When Robin enters the sauna, the door locks behind him, and the room begins filling with scalding hot steam. Lowry's death inspired Whitson to begin staging accidents for the other men on the list, in the hopes of leading the police astray in their investigation of Deems' death. Eraser recognized Bruce Wayne through the disguise, explaining that for years he hat sat next to Bruce attending college classes, smelling the special shaving lather he used, and he was able to recall the smell when he sniffed it again. Special helmet eraser able to rub out evidence The Eraser was the chosen alias of Lenny Fiasco, who turned to crime after living his college days under constant mocking and taunting by his classmates. Placing a hand on Bruce's shoulder, Lenny revealed that he confirmed ' identity because an individual's skin acid makes any shaving later he used react differently than someone else's. By blind chance, Charles Lowry, the architect, perished in a genuine accident, earlier that same week. The only girl Lenny ever wanted was fellow classmate Celia Smith, and he planned to take her to the school's ice carnival. You can search for https://braveandbold.fandom.com/wiki/Eraser?oldid=20546. which shows the effects of Batman's death on his enemies and allies. any Comic Vine content. He knocked Bruce out with sleeping gas, and Bruce awoke at Eraser's headquarters, where the Eraser had constructed a recreation of the college ice carnival. He first turned up in Ambush Bug: Year None #4 (2008). While his arrest is a real coup for Commissioner Gordon, it doesn't bring Batman any closer to catching the killer. You can learn more with the writeups.org FAQ. Lenny Fiasco as the Eraser later returned as part of Bruce Wayne's imagination in Batman: RIP. A quick search of the men produces a newspaper that ignites at the Batman's touch. As Batman races to the sauna to rescue the Boy Wonder, he is ambushed by the killer. None Placing a hand on Bruce's shoulder, Lenny revealed that he confirmed Wayne' identity because an individual's skin acid makes any shaving lather he used react differently than someone else's. He wore a mask topped off with a giant eraser that could rub out evidence from crime scenes like footprints, fingerprints, etc. You can search for As they exit the police precinct, Batman tells Robin that, just that morning, he was nearly killed, as Wayne, when he suddenly lost control of his car and drove off into a ravine. Has an Eraser helmet that can erase 3 dimensional things. Batman #188 - The Eraser Who Tried to Rub Out Batman; The Ten Best-Dressed Corpses in Gotham City, The Eraser Who Tried to Rub Out Batman; The Ten Best-Dressed Corpses in Gotham City. Embittered, Lenny began advertising his services to the underworld. General Information Fiasco would be hired by thu… In bitterness, he became The Eraser™, a super-villain with the ability to remove all clues from a crime scene. By the time Fiasco erases the mistakes of his life, his sentence will be ended. The Eraser wore shoes tipped with pencil-point blades that could also emit a sleeping gas. Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? He took out advertisements as the Eraser in The Secret Underground, a periodical aimed at Gotham's small-time criminals. Batman and Robin go undercover to flush the Eraser out into the open. Character » The Dynamic Duo uses Fiasco's ice sculptures as cover, as they close with the Eraser, and his gunsels. It can completely wipe out all traces of evidence from a crime scene, right down to the finger- and footprints. which shows the effects of Batman's death on his enemies and allies. Batman The Eraser aka Lenny Fiasco was a classmate of Bruce Wayne in his college years. They called on Batman, who disguised himself as an organ grinder and hired the Eraser for a mock robbery. His brilliant methods make it impossible for the police to find any clues. Lenny didn't seem too amused with Batman's joke. A LEGO version of the Eraser makes a cameo appearance in The Lego Batman Movie. Lenny Fiasco was a low-grade student during his high school years, during which he was schoolmate of Bruce Wayne. At police headquarters, Dennis is revealed to be the secret king of Gotham City's numbers rackets. Deems opted to blackmail Whitson, prompting Whitson to kill Deems. Special helmet eraser able to rub out evidence. Visita eBay per trovare una vasta selezione di batman eraser. Bruce did not remember Celia however, sending Eraser into a rage. Scopri le migliori offerte, subito a casa, in tutta sicurezza. Fashioned after a pencil, he hired himself out as a villian who would eliminate all evidence from the crime scene. Nach der immer verrückteren Phase, in der die Comics immer wildere Blüten trieben, hatte sich mit Redakteur Julius Schwartz ein ernsthafterer Stil etabliert. Fiasco is a professional at covering the tracks of other crimes. Lenny allways got teased for erasing the mistakes he made in his notes and homeworks. Fiasco has engineered an exact recreation of the Winter Carnival, complete with life sized figures of Wayne and Smith, carved from ice. The villain then told Bruce that he had became a criminal because Bruce shattered his dreams of going out with Celia Smith. Lenny Fiasco was a college classmate of Bruce Wayne (Batman), and was continually mocked by his fellow students for all the mistakes he made in class. In his suit and full head mask, the Eraser resembled a living number two pencil. Once Robin has been released from the trap meant for Dennis, Batman attends to the killer, Matt Whitson. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The few people who remembered Lenny always pictured him with eraser in hand, correcting his mistakes. Lenny was crushed when she chose to go with Bruce Wayne. Abilities: Robin then arrived on the scene and distracted Eraser long enough for Bruce to change into his Batman identity. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 6063 in-depth character profiles from comics, games, movies. Feeling quite bitter, he turned to a life of crime, developing an eraser costume that could eliminate all evidence from a crime scene. Nobody, Batman #188 - The Eraser Who Tried to Rub Out Batman; The Ten Best-Dressed Corpses in Gotham City. Let The Eraser erase every clue from your crimes !”, Skills: on 08/18/20 Eventually, he went insane and became a super villain named The Eraser. The Dynamic Duo split up to search the house. In the process of robbing the store's safe, the "organ grinder" is startled by the sudden presence of the Eraser. When Dennis' chauffeur enters a building through the basement entrance, then emerges carrying a metal box, Batman reveals his presence. Commissioner Gordon gets Batman to investigate a series of crimes in which all of the clues have been erased, and the Caped Crusader goes undercover to do so. None Out of all the obscure Batman villains, the Eraser definitely takes the cake for being the most bizarre. Let the 'Eraser' erase every clue from your crimes! Lenny Fiasco as the Eraser later returned as part of Bruce Wayne's imagination in Batman: RIP. Wayne uses his escape artist skills to free himself from his icy coffin. Batman: the Brave and the Bold Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. He knocked Bruce out with sleeping gas, and Bruce awoke at Eraser's headquarters, where the Eraser had constructed a recreation of the college ice carnival. Comic Vine users. Leonard Fiasco At school, Lenny Fiasco always got teased for erasing the mistakes he made in his notes and homework. Fiasco adopted the name of Eraser as a reminder of his constant failures during his school life and also because he provided a special service to the criminals of Gotham City. Lenny Fiasco Let the 'Eraser' erase every clue from your crimes! Prone to making mistakes at the black board, Wayne can only recall a single time he ever saw Fiasco without an eraser in his hands, at a winter carnival. The Eraser Batman #188 (December, 1966) Only 20% of job--before taxes! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. He has set up a good racket for himself. View full history. The Eraser also recently appeared in Neil Gaiman's 2009 story " Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?" At school, Lenny Fiasco always got teased for erasing the mistakes he made in his notes and homework. Has an Eraser helmet that can erase 3 dimensional things. During the Korean War, Whitson had been taken prisoner and, in an act of cowardice, betrayed his countrymen. For 20% of the profits, he will use his giant eraser to wipe out all evidence from the scene of a crime. Prior to the release of this year's publication, the first three men on the list, Charles Lowry, Deems Davis, & Terrence Green, have all died. Robin is left behind to serve as back-up, in case Batman runs into trouble. Gadgetry*: 05, Thief*: 03, Weaponry (Exotic)*: 03. The Eraser must have at least 8 APs of time (or more ; GM’s discretion) to erase the evidence from a crime scene]. Buy LEGO Batman Movie Series 1 Collectible Minifigure - The Eraser (71017): Building Sets - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Batman's cover identity is that of an organ grinder, with Robin cast in the role of the monkey. The Eraser makes a cameo appearance in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode "A Bat Divided!"