Howard Stern tops Forbes highest-paid radio hosts list for the third year in a row. Improve your chances of receiving a raise when you ask. You have permission to edit this article. Across the industry, the top salaries go to nationally syndicated radio hosts, who earn from $90,000-$1 million. He was recently the architect of the buyout of Clear Channels 50% shareholding. He has appeared on Australia’s long running breakfast TV program The Today Show as well as other TV and radio shows. Owner of regional radio group Capital Radio Network across NSW and WA and a raft of digital stations. Gary Roberts Breakfast announcer and co-owner at Macquarie Radio’s 2GB. (Unless delivering a baby). CEO of APN, the parent company of the ARN. We encourage you to review our privacy policy and terms of use. Sign up to our free daily newsletter for the latest in radio, audio & podcasting. All figures are pretax; fees for agents, EY & Citi On The Importance Of Resilience And Innovation, Impact 50: Investors Seeking Profit — And Pushing For Change. 54. Chairman of Nova Entertainment including the Nova, smooth and Rdio brands.His company Illyria purchased DMG’s 50% in 2012, taking full ownership of the group. Today, it has come to light that the pair are making a lot of money for their trouble. Login with your Facebookor Linkedin account, Hamish and Andy are Now Australia’s Highest-Paid Radio Hosts. Some of the names have other media and business interests, this list takes into account only their radio influence. Program directors in large markets were the highest earners among station execs, earning between $80,000-$250,000. Find your ideal job at SEEK with 666 Radio jobs found in All Australia. How much money are they making? Across all market sizes, morning show hosts earn salaries ranging from $100,00-$400,000 annually in large markets, $50,000-$200,000 in mid-size markets and $30,000-$100,000 in small markets. Understand what's truly driving the gender pay gap. Former ARN Group Program Director and now Manager of Metropolitan Local for ABC Radio overseeing 60 ABC stations, including 51 regional stations and 9 metropolitan. But it might be a surprise to learn that local radio salaries can rival, even surpass, annual earnings for some TV and music industry professionals, especially in the top markets. Your email address will not be published. Some command hefty salaries, wield considerable power and are charged with how the radio industry will adapt and change in this digital age. Ryan Seacrest rounds out the top three with $58 million. A SALARY document detailing the annual pay of dozens of ABC staffers reveals Lateline host Tony Jones is the public broadcaster's highest-paid presenter. All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience. That’s one big takeaway in a new salary survey conducted by Billboard. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. A presumably very sad Jules Lund will host the show until then. This could well be a sign of desperation on Southern Cross Austereo’s part to claw back some of its ratings. Breakfast announcer at ARN’s Kiis. He is one of the most highly paid and influential radio personalities in Australia. At the time, Kyle and Jackie O were asking for $2 million each per year to stick around – half of what Hamish and Andy will now earn. Local radio morning hosts may only be on the air for three or four hours daily, but their work extends off-air. Minister of Communications who has the future of the Australian radio industry in his hands; currently reviewing cross media ownership and diversification.