4616 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<4452685AA1521F44B3FD145A1F26B4C5><40552F89B830FE4AA9DE0E13A95B009E>]/Index[4597 48]/Info 4596 0 R/Length 100/Prev 677786/Root 4598 0 R/Size 4645/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 0 VODKA– Vodka is a neutral spirit made from the fermentation and distillation grain mash than rectified. WINE– Wine is an alcoholic beverage made from grapes, generally Vitis vinifera, fermented without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes, water, or other nutrients. Fruit juice is not a typical breakfast beverage past the early 1800s; it was only the fermented grapes and apples that received much notice. PERRY– Perry is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented pears, similar to the way cider is made from apples. If produced outside these geographical limits, it is called mescal (By government decree 9dec, 1974). x�Y�R�F��+�R�H[���c;qO�r���cR�LW�I�˜~\ ̠�`\TMKݭ��q��Fo�u���!� ���-������+j���)v5B��tcE뻎|Ӊ��N���9ٴ?��d>�$i��j���:��#���

molasses. The fact that we have options for everything tells us how vast the beverage industry is.The making and design of the factory or industry would depend on the type of drinks that are made. h�bbd```b``�"@$�1�"9���N���`R,^�%f���Rf�/$&�،�`���/�����A�l#� %�3|�y` ��h CALVADOS– it is an apple brandy. BEER– Beer is defined as a fermented, alcoholic beverage made from barley, wheat, rice etc.

Managing Entrepreneurship, SME Properties, Vermouth (Definition, Types & Brand names), Bitters (Definition, Types & Brand names). It has no flavour, aroma, colour etc. ��0�5�X�0Q�c�g��!����@QP�Λ�Cz �b1p`� ���.$x << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> TIA MARIA– Tia Maria is a dark liqueur made originally in Jamaica using Jamaican coffee beans.

w�5�K�$�Uv��; & flavoured with hops.. SAKE– Sake is an ancient fermented beverage known to have been made since about the third century A.D in china.But it was not until about 600 years ago that sake, as we know it today was produced. TEQUILA– Tequila is fermented & distilled alcoholic beverage made from the blue agave plant and produced in specific geographic area of Mexico known as Tequila, which is within the state of Jalisco (about 40 miles northwest of Guadalajara) and parts of the states of Michoacan and Nayarit. CURAÇAO– It is a liqueur flavored with the dried peel of the Laraha citrus fruit, grown on the island of Curaçao. The main flavour ingredients are coffee beans, Jamaican rum, vanilla, and sugar, blended to an alcoholic content of 20%. The packaging of beverages both carbonated and non-carbonated, is a complex technological branch in the Food Processing /Packaging industry. �-����Z)����z>�Q����~�SO�[����Jz�j�K�Ξ�^[]��gj73���A�U0��6[XD7:k�&��1��ݍ��F���i��b�4Նi^�RV���k~b���v8�v����%̗�w��SP�(��pm�C��RM#o9�**/�����Q}-�%k�?̒��kV�gb�/��_]������)&J=����_��]��a�)�k-0հ[�胘�J��D�v-8�Y�Z��� -�i���V@���Oɹ��"�J; ��5,�Ȉx�߽�_g��FtSU}t���=����Yڑ������4��[ڜ���*O� =l|�Z�Ͳdڔ�B��s�������jS/wD~����^�(�$���q��ٔ"d� Rx-L���n�U+A�-m����O��98I�^B��U}P4��JH٘|�5���Mzw����H�;��`;za�챟Ж0�7$h��FV�>�Oik^�=I�G�`?�ˑe��m�s����ӴDj�R�|`6F���}�x�% ��/By�� K��N ����8���O�۴e?�e��c����3Q�;��1��Zd �lH'��ᥪ�J�.Eh[mE��Aw��X��PF�cBi���Ĕo����(��^��Ãܱ ��n-u�K�9��t��.2� 4597 0 obj <> endobj h�b```�> !��1�g�FA�R�������Ŏ�%�J�X��?>��x$W���� COGNAC- Cognac is defined as the brandy produced from the Charante and Charante Maritime department of the West Central France comprising roughly an area of 2,50,000 acres enclosing the city of Cognac squarely in between which lends its name to the brandy produced in this region. %PDF-1.6 %���� GIN– Gin is a flavoured alcoholic beverage, which produced by re-distilling high proof spirit with Juniper berries and other flavoring agent. SAKE– Sake is an ancient fermented beverage known to have been made since about the third century A.D in china. In this lesson, you will learn a list of 20 common types of drinks that people use in daily life with pictures and example sentences to strengthen your vocabulary.

PACKAGING OF BEVERAGES T he beverage industry is one among the front-liners where massive investments are being made for expansion and technological upgradation. That’s the only way we can improve. People love to have coffee at work, lemonade during a hot day and a cold, aerated drink when watching a movie. ����2@� ���� y�͆��ٯ�|�!�����+���sjX��3V�Y����l �j����⪽ч��>������p��|ޔi��ySE6eW�n�-~%qRg�=���I�D��D�|X�)�هk��Ů�-�7����i�Q���Rm�)��v~X3�4��i���ɇ�\�N��������5�k�ݷ�(b�Ӯ�㭦 ���;::�L+:�;:�;*�DCE�ˤT �Y@ When made from fruits other than grapes the word brandy is linked with the name of the fruit. RUM– Rum is an alcoholic beverage distilled from the fermented by-products of sugar cane i.e. C. Bar stock – alcohol & non-alcoholic beverages, D. Old World wines (Principal wine regions, wine laws, grape varieties, production and brand names), E. New World Wines (Principal wine regions, wine laws, grape varieties, production and brand names), C. Broad Categories of Liqueurs (Herb, Citrus, Fruit/Egg, Bean & Kernel), D. Popular Liqueurs (Name, colour, predominant flavour & country of origin). Calvados is aged in oak casks for years, before being bottled and sold. But it was not until about 600 years ago that sake, as we know it today was produced. 4644 0 obj <>stream Various grains are used for different varieties, including barley, corn, rye, and wheat.

Tequila has become synonymous with the culture and heritage of Mexico.