“This is unprofessional, it’s petulant and it’s nonsense,” he said. My comments are my comments and I’ll continue to comment on the matter as it makes its way through the courts. Would you mind filling it out on the right hand side and then click the The Danny Lakey Late Show Catch Up. “In relation to contempt, media organisations in Australia are required to exercise extreme care when reporting on stories which are currently before the court. Nationwide News Pty Limited Copyright © 2020. He also gave listeners details of how to listen online if the dump button is hit again. He called Triple M out for “censoring” him “to protect an advertiser”. We don’t live in North Korea.”. Hadley went on to berate Triple M for cutting his show as he spoke about the case. The problem was, if they tuned in online he was loud and clear — still broadcasting. “While SCA appreciates the significance and the impact on the Orange community of this case, SCA was concerned that the material broadcast was potentially in breach of Australian contempt of court and defamation laws. To watch the live video stream, log in to 2GB or create a free “I just want to make some things clear to my listeners ... What I do here is represent the interests of my listeners,” he began. [28], Radio broadcaster Tim Brunero publicly supported the allegations made by Perez. “It’s nothing to do with a court case. Plus 100,000 AM/FM radio stations featuring music, news, and local sports talk. Invalid postcode. A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. Hadley's talkback show started in a traditional local community and state-based current affairs format but now includes federal politics. Some of these stations are part of the Southern Cross Austereo Triple M network and are some of the stations which also broadcast the Continuous Call Team. [2], While working as a cab driver, he was offered casual work at the radio station 2UE after giving the then news director, Mark Collier, a ride in his taxi. About half an hour later, Hadley was back on air. Listen to me! His use of the words "fucking spastic" [2] offended organisations that deal with people which such conditions, and Ray made a quick apology and offered his services to the organisations affected for no charge. During the broadcast, Mr Hadley made the comments about an unnamed individual who had allegedly made a remark about Mr Hadley… It’s understood callers to the station were told Hadley’s show was off air due to a “technical problem”. It might be the only time in history that a so-called shock jock's credibility is running higher than a politician's credibility". 864 Triple M plays Classic Hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s. [3], In December 2001, Hadley joined 2GB to present the weekend rugby league coverage but when fellow 2UE presenter Alan Jones moved to 2GB from 2UE in April 2002, he began presenting the morning show as well.[4]. Hadley married Suzanne in 1994. [11], Hadley was one of Channel 9's main play-by-play commentators mainly commentating on Thursday and Friday night games until leaving the position at the end of the 2018. This morning, Hadley backed up on air, calling Triple M management for “lying” about the reason his commentary was dumped whenever he brings up the case. It’s understood callers to the station were told Hadley’s show was off air due to a “technical problem”. “Attempts to frame this issue as one of censorship and free speech are misleading,” SCA said in a statement. 864 Triple M plays Classic Hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Your account has been created however we need a small amount of It only made him louder. Later in the broadcast, Hadley said that if either Mr Ahmed or his "grub of a wife" still owned their shop, "they should completely and utterly be sent out of business". I am wondering why Ray Hadley show isn't broadcast on 864 Triple M in Toowoomba anymore? My Generation Catch Up - Triple M Network with Dave Williams. Perhaps, this is a temporary station problem. You seem to forget, Lee, it's the Ray Hadley morning program...[6], Hadley has been credited with discovering Samoan country singer Sam Ah Chookoon aka Mr Cowboy 62 in 2019. [42], Ray Hadley's son Daniel, has resigned from NSW police following a cocaine possession charge and is currently undergoing mental health assessment. Yesterday morning, a furious Hadley called Triple M out, retelling the story of the truck driver whose licence had been suspended after a road incident which resulted in the death of a 72-year-old man. They separated in late 2010 but reconciled a few months later. We use cookies in order to personalise your experience and improve our services. Log in with your favourite social network. Select the emails relating to 2GB that you're interested in receiving. [15] Despite repeated requests to retract the story, Hadley refused to do so and was found in breach of the code. | All content © 1996-2020. Australia's leading site for radio and audio industry news and jobs. Three weeks before the trial was due to start, Hadley allegedly aggravated the defamation in a spray about another Liberal MP, Bart Bassett, and his appearance at ICAC. It also meant that the after about half an hour of being lambasted, Triple M quickly restored transmission. SOME listeners to radio host Ray Hadley’s program were puzzled when he went silent. Johns, who’s spent eight years with Triple M’s The Grill Team, has hung up the headphones today. ..then Hadley dumps on Triple M. Today, on his 2GB Morning show, Ray Hadley read out a statement about a police investigation concerning an employee of West Orange Motors. In May 2014 it was revealed that Hadley had unsuccessfully attempted to have Parish fired from his post with the NRL after Suzanne and Parish began their relationship. [36] Smith took Hadley to court, with both parties later dropping the case in exchange for Hadley refraining to broadcast further on the matter. But Southern Cross Austereo, which broadcasts Hadley’s show into a number of regional areas, says the decision to mute Hadley was based “solely on legal advice” and “not influenced by any commercial considerations, including the fact that West Orange Motors has a commercial relationship with SCA”. "[38], Hadley was sued by Kim Anne Ahmed. Goodbye Lee. “I won’t tolerate this sort of nonsense. But we are pleased to advise that we are completely satisfied with the outcome. Hadley told his audience he looked "forward to any Supreme Court acting involving Mr Williams or any other politician in New South Wales. Hadley's program from 9am to midday is also broadcast to 4BC Brisbane, 2CC Canberra and stations across regional New South Wales, Queensland and parts of Victoria. Matthew ‘Matty’ Johns may have said goodbye to breakfast radio, but Ray Hadley can reveal where his mate’s career is headed next. Given the live nature of the program and the host’s public opinion that he does not consider his comments to be of concern, since Monday, SCA has declined to air any part of the show that refers to the case because of the risk that further problematic material may be aired. He says Triple M is attempting to “censor” him. Picture: Jonathan NgSource:News Corp Australia. He presents 2GB Sydney's Monday to Friday morning show, and leads the Continuous Call Team, a rugby league-based talkback radio panel program. news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site. Authorization is only required to store your personal settings. 2GB was inundated with calls from the region. [5], On 19 May 2011 Hadley hung up on 7 News reporter Lee Jeloscek during a phone interview. Raymond Morris Hadley OAM (born 27 September 1954) is an Australian talkback radio broadcaster and a rugby league football commentator for Channel Nine. “As long as we don’t report anything but the facts as we know them, as in the fact sheets from the New South Wales police, we’re not breaking the law. If you have a problem with the advertisers, sort it out. You can listen to the details below. If you have a problem with advertisers, sort it out but don’t try and censor me. “I don’t care if West Orange Motors are an advertiser with Triple M in Orange. Yesterday morning, a furious Hadley called Triple M out, retelling the story of the truck driver whose licence had been suspended after a road incident which resulted in the death of a 72-year-old man. TRIPLE M muted talkback radio guru Ray Hadley in Orange and a stack of other regional areas. Radio Chaser Catchup - Triple M Sydney. Listeners in regional parts of Australia were cut off from listening to him this morning, but Hadley used his 2GB radio show — which is broadcast to those areas via Triple M’s regional network — to cry foul of the attempt to “censor” him.. Shows. Listen! Install the free mobile app Online Radio Box, Address: 4GR 104-106 Margaret Street TOOWOOMBA Q 4350, Newsroom: news-toowoomba@sca.com.au
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https://www.instagram.com/mmmdarlingdowns/. Despite clear evidence, Hadley continued to deny that he had lied, stating on air, "Through life you can't win in an argument with the arbiter, with the referee and I can't win in a battle with the Australian Communications and Media Authority despite the fact that I think I'm right," [16]. I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last. Wake up weekdays with Lee for Breakfast, followed by the Ray Hadley Morning Show from 9am, then Focus on the Downs with Graham Healy covers all things local. It seems they were none too flattered to hear Hadley mention their brand in a negative light in their hometown. It’s about an advertiser who spends a lot of money and all of a sudden they are starting to worry about whether that advertiser will continue to spend money because of my comments about them.”, He also observed “we are talking about it because it’s a story” and “the silly part is that by doing what they are doing, they are bringing more attention to what we are talking about than if they just let me have my say and move on.”. 585 Favorites. He won that award again 2009 and became the first radio broadcaster to win both that award and best sports commentator. Hadley has also appeared in TV commercials, and for 17 years was spruiking the budget menswear establishment Lowes. Listen to me! [29] Brunero claimed he had witnessed Perez being summoned to Hadley's studio before later returning and telling Brunero that Hadley had allegedly subjected to him to a "blistering, shrieking tirade that's only possible in a soundproof room". Also in 2010, Hadley was signed by Sky News Australia to present a weekly current affairs programme entitled Hadley!. If you have a problem with advertisers, sort it out but don’t try and censor me. The program is networked across Triple M’s regional stations and the dealership happens to be one of Triple M’s biggest advertisers in the Orange market. You will enjoy exclusive content, competition updates and other benefits as part of The personal joke has led to Ray appearing on Triple M several times, invariably, at his own expense.