Charlie Sykes has hosted 450 Episodes. On today’s_ Bulwark_ Podcast, Josh Kraushaar and Amanda Carpenter join host Charlie Sykes to discuss the end of the 2020 election, whether the GOP will ever be introspective, and the Georgia run-off and 2024.Special Guests: Amanda Carpenter and Josh Kraushaar. Kevin Williamson on the Case Against Trump. © Stitcher 2019, all content is copyright of its owners. Special Guest: Mark Salter.By The Bulwark, On today’s Bulwark podcast, Benjamin Wittes joins host Charlie Sykes to discuss #MeToobin, Amy Coney Barrett and court packing, and the President publicly pressuring AG Barr to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden before the election. Founder and Managing Director of Acquirers Fund. Bill Kristol and Mona Charen on the Morning After Listen now (43 min) | On today’s Bulwark Podcast, Bill Kristol and Mona Charen join host Charlie Sykes to discuss Tuesday’s election, the future of the… Special Guest: Mike Murphy.By The Bulwark, Sonny is joined today by Natalie Metzger, VP of development and production at Vanishing Angle. Charlie Sykes and guests discuss the latest news from inside Washington and around the world. I listen to you every day and enjoy the intelligent banter with your guests. Special Guests: A.B. Mona Charen is joined by syndicated columnist Linda Chavez, Bill Galston of the Brookings Institution, and Damon Linker of the Week to discuss the news of the week in a respectful, rational forum. Listen to The Bulwark Podcast episodes free, on demand. –, A Cold War Between Red and Blue America –, The House Didn’t Flip, But the Results Were a Flop –, COVID Is Trump’s Undoing. Do yo…, On today’s _Bulwark _Podcast, Bill Kristol joins Charlie Sykes to discuss his recent item about the three possible election outcomes, and how the COVID-19 fiasco is impacting the race. Tim Miller on Trump's Extremely Online Campaign. Special Guests: Bill Kristol and Mona Charen.By The Bulwark, On today’s Bulwark Podcast, Kevin Williamson joins Charlie Sykes to discuss his recent article on the case against Trump, the trouble with politics as meaning and inquisitional politics, and the forthcoming circus we can expect if Trump is a lame duck President. Ok Charlie, had to let you know that although your previous radio listeners no longer like you, this So Cal centrist Democrat does. The Secret Podcast. Know Your Risk Radio with Zach Abraham, Chief Investment Officer, Bulwark Capital Management. Join Subscribe to The Bulwark Podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Bummer! On today’s Bulwark Podcast, Kevin Williamson joins Charlie Sykes to discuss his recent article on the case against Trump, the trouble with politics as meaning and inquisitional politics, and the forthcoming circus we can expect if Trump is a lame duck President.Special Guest: Kevin D. Williamson. Charlie Sykes and guests discuss the latest news from inside Washington and around the world. If you like what we’re up to, don’t worry: there’s more. On today’s Bulwark Podcast, Kevin Williamson joins Charlie Sykes to discuss his recent article on the case against Trump, the trouble with politics as meaning and inquisitional politics, and the forthcoming circus we can expect if Trump is a lame duck President. Close Menu Podcasts On today's Bulwark Podcast, Amanda Carpenter joins Charlie Sykes to discuss the last days of the 2020 election, the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, Kavanaugh's Wisconsin opinion, and the future of the Senate and the GOP. Stoddard discusses her ten “known unknowns” of the 2020 election. Global in its outlook, multifaceted in its purposes, the Mitchell Center seeks to contribute to the ongoing quest for democratic values, ideas, and institutions throughout the world. No shouting, grandstanding, or sloganeering. Sonny Bunch hosts The Bulwark Goes to Hollywood, a new podcast featuring interviews with folks who have their finger on the pulse of the entertainment industry during this dynamic—and difficult—time. On today’s Bulwark Podcast, Josh Kraushaar and Amanda Carpenter join host Charlie Sykes to discuss the end of the 2020 election, whether the GOP will ever be introspective, and the Georgia run-off and 2024. You're not a Stitcher Premium subscriber yet. Republicans Are Terrified of Their Followers, An Embarrassing Presidential Display That Will Live in Infamy, The Lies from the Trump White House are Getting Desperate, All of Trump’s Anti-Democratic Attacks Have Failed—So Far, Air Force to assist in expanded Capitol Hill COVID-19 testing –, Hogan says Trump is undermining the Democratic process –, In a rare move, Trump appointees bust union, hit federal immigration judges –, Why the Election Wasn’t a Biden Landslide –, Trump Says Mail-in Votes Are Suspicious Because They Overwhelmingly Favor Joe Biden. Review our. Beg to Differ is a weekly roundtable podcast brought to you by No shouting, grandstanding, or sloganeering. Go to to register. On today’s Bulwark Podcast, Bill Kristol and Mona Charen join host Charlie Sykes to discuss Tuesday’s election, the future of the GOP, and why Trumpism has not been refudiated. Our greatest defense lies in their love of liberty and strength of character.” -Ronald Reagan. On today’s Bulwark podcast, David Byler joins host Charlie Sykes to break down the polls one day before the election, explain why you can’t model a court fight, and what states to look out for tomorrow night.Special Guest: David Byler. On today’s_ Bulwark_ Podcast, Josh Kraushaar and Amanda Carpenter join host Charlie Sykes to discuss the end of the 2020 election, whether the GOP will ever be introspective, and the Georgia run-off and 2024. The easiest way to listen to podcasts on your iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, smart speaker — and even in your car. Zach also shares a personal message about his friend Dori Monson. Sign up for Zach’s FREE Know Your Risk Virtual Roadshow coming up November 19th at 3pm. Special Guest: Bill Kristol.By The Bulwark, On today's Bulwark Podcast, Amanda Carpenter joins Charlie Sykes to discuss the last days of the 2020 election, the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, Kavanaugh's Wisconsin opinion, and the future of the Senate and the GOP. –, When Will We Finally Get Results In Unprojected States? Conservative, conscientious, and civil.Read Less. He’s Wrong. Many of the episodes are linked to our other programming ... On today’s_ Bulwark_ Podcast, Josh Kraushaar and Amanda Carpenter join host Charlie Sykes to discuss the end of the 2020 election, whether the GOP will ever be introspective, and the Georgia run-off and 2024. On today’s Bulwark Podcast, Bill Kristol joins Charlie Sykes to discuss his recent item about the three possible election outcomes, and how the COVID-19 fiasco is impacting the race. On today’s Bulwark podcast, Tim Miller joins Charlie Sykes to look at the big picture of the 2020 election, the unique Biden map, and the future of the GOP. Special Guest: Will Saletan.By The Bulwark, This week on the show, Sonny talks to Shannon Moore, the Director of Field Marketing at Allied Global Marketing’s Washington, DC office. Interviewer: MATTHEW BERKMAN. Special Guests: Bill Galston, Matthew Yglesias, and Sarah Longwell.By The Bulwark, Player FM for Android — Download podcasts free, Player FM for iPhone — Download podcasts free. Sonny’s been a working film critic for 15 years or so, and the first question he always gets—after “What’s your favorite movie?” which he refuses to answer on general principle—is “How do you see the movies? For free. On today’s Bulwark podcast, Mark Salter joins Charlie Sykes to discuss his new book: "The Luckiest Man: Life with John McCain.". Westwood One Podcast Network / Dan Bongino, FiveThirtyEight, 538, ABC News, Nate Silver, Hacks on Tap with David Axelrod and Mike Murphy, Politics War Room with James Carville & Al Hunt. The ANDREA MITCHELL CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF DEMOCRACY aims not just to promote, but to understand, democracy. Special Guests: Bill Galston, Damon Linker, Jon Fasman, and Linda Chavez.By The Bulwark, On today’s Bulwark podcast, Tim Miller joins Charlie Sykes to look at the big picture of the 2020 election, the unique Biden map, and the future of the GOP. The two discuss different election outcome scenarios and the potential impact on the markets and economic recovery. See for privacy information.By Bulwark Capital Management, Zach is joined by Tobias Carlisle. Host Mona Charen is joined by Linda Chavez of the Niskanen Center, Bill Galston of the Brookings Institution, and Damon Linker of The Week to discuss the news of the week in a respectful, rational forum. See for privacy information.…, Series: FREE SPEECH BATTLES. Bonus and ad-free content available with Stitcher Premium. The Bulwark is a project of Defending Democracy Together Institute. Special Guests: Bill Galston, Damon Linker, George F. Will, and Jonathan V. Last.By The Bulwark, On today’s_ Bulwark_ podcast, Tim Miller joins Charlie Sykes to discuss President Trump’s out-of-touch campaign four days out from election day, Tucker Carlson’s UPS conspiracy, and how COVID overshadowed all of Trump’s October surprises. On today's Bulwark Podcast, John Heilemann joins Charlie Sykes to discuss President Trump's 60 Minutes interview, the Hunter Biden conspiracies, and the last Presidential debate.