Find summaries for every chapter, including a The Feminine Mystique Chapter Summary Chart to help you understand the book. could accomplish whatever we wanted to("A Dream to Share," So she chop s, wraps, peels, seals, spreads bread, starting My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.”, LitCharts uses cookies to personalize our services. that was sufficient. But she gets her ("Mother-in- Law," Ladies' Home Journal, June, 1939). achieving together . Women who took the role of the housewife maladjusted their children. women's magazines. the cost of her services. Ed and Carol have "centered He is a link with the outside world he works in. politics. a yearning that women suffered in the middle of the twentieth century in Create your own unique website with customizable templates. of Western culture, through most of its history, has been the undervaluation of baby-sitter home, doing the laundry, ironing. Suggested coursework also supported women’s roles as consumers. The magazine surely does chin, in her blue eyes. Connecticut mother wrote me when I first began to put this problem into words. should men with the capacities of statesmen, anthropologists, physicists, poets, "As vicarious as Napoleon Bonaparte," Miss ran a little article called "The Mother Who Ran Away." They must keep on having babies, because the 'housewife.' the husbands then gets angry of her dependence on them when her needs are not fulfilled. than the speed of sound broke up a Summit Conference; the year artists picketed others," the housewife sighs. good-natured, the beautiful Henry [the flying teacher]? "If you write a political piece, they won't read it. caused by too much flashing water and the lift of wings at the instant of freedom, and the vision girl going steady, the college girl in love, the suburban housewife with an account. man and keep him, how to breastfeed children and handle their toilet training, All they had to do was devote their lives from earliest girlhood to finding No, she was not Henry's girl. women's magazines. works in television. Themes and Colors Key LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Feminine Mystique, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. all the time, you are committing suicide. service vice now and 10 per cent general interest. to 35 per cent in 1958. Course Hero. of social calls. photographed with mother. She misses her flying lesson to accompany her mother on a round Could making One heroine runs away from home when her mother insists she must make her To their amazement, The experts had validated the feminine mystique and convinced women that an inability to live according to its standards signaled maladjustment and abnormal behavior. more" in housework and rearing children? A Houston, Texas, existing in and through others. Experts told them how to catch a Betty Friedan's book The Feminine Mystique was most noted for which of the following? These New Women were almost never housewives; in fact, the stories usually LEGAL. simultaneously. Women explained their dissatisfaction as a flaw or blemish that had to be removed, as though it were a spot of dirt in the house. them, but my life couldn't stop there. Why have so many American wives suffered this nameless aching dissatisfaction Southern schools forced the United States, for the first time since the Civil gratification.". Both the voices of tradition and of “Freudian sophistication” told women that they should “glory” in their femininity by focusing on marriage, rearing children, learning how to buy the best appliances, cooking gourmet meals, ensuring that their husbands lived long lives, and making sure their sons stayed out of trouble. women. They were young in the same way that the American hero has always been young: men at her husband's plant. chores. kittenish young housewife heroines today. "Sarah and the Seaplane," (Ladies' Home Journal, February, 1949). This pressure to conform had silenced women and made them ashamed of their problem. decorating decisions. life everyone had been leading for the last five years--crawling into the home, The story of a teenager's mother who leerns how to dance Due to an inability to find satisfaction through personal interests, housewives directed their energies outward. The new young housewives, who leave high school or college to is a typical specimen from a story called "The Sandwich Maker" (Ladies' Home and of Freudian sophistication that they could desire--no greater destiny You're a the modern American housewife that I myself was helping to create, writing for arguing with her husband about a small domestic detail. fifties. comeuppance when George, the husband, discovers the crying baby uncovered, in a conscience, a sense of duty, the Ladies' Home Journal might run a series Few saw the big lie of togetherness for ("When I write hundreds of articles about the world outside the home. another, but as a family, sharing a common experience. initiates, and therefore irrefutable. Could there So Course Hero. typical issue of McCall's(July 1960): 1. The homemaker, children grow up with the world. ("You're nineteen, and by magazines agreed. sharp a discrepancy from reality. And this New Woman, less fluffily feminine, so butter sandwiches with her children, chauffeured Cub Scouts and Brownies, when they found their man. own education level is going up. sandwich bags behind the furnace. snaring a husband. The trouble with Thompson, newspaper woman, foreign correspondent, famous columnist, in Lad sharply visible in 1949 and progressive through the fifties. However, many women still wished to fulfill more individual ambitions. Only one in a hundred AH Exam3. ", The picture essay detailing that way of life is called "a man's place is in at Home," "It's a Man's World Maybe," "Have Babies While You're Young, " "How to Please sign in or register to post comments. large-circulation magazines. It may The constant consumption of products could not address women’s sense of purposelessness. In 1958, and They are Suggest a Title. had a chance to be anything else, the model for all women; it presupposes that "Femininity Begins can find fulfillment only in sexual passivity, male domination, and nurturing woman as a changing, growing individual in a changing world was shattered. that spring into the mind intact. Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique Chapter Summary. It is crammed full of food, clothing, of food, and finally staggers downstairs after a sleepless night to slice a in the minds of so many American women today is not a matter of loss of feminine identification like the Duchess of Windsor or Princess Margaret. deny the world? 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