Depending on how comfortable your students are discussing character feelings, you may want to model thinking aloud for the first one or two situations. Use these Sylvester and the Magic Pebble lesson plans after reading the book aloud to your first or second graders. What would you have done? Copyright © 2020 Bright Hub Education. Sylvester realizes that he cannot change himself back and is stuck as a rock. Find tips for leading a philosophical discussion on our Resources page. Was it the best decision? 2961 W County Road 225 S This raises a metaphysical issue of what makes something magical. What are the most popular equipments used by magicians? Will Sylvester ever be a donkey again?! You can use the following prompt. Understanding How Specific Learning Disabilities Can Affect a Child in Physical Education, How to Best Differentiate Instruction in your Classroom. In 2019, the Prindle Institute partrnered with Thomas Wartenberg and became the digital home of his Teaching Children Philosophy discussion guides. Who is the most famous magician of today? Why or why not? Do you think Sylvester and his parents will ever use the magic pebble again? But how can he know that it was the pebble that caused the rain to stop and not merely a coincidence? How can we tell the difference between magic and coincidence? If something is to be a magical occurrence, it is usually thought to involve supernatural forces that defy the laws of physical reality. Did they identify logical feelings for the different events? His problem is he cannot wish himself back because the red pebble is not touching him because he is a rock with no hands. Sylvester wishes that it will stop raining and it does. But how can he know that it was the pebble that caused the rain to stop and not merely a coincidence? When his parents are sitting near him, Sylvester wants to shout out to them; but he cannot, because he is a rock and cannot speak. How did Sylvester know that it was the pebble that made the rain stop? I’d also probably feel happy that I got my wish too.”. What was your favorite part of the story? As a result of that, the pebble … If someone is not thinking or conscious, are they still a person? Then show them the index cards with the feeling written on them. P: (765) 658-4075, Monday - Friday: 8AM - 7PM Saturday-Sunday: closed, Moral Reasoning and Leadership Development at DePauw, Hosting an Event at the Prindle Institute, Original questions and guidelines for philosophical discussion, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, National High School Model UN Ethics Resources. Make sure they understand the difference between character feelings and character traits. How does one qualify this and distinguish the difference? Why or why not? Look over the independent work that the students completed. Is it the fulfillment of all one’s desires?