i thought some one died of a heart attack. Richard O'Sullivan & Spike Milligan on Noel's House Party (1991) -- Q. The Late Late Breakfast Show was a BBC television light entertainment show broadcast live on Saturday evenings from 4 September 1982 to 8 November 1986. It use to do stunts with members of the public they surprised the week before. What do you think of the answers? American "walk-on" Guests on Noels House Party did not seem to get gunged as often as the British celebs, but if they were only promoting a film or TV show they would probably be on a tight schedule. The escapologist retained as Lush's trainer, Paul Matthews, was only experienced with theatrical tricks and had not performed the stunt required for the show. Sections of this page. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Graham Games of the Health and Safety Executive stated that the clip could have been opened by the weight of a bag of sugar, and demonstrated that the clip sprang loose 14 times in 20. [18] In court, Maurice Pallister, representing the HSE, further explained that the stunt would not have been rehearsed by any professional without an airbag in case of falls, and that "stunt experts" had told him that even professional rehearsals should have taken weeks, rather than days. It is true that did happen, it was a stunt that went wrong live on air. [7], There had been concern that the show's stunts were too dangerous; indeed, the BBC was twice threatened with legal action by the Health and Safety Executive to stop planned stunts such as plucking a member of the public from an exploding chimney by helicopter. ? Still have questions? don't know if that's why it got taken off air. Noels house party was taken off the air because the ratings fell. Not Noel's House Party but another Noel Edmunds vehicle, The Late Late Breakfast show. As a compromise, the BBC offered to air the video two days later on The Late Late Breakfast Show, which featured weekly live music performances, but rarely aired videos. Hard to believe that next month will be 25 years since the tragic death of Michael Lush, while rehearsing a stunt to perform on the late late Breakfast Show. Wynn Publishing 2002. No Noels house party just ended due to falling viewing figures. The show was described as a "mag prog [magazine programme] especially for those who get up late on Saturday, featuring comedy, pop music & a few surprises". [8] The BBC themselves described the stunts as "some of the most daring feats ever seen on British TV". Not sure it was House Party. No Noels house party just ended due to falling viewing figures. No, it was another Noel Edmonds series, The Late Late Breakfast Show, which was taken off the air on 15th November 1986 (the last programme shown was on 8th November) due to the death of Michael Lush died following an accident when rehearsing a Whirly Wheel stunt. Yahoo is part of Verizon Media. The show was cancelled in the aftermath of his death. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. How many "shark tank" episodes do they film at a time.