C.F.U. Philadelphia is no exception — take the neighborhood Strawberry Mansion. 6 Years After The "Humanitarian Mission" - Not A Peep From "Black Grievance Studies" Professors, With Up To 75% Of The Homicide Victims In Philly Being Black This Means That About 126 Black People Murdered In 2015 Have Not Triggered More National Awareness Than The Cherry Picked Small Number Of Inductees In The "Black Civil Rights Homicide Victim Martyr Hall Of Fame" That Is Used As A Reference Of The Status Of Black People With Reference To White Americans. Who Would Have Thought To Take The Battery Operated Vibration Mechanism Out Of The Stomach Of A "Tickle Me Elmo" Doll And Repurpose It In Such A Manner? An artist's rendering shows an apartment building planned for a vacant lot at 29th and Diamond Streets in Strawberry Mansion. “The reality is the city is growing, and the city’s changing, and you just deal with it.”. “It’s like this on every street,” Graham said. Officials in North Philadelphia reported between 5-6 men detonated an explosive device inside Lee's Kitchen around 1 a.m. “Because if they don’t, a community without a plan will definitely get planned for.”. Election boards in the region will release periodic updates starting right after polls close Tuesday. A community outcry about the threat to the newer mural, though, is not just about public art. Citywide, 65% of the organization’s murals depict Black individuals or themes, said Jane Golden, Mural Arts’ founder and executive director. "I found out that’s not true.". Interviews inquired about the impacts that residents have felt from gentrification in Strawberry Mansion as well as the changes in education they have noticed in the past decade. In-depth, original reporting on housing, transportation, and development. The Power Over The Negro Is Evidence From Those Who Trick Them Into Walking Past The Dead Bodies In Their Own Communities In Order To Protest Against The Outside Oppressors Downtown Outside Of The Government Building, As They Are Made To Vote With The Hopes Of Occupying The Building So THE GOVERNMENT Will Stop Killing Them. Strawberry Mansion has more long-term homeowners than the neighboring community did, she said, and a more robust CDC. “It’s a sad thing.”. Four possible scenarios to watch for after Election Day. "Leading Blacks" who supported this man's methodologies of making us all "the Least Of These" to be tended to should be inspected to determine if global agenda is to develop DEPENDENCY or COMPETENCY via the institutions that they seek increasing power over. So homes that have been in a family for generations end up being at high risk of selling. Can we count on you as a Billy Penn sustainer? Penn students, community members protest disinvestment in West Philly. Impermanence is an implicit reality of the art form, Golden said. It didn’t happen for Walter Wallace Jr., but when mental health pros intervene on a 911 call, how does it work? WHYY's Jen Kinney (@jkjenkinney) reports on a neighborhood in flux. Featuring Meek Mill, Taylor Swift, Boyz II Men and so many others. Residential development is springing up in Strawberry Mansion, but Graham would prefer to see buildings with at least some square footage devoted to commercial space. (As with the people who stood outside of the East Point GA Housing Authority) What Will This Man Do With The Currency Of His Ballot To Receive Something From The "Superior Man" In The Limo? Tonetta Graham is doing everything she can to share a very specific message to her fellow neighbors in Strawberry Mansion: “We’re right between two neighborhoods that are being gentrified,” said Graham, citing Brewerytown to the south and East Falls to the northwest. Sign up for emails from FOX 29, including our daily Good Day Digest, This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Sign up for our weekly newsletter. You just can’t come in here and do anything you want.”, » READ MORE: Rename Taney Street in Philly is the latest campaign to erase a racist past. “For Sale” signs strewn across the neighborhood bear the logos of high-end realtors like Berkshire Hathaway and Fox & Roach. He has no obligation to include affordable housing in his coming developments but said rents for his one-bedroom units — about $1,000 a month — should be within reach for people making about $35,000 a year. “We want to see restaurants and eateries, where you can bring your family,” says Strawberry Mansion resident Tonetta Graham. The incorrect listing could not outlast the election. Where Are The Progressive Prison Reformers When I Need Them? “Developers will show up and say, ‘Look, the city has your house assessed at $25,000, but we’ll give you $60,000,” Graham said. For the past 50 years, the story of development in Strawberry Mansion, which is now 94 percent African American, has been mostly one of decline. As Philadelphia reckons with protests over police brutality and systemic racism, murals have taken on symbolic importance. In a matter of decades, it went from being one of the city's wealthiest neighborhoods to one of its poorest, from being predominantly white to majority black. There are “We Buy Houses for Cash” signs plastering every pole, and handwritten ones in people’s mailboxes. Police say the suspects were unable to breach the cashbox and steal money, but significant damage was done to the machines. “The community has to realize that they must speak up for the community,” said Tyrone Williams, a recently retired community liaison for the Strawberry Mansion Neighborhood Action Center. “But I can tell you this: If you do, you probably won’t be able to come back.”. The main utility of this video will be to make the American Negro "angry", increasing his resolve in "VOTING HARDER" as his means of fighting against racism, this according to his present consciousness. The Mayor Of Philadelphia Showed The World That The Prevailing Consciousness In West Philly Is The Want For Pacification, Carried A Bible And The "Do Better Medicine" Of A Firearm Just In Case Those Who Attacked The Black Community Were Illiterate And Couldn't Read The Behavioral Instructions In The Bible, His Blue Eyes, Cast Upon Me, Give Me The Renewed Hope Of Removal Of My Inferiority And That My Baby Will Have "Good Hair" So She Won't Have To Pay The Koreans For Indian Hair Just As This Racist System That I Am Now Trapped In Forces Me To Do To Achieve Feelings Of Equality, Unlike Dr King's Mistake We Are Not Going To Allow A Focus On Foreign Injustice To Disrupt Our Domestic Social Justice Agenda Now That "WE Are In The White House", The "Dark Matter Interview That Was Never Heard Because Your Conscious Sensory Perception Is Tuned To The Wrong Frequency", Stop The Highway Men From Stealing Your Consciousness By Fusing YOUR Development Agenda With Their Political Aspirations - You Lose Where It Counts The Most. The words "Stay Golden" are reflective of a common usage of the color gold in African diasporic communities, and speak "to the resilience of our people through adversity.". WHYY thanks our sponsors — become a WHYY sponsor. Development has cost the city four to six murals a year in the recent construction boom, Golden said. That’s three times as many as the June primary. The District said the changes are designed to serve the community  — since most young people in the area are enrolled in alternative programs. If The Common Result Is The Destruction Of The Community "Governance Culture" Using The Violence Of Slavery Or The Voluntary Enticement Of Consumerism Based Political Opportunism - Is There Really A Difference In The Method That Leads To The Same End? On the upside, there are relatively fewer hospitalizations and (so far) fewer deaths. You can request a replacement or return your voted ballot through Nov. 3. Here’s what to expect, Election week distractions: What to do in Philly while you’re waiting for results, These are Philly’s 700+ polling places for the November 2020 election, Philly COVID cases surge 300% since mid-September, positivity spikes, Urban cowboys ride through Philly on Sunday to get out the vote. “You understand that everything has a life span. . Filled Negro And "Progressive Philly Rising" Issue... ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE - A Necessary Non-Violent C... Why Do Street Pirates Prefer GAS STATIONS As The S... C.F.U. “We are feeling that rapid change coming”. This story originally appeared on PlanPhilly. Located at 2140 N. 33rd St., it serves as the neighborhood’s gateway into Fairmount Park, which residents often refer to as the neighborhood’s “backyard.”. It's unclear if an explosive device was used to crack the machine. About 2,500 still exist. It was clean and full of greenery — in contrast to the lot full of short-dumped trash down the street. The neighborhood is quite large in area and in population and has been grossly neglected by police. A monthly membership helps lock it in. “One of the things we did not appreciate about Logan Kramer was him talking about his vision for the neighborhood,” Graham said, “not keeping to the fact that the neighborhood already has its own vision.”. Older homes and vacant properties that were once eyesores have become open invitations to savvy developers and investors. He lives in the neighborhood, and about half his company’s workers are Black. Elmo drum line, CNN broadcasts, dance parties and dueling rallies. ‘The war was at our door’: Saj and Tommy Blackwell on living through West Philly uprisings. In 2000, the neighborhood had the lowest average home price in the city. The Colonizer Reserves The Right To Pen His Version Of History. And without a proper deed, it’s impossible to get a home improvement loan with a low interest rate, either from the bank or from the city. Similar explosions occurred at a Wawa in Cresentville and a Sunoco Gas Station in East Falls. ‘Shoot him’: Body camera footage shows officers who shot and killed Walter Wallace Jr.