc), Winchester Rifles - Modern Bolt/Auto/Single, Winchester Rifles - Pre-1899 Bolt/Single Shot, Century Arms International (CAI) - Pistols, Colt Automatic Pistols (.25, .32, & .380 cal), Colt Single Action Revolvers - Modern (22 Cal. “Come on dad, it’s a handgun and shotgun in one, plus check the intimidation factor on this baby!”. Just so I can prove even further that your “Bozo” or “Bored Bozo” categories aren’t the only ones.. The old 44XL was the daddy of all of this, and it used a 44WCF case. However, in public I switch to carrying a .40 semi-auto for its concealment. Pattern 25 ft: 5 x 6 in As you might expect from non-bullet-shaped, non-spinning objects flying out of a short-barreled handgun. Still loving my Gov. CALIBER/GAUGE:410 Bore | 45 Colt | 45 ACP CAPACITY:6 BARREL:2 3/4" OVERALL LENGTH:8.5" SIGHTS:Front: Black Ramp Night Sight ADDL INFO:Scandium Alloy Frame ADDL INFO:Stainless PVD Cylinder ADDL INFO:2 rd. I hope they are still in business. I prefer revolvers over semi-autos because, in the field, I don’t have time to clear a jam when being rushed in an attack. But not a grizzly’s. The Smith & Wesson Governor has a bead blast matte stainless finish that provides an overall pleasing appearance, while the forged stainless steel cylinder provides longevity. I sleep quite well at night knowing I am prepared for a variety of scenarios I may wake up to @ 3am and be faced with! But probably, you guys have no other options? [Targets courtesy Birchwood Casey. G2 45 ACP Civic Duty 100 gr. Velocity (fps): 950 Put a 8 or 9 inch fluted barrel with a shoulder to catch the barrel shroud of the Governor, and add a slow twist barrel for a RB. The handgun’s stainless steel barrel sleeve is a well-judged (so to speak) crowning touch—in a knowing, evil kinda way. occasion you described. that’s it. Featuring a 6-round, stainless steel cylinder and a 2.75" stainless steel barrel, this revolver boasts a scandium alloy frame. I run a mix of the following in my Governor: 9mm, 45, and then probably 380. The Governor has been stuck in primary season for quite some time. Lots of holes, which will perforate the sheet metal on a hot water tank, but won’t go through multiple walls, and kill some innocent bystander, or neighbor. Plus, it's from the leading expert in revolver manufacturing over the past 159 years. 1125-1135, ect.. 1140 is the speed of sound at sea level, but up in the mountains, or in Hell’s Canyon, the thinner air slows down the speed of sound. Luckily I didn’t kill myself and I don’t recommend anyone try this. Looks like they do not make the 185 in the 45 colt for some reason, and the Plus P 225 grain 45 Colt from what I understand is NOT recommended for the Governor. But then, why would you buy a Governor to shoot .45s? Let me assure you my compassion vanishes when my family is in danger. At first glance, with its matte-black finish, scandium frame and stainless-steel cylinder, the Governor appears to be the latest addition to Smith & Wesson's Night Guard series. i agree with you doug, i am not a sniper shooter by any means, and ppl whom have ripped on this gun have probably never fired it. Also, if you have the paper work, is the Governor rated for 45ACP +P ammo? As for gun nuts looking for something a little nutty, your watermelons await. Who could POSSIBLY want a multipurpose weapon… Well I can’t think of one single use for it, because I have 12,000 handguns that each have its own purpose in life, so therefore, the logic goes, anyone else who uses it is an idiot. Velocity (fps): 850 . Now granted, 45 long may not be a common enough round to come across, but 45 ACP and 410 sure as heck is. Its not a real transfer bar safety like the Taurus’s have. The Governor with PDX ammo, and ⅓ moon clips of .45 ACP has come the closest to solving the problem for me. Our staff has worked hard and done their best to ensure the accuracy of every listing. the bedroom door. Dave you make a very good point, and I really have no intention of using a 300 grain plus P in my Governor as it is not made for that heavy of load. A 139 gr. In the meantime, I’ve got a stash of lead 155 gr. anyone who says that the 410 shell isnt [email protected]@ needs to walk into my house at midnight and see for themselves if they would still make that stupid comment. +P ammo in my AMT 45ACP, DAO Backup, and I get trans sonic velocities with it. And what about the old standby, half moon clips? Knowing the laws of supply and demand, that ammunition, though more plentiful, will also be more needed. I have also found after many years of hunting that big heavy well constructed bullets are much better at breaking both shoulders on a bull elk! Plus, it's from the leading expert in revolver manufacturing over the past 159 years. Could also alternate shot shell and .45. I bought this Gov., exactly for the It is exceptionally well made small enough to conceal and light enough to pack all day hunting. I am also one of the 95% “bunch of idiots” and I don’t like killing people. Versatile. Only not yet. I get a little leery when using Moon Clips and alternate “It will fit” ammo type. So let’s call the Governor a light heavyweight whose solidity (and rubber grips) offers maximum handgun firepower with minimal recoil. It may be by only a couple of the BB’s but I can be assured that the drama playing out now has got the attackers attention. I know I should call Cor-Bon, in Sturgis, S.D., but I dislike asking them questions, over the phone, about a firearm which I don’t already own. And since I’m already loaded up with 9 mm weapons, as the vast majority of most people that I know are, having to drag around another 45 pistol and another shotgun, just so I could have weapons available for whatever ammo I may be able to scurry up, is not the brightest of all ideas. Don’t care that much; don’t use it. Course, I’m sure Smith & Wesson agrees, because I don’t think they are in the business of putting out “bozo guns”, especially seeing as how the “bozo guns” were already manufactured and sold by a different company PRIOR, a trial and run so to say, and evidently, come to find out after all, there are a HECK of a lot of bozos out there…. Handguns are blessed with small size, light weight, your choice of caliber/recoil strengths, short and long-range accuracy, and plenty o’ penetration. Did I mention it’s one of the most FUN to shoot gun I’ve ever owned. with the Federal 000 buckshot ammo. for use when traveling in my 5th wheel trailer. And the round wont kill the neighbors sleeping. Right answer; a stainless steel Governor would look more like a kitchen appliance than a firearm.