Isobar: A line passing through points having equal atmospheric pressure. Lyrics taken from Wetting Rain: Precipitation of .10 inches or more over most of the area specified. Get unrestricted access to all the English-Learning Units! Drought: A period of moisture deficiency, extensive in space and time. Please select one of the following: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Anabatic Wind: An upslope wind usually applied only when the wind is blowing up hill or mountain as the result of local surface heating, and apart from the effects of the larger scale circulation. Email Alerts Does it mean anything special hidden Mesonet Data, Radar Whirlwind: A small scale rotating column of air (dust devil). These zones or areas are a combination of administrative and climatological areas, usually nearly the size of an individual forest or district. Warm Front: A front that moves in such a way that warmer air replaces colder air. Long Wave: A wave in the major belt of westerlies which is characterized by large length and significant amplitude. Normal: The average value of a meteorological element over a period of years, usually 30 in the United States. Synopsis: A statement giving a brief general review or summary. We wouldn’t say a customer was at fault for not adding weep-holes to a wall that had originally been built without them. It is measured by the barometer, and expressed in millibars or inches of mercury. Isopleth: A line passing through points having equal or constant values of a given gravity, with respect to either time or space. Humidity: A measure of the water vapor content of the air. Westerlies: The dominant west to east motion of the atmosphere across the mid latitudes. "Through Da Storm" Hey big brother, it's me, Leah Remember at the old house I said you was gonna be a big star one day? usually several decades). “Battle Cry” is a single from the Polo G’s debut album, Die A Legend.The single was released along a music video on January 28, 2019 and garnered a million views in a single day. In these cases, we’ll apply our own definition, which is that a storm generally involves violent winds, usually accompanied by rain, hail or snow. In these cases, the customer may still be able to claim for some or all of the damage under the accidental damage section of their policy, if there is one. But their insurer turned down their claim, saying the damage was from wear and tear. south to southwest to west, the opposite of backing. Barrett. Remember, if you’re relying on an exclusion then you must show that the exclusion applies. It may be associated with diurnal land/sea breeze regimes or other features that increase on-shore pressure gradients. Lightning Activity Level (LAL): An objective rating system used in the NFDRS that indicates the amount of cloud to ground lightning observed or forecast in a given area. Nationwide Part of Tim’s roof was damaged after gale-force winds. They might say the new materials don’t match the old ones. Associated with low pressure systems. Deflects winds to the right (with wind at your back) in the northern hemisphere. There is such a storm, it looks as if the world were coming to an end.”. were the roof tiles in good enough condition to have remained in place for some time. Cyclone: A closed isobaric circulation in the atmosphere, with counter-clockwise rotation in the northern hemisphere.