Claire recruits NotEnrique for a secret mission, while bully Steve stirs up trouble at school. [1][3] The first season was released worldwide on Netflix on December 23, 2016. Underneath the armor, he wears a sort of black undershirt, although this inner layer has never been fully shown.


Two trolls in an epic battle lead to consequences in the human world, especially for one boy named Jim. goes undercover to see what Gunmar is up to.

Romances Even Barbara says that she is the one who is supposed to take care of him and protect him, Jim says that they need to look out for each other since Jim's no good father abandoned his family.


Two battles unfold when Strickler and Bular make Jim unlock the portal and free Gunmar and his army from the Darklands.

When Jim first became a Trollhunter, he was unwilling to take responsiblity of this title. Full name


"Becoming: Part 1" (Trollhunters)"Terra Incognita Part Two" (3Below; cameo)"Spellbound" (Wizards) Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!! He started out as a "rogue Gnome" causing trouble, but after he was finally defeated by Jim he became friendly when he was given a dollhouse to live in and a plastic doll to be his companion. [9] The series was nominated for nine Daytime Emmy Awards in 2017, winning more than any other animated or live-action television program that year.

James "Jim" Lake, Jr. is one of the overall three main protagonists of the Tales of Arcadia franchise (along with Aja Tarron and Douxie). Both armors have their respective amulets mounted on Jim's left chest and their swords stowed on the backs of the armors. Outstanding Achievement, Character Animation in an Animated Television/Broadcast Production, Mike Chaffe for character Blinky in "Becoming, Part 1", Outstanding Achievement, Character Design in an Animated TV/Broadcast Production, Victor Maldonado, Alfredo Torres and Jules Rigolle, "Win, Lose or Draal", Outstanding Achievement, Music in an Animated TV/Broadcast Production, Outstanding Achievement, Storyboarding in an Animated TV/Broadcast Production, Best Animated Series or Film on Television, Best Male Lead Vocal Performance in a Television Series, Best Female Lead Vocal Performance in a Television Series, Best Female Vocal Performance in a Television Series in a Supporting Role, Best Female Vocal Performance in a Television Series in a Guest Role, Outstanding Individual Achievement in Character Animation, Outstanding Individual Achievement in Character Design, Outstanding Special Class Animated Program, Outstanding Casting for an Animated Series or Special, Outstanding Writing in an Animated Program, Outstanding Directing in an Animated Program, Outstanding Main Title and Graphic Design, Rodrigo Blaas, Andy Erekson, Jonathan Catalan, Dai Weier, John Laus, David M.V. Both armors have their respective amulets mounted on the left side of the breastplates and occasionally their swords (Daylight and Eclipse) stowed on the backs of the armors.

In his troll form, Jim bears a very slight resemblance to Beast from the X-Men Marvel comics. 's agony, travels with many of the Krubera to Trollmarket, surprised to see that a human named Jim Lake Jr. is the next Trollhunter. He could also be somewhat overprotective of his family and friends, as he does not tell his mother of his new Trollhunting duties.

When Merlin had Jim change himself into a half-troll, he was reluctant because he would lose half of his humanity forever.

By his own admission[4] and Krel,[5] he has skinny legs. [42] The trilogy was continued by a sci-fi animated series known as 3Below, which centers on two royal aliens and their bodyguard who escape from their home planet and crash-land on Earth in Arcadia, where Trollhunters also takes place. Underneath the armor, he wears a so… Most of all, when his mom finally found out he is the Trollhunter, she had her memory erased and she made him promise to tell her again later. A monumental loss carries a warning from beyond the grave as Gunmar marches for the Heartstone Trollmarket. Trollhunter (norwegischer Originaltitel: Trolljegeren; zu deutsch [Der] Trolljäger) ist ein norwegischer Fantasy-Thriller aus dem Jahr 2010, der in Form einer Mockumentary gedreht wurde.


Villains, his friends and loved ones being in danger, lying to his mother, birthdays (formerly), his new troll form's limits, losing his humanity, Gunmar, goblins, nyarlagroths, gruesomes, being called a "beast" Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

Jim's birthday is full of surprises, including the arrival of a new species of flying troll, called a stalkling that is immune to the effects of sunlight. After being dubbed the first human Trollhunter, James "Jim" Lake Jr., reluctantly, begins to lead a double life with best friend Tobias "Toby" Domzalski at his side, along with gaining mentors from the trolls Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!!. Dislikes

In the Darklands, Jim meets "The Skullcrusher.". He is originally jealous and suspicious of Jim but later befriends him – acting as Jim's fighting tutor.

Jim is also very protective of his girlfriend, Claire Nuñez.

The changeling posing as Claire's brother throws a party for the trolls of Arcadia; Jim and Toby want to take Strickler's ring.

JimTrollhunterHuman TrollhunterTroll Jim (after transformation)The White Knight (in the past)The Bular SlayerJim "the Dead-Meat" (Draal)Young Atlas (Strickler)Jimbo (Toby)Kiddo (Barbara)Master Jim (Blinky)Fleshbag (Draal and Vendel)Jim "Fake" Jr., Lame Jr., Jumbo, Buttsnack, Jerkface, Buttmunch, Jim "Flake" Jr. (Steve)Jimmy Jam (Mary and Darci)Little Gynt (Nomura)Jim the Baby-Handed (Bagdwella and himself)Hunter (Angor Rot)Lake Hunting Boy (Vex)Little Lamb (Morgana)Freakshow (Victoria)Skinny Legs (Hunter Jim and Callista)Beast (King Arthur)Youngling (younger Blinky and Dictatious) He also acts more troll than the original Jim. This nickname compares him to the Greek titan "Atlas" from Greek mythology. [7][8], The first season of Trollhunters was released on DVD on November 7, 2017.


Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (or simply Trollhunters) is an American computer-animated fantasy television series created for Netflix by Guillermo del Toro, and produced by DreamWorks Animation and Double Dare You Productions. It's also something he's been learning to overcome, particularly after his dream sequence from Unkar the Unfortunate. Trollhunter, student

Aja and Jim were sadden to learn that they would not remember each other after their first meeting.

During a field trip to a museum, Jim tries to get closer to Claire; Jim discovers that the museum curator has a surprising secret. Jim is a rather tall, slim young man of fifteen (later, sixteen), with blue eyes and short dark brown hair.

He is the clone aspect of Jim's ruthless/trollhunting personality, created by the Aspectus Stone. set out to Trollmarket to stop Morgana and the rest of the team warns the town of the upcoming danger, while Jim waits in his house for the nightfall. After a little consideration and reflections on all he had been through, he willingly turned himself into a troll hybrid. DreamWorks then planned to turn the book into an animated feature film. Jim was the first human Trollhunter in a long time before becoming half-troll and half-human.

Claire Nuñez

Recycled audio of Yelchin, however, is used for the remainder of the series, and Yelchin is credited as an "Additional Voice Talent" in the end credits. Trollhunters3 BelowWizards Likes But there's a piece of him that yearns for a life of adventure outside the doldrums of suburbia. Facing serious accusations from the Tribunal, Jim gets the chance to see what his life would be like if he'd never found the amulet.

He later loses this form after Arthur's demise, gets turned to stone, and emerged from the rubble, back in his original human form. When equipping his Eclipse armor the amulet on the left side of breastplate looks like the back side of the Amulet of Daylight only with red linings. Behind the Scenes Voiced by

Character Information Jim Lake Jr. (creator)

His most human feature after being tuned into a troll is he still has red blood as shown in "The Eternal Knight: Part 2". Intelligent, heroic, brave, overprotective, responsible, kind, understanding, mature, polite, caring, selfless, quick-witted, loyal, determined, patient, adventurous, honorable