Also called a cowboy steak, the tomahawk is cut from between the 6th and 12th rib of the beef cow and weighs between 30 and 45 ounces. Transfer the steak to a cutting board, tent it with foil and let it rest 10 minutes. In a heavy skillet or oven-proof pan, heat the 2 tablespoons olive oil over high heat until it's just starting to smoke. They are a ribeye cut, but unlike a traditional ribeye, Tomahawk steak keeps the bone. Using tongs and the bone as a handle, turn the steak over and cook another 3 minutes. Optional: moisten a paper towel and wrap it around the steak's rib bone, then wrap aluminum foil around the moistened paper towel. If you've wrapped the bone in the optional paper towel and foil, remove it now. The Tomahawk Ribeye is a special type of cut steak which you may not be able to find in every local market. While a tomahawk steak is one of the more expensive pieces of meat available, it's worth the price. Tomahawk steak with salsa verde: Having tomahawk steak with salsa verde can be a great option for dinner. (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate. However, you are not just buying the food, you are buying an experience–something that doesn’t happen everyday. For this reason, they’re sometimes called “bone-in ribeye”. While the steak is cooking, add the butter to the skillet and melt over medium heat. No doubt these can get pricey, but they’re worth it. They are a ribeye cut, but unlike a traditional ribeye, Tomahawk steak keeps the bone . Ingredients: 1 tbsp. The Tomahawk is a very large rib eye beef steak attached to the bone. These gorgeous, long-bone Wagyu Cowboy chops speak to the purity, simplicity, and unapologetic indulgence of the Old World. Or, if the steak is for one person, simply spoon the butter and garlic over the steak and serve. It's a classic steakhouse splurge, but can easily be prepared at home for much cheaper. It's a bone-in rib-eye, and the bone is Frenched to give the steak its distinctive "handle." Take the steak out of the refrigerator 30 minutes prior to cooking t (Step back a bit since it will smoke and spatter.) Let the steak come to room temperature. Your email address will not be published. Lower the heat to medium-high and cook the steak 5 minutes, without touching it. For information on how to cook this bone-in treat, head to our steak hub where you’ll find a foolproof guide to preparing the most popular cuts, alongside ideas for sauces, drinks matching and more. Trim off the top 1/4-inch of the garlic head. Here you’ll learn how to prepare and enjoy this legendary cut of beef! The same can be said for restaurants: many of them will price up these steaks due to the difficulty involved in preparing them, though the price is more than justified if the meal represents a significant milestone. For that reason they are typically considered as something exclusive to mark a significant occasion. Salt and pepper? The first step is getting your steak to room temperature, so make sure you give them enough time to thaw out if they’ve been frozen. Named for its distinctive shape, the tomahawk is taken from the rib with the bone left in for a rich, full flavour. When the steak is ready, take it out of the oven, and transfer it back into the skillet. Cowboy Tomahawk Steak Cooking Guidelines Let hundreds of years of butchering tradition be your secret weapon in the kitchen! Tomahawk steak is no exception, so go ahead and enjoy it however you like! Whether prepared on a skillet or cooked on a grill, it will be one of the best steak experiences money can buy, so don’t hesitate to give one a try sometime, especially for celebrating a major milestone! Then, ignite your burner or start warming up your grill to bring the cooking surface up to temperature. Use a spoon to baste the butter and garlic over the steak. Whether or not the bone actually adds more flavor is up to the consumer, but you can’t deny the simplicity of cooking and eating when you have something to grab onto. While there are a lot of Tomahawk steak recipes you can try, the best way to make your Tomahawk steak perfect is to grill it. Squeeze the roasted garlic cloves into the butter, stirring with a wooden spoon to distribute, then add the thyme sprigs. It's the bone where the Tomahawk take its name from - the large 30cm rib bone left on the cut gives it a distinct tomahawk shape. Your email address will not be published. While this is happening, season the meat. Click Play to See This Tomahawk Rib-Eye Steak Recipe Come Together. There are certainly strong opinions about how and with which seasoning a steak should be cooked–ignore the hype and find out what works best for you! What part of the cow does the Tomahawk come from? Once the steaks are ready, go through all your usual steps: check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer, flip as needed, and make sure to move it around the hotter and cooler sections of your grill as required. Treat it like a regular piece of meat, and don’t hold back from your usual combinations. Many have heard the name without knowing what it actually means. Be sure to call your butcher ahead of time to reserve a tomahawk. The tomahawk steak is back. Many companies selling these steaks (such as MyChicagoSteak and HolyGrailSteak) continually offer different steak options. Butter? Like all ribeye steak, a Tomahawk takes meat from the rib primal of the cow, an area known for the extra flavor because of its unique combination of fat and muscle. The rib bone is left in on one side and is often used as a handle for both cooking and eating the steak itself. truffle oil; If you look at it from the perspective of how many fast-food meals you could buy for the cost of a steak, then it won’t seem worth it. Click on the products below to have a go at home, The Waitrose & Partners farm, Leckford Estate, Visit Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tomahawk steak: what are they? For a beautifully browned crust, start this thick cut off in a smoking hot griddle pan before finishing in the oven (200ºC, 180ºC fan, gas mark 6). Something else entirely? Video masterclass: learn how to cook this tender cut. Los Angeles food writer and personal chef Gene Gerrard shares his years of cooking experience and expertise by leading cooking demos at culinary expos. Here, Jess pairs this impressive cut with a zippy chimichurri: this piquant purée of parsley, garlic, vinegar, olive oil and chilli flakes is perfect drizzled on grilled meats, especially steak. ), 7 Best Steak Recipes for a Delicious Dinner, The 4 Best Methods to Cook a Steak Indoors, Beef Steaks and How to Cook Them From Skirt to Tomahawk. If they are cooked solely on a grill, they will also be crunchy and crusty on the outside. For a limited time, our succulent British beef tomahawk steak is available in stores and online. For this reason, they’re sometimes called “bone-in ribeye”. Cuts of Beef: Where They are From and Their Characteristics, « Different Cuts of Beef: Their Origins and Characteristics, Fire Pit Grilling: How To Cook Great Steaks Over An Open Fire ». Video masterclass: learn how to cook this tender cut. Turn the steak, and baste again. Plus, instead of the hassle prepping and cooking, you can just sit back with a cold beer or wine, enjoying company while the restaurant takes care of all the grunt work! Try the two-pack of Premium Angus Beef Wet Aged Tomahawk ($169.95 on sale) or the Snake River Farms Dry-Aged USDA Prime Tomahawk ($85). The No. 4 tablespoons butter (1/2 stick, unsalted). 1 Côte De Boeuf is an impeccably sourced alternative. Transfer the steak to a baking sheet and place in the oven, roasting 10 minutes, or until the desired doneness is reached. Just before the steak rests, it is basted with butter, roasted garlic, and fresh thyme to result in a juicy, flavorful, and tender piece of meat. You don't have to do this, but it will make for a better presentation. Remember that a properly-prepared steak is usually one of the best ways to enjoy meat, either from an oven or fresh off the grill. The rib-eye includes some of the most flavorful and tender beef, and the cut is sure to make a big impression. Named for its distinctive shape, the tomahawk is taken from the rib with the bone left in for a rich, full flavour. The meat will continue to cook while it rests and increase by 5 to 10 degrees. Like all steaks, you can expect to see many alternate recipes both online and in restaurants. Whether you're sharing it with a loved one or serving it up to your family, this steak is destined to impress. 2:28. Let steak stand at room temperature 30 minutes to an hour before cooking. In our step-by-step video guide, Jess Wooldridge, chef tutor at the Waitrose & Partners Cookery School in Salisbury shows you how to cook your tomahawk so you’ll get perfect results every time. Whether you are using a different cooking method, buying raw steak from a butcher, or just trying to use certain ingredients, there isn’t a “right” way to cook any steak. Alternatively, roast it first before transferring to the barbecue – weather permitting – for added flavour. Lay the tomahawk steak into the skillet and sear 1 minute. Season very liberally with kosher salt and freshly ground pepper. Some may prefer to start them in an oven, to prevent the outside from getting too tough while the inside cooks, then finish them on a grill for the seared, smokey finish. Produced from grass and forage fed Hereford beef that’s dry-aged for 30 days to develop its unique flavour, it’s melt-in-the-mouth tender. Just before the steak rests, it is basted with butter, roasted garlic, and fresh thyme to result in a juicy, flavorful, and tender piece of meat. Tomahawk steaks rank highly among the best cuts of steak. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. plans to publish a series of articles about unique steak recipes you won’t find anywhere else. While your tomahawk is resting, put some little gem wedges and courgette slices on the barbecue, crack open a bottle and you’re all set.