Data has been extrapolated from the last iteration of the World Bank's International Comparison Program (ICP) using inflation and exchange rate data . The indicator is valued at the current exchange rate of the respective year versus the US$. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { Spanish group Diego Zamora acquired a 45% stake in Reformed Spirits Company Ltd, owner of Martin Miller’s Gin, at the start of 2018. Mark Harris, channel director for Pernod Ricard UK, says there are now an estimated 9.2 million cocktail drinkers in the UK, and “aside from price, the description and details about the type of spirits included are the most influential factors when choosing a cocktail”. facts. So where does this leave drinks brands? Sep 2020. London, UK, Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Please drink responsibly | Log in in percent. $('#stay').val(ft - st); Last month, a family of four running their own micro-rum distillery in London relocated to Scotland, having secured £100,000 to begin building a state-of-the-art facility Livingston, West Lothian. | Source: Statista, based on OECD, The indicator shows as a result of surveys the assessment of businesses regarding their current and future production, orders and stocks in the form of an index that has the long term trend (=100) as its basis. The data source is specified individually for each data set. One product seemingly unaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic is English gin, with its sales continuing to record dynamic growth in 2020. Accessed November 08, 2020., Spirits - United Kingdom. If you continue to use this site, you consent to our use of cookies. High levels of indebtedness can indicate the formation of a bubble that can cause an economic downturn. At home consumption on the other hand covers sales via retail stores (e.g. | Source: Statista, based on World Bank, Goverment gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. © 2020 Union Press Ltd | Wigglesworth House, Fourth Floor, 69 Southwark Bridge Road, London, SE1 9HH, UK | Registered in England and Wales No. | Source: Statista, based on World Bank, IMF, Eurostat and national statistical offices, Estimated price level index for education (U.S.=100). in percent While gin is still the clear growth leader, other categories are also growing fast. The indicator is valued at the current exchange rate of the respective year versus the US$. Terms of trade are especially important for developing and emerging countries that are dependent on commodity exports whose value swings with the world market for these goods. If you continue to use this site, you consent to our use of cookies. The average price per liter in the Spirits segment amounts to US$44.16 in 2020. “An overarching trend that is influencing a great deal of spirit consumption in the UK on- and off-trade at the moment comes primarily from a millennial audience that is becoming increasingly more discerning and demanding about the quality and complexity of the cocktails in their glass,” says David Miles, from distribution and marketing company Maxxium UK. The following Key Market Indicators give an overview of the social and economic outlook of the selected region and provide additional insights into relevant market-specific developments. Vodka, liqueurs, and cane spirits decline . In fact, you could say that Brits are creatures of habit, lovers of tradition. “One of the issues of drinking less and being healthy about it isn’t just giving it up. in the Spirits market He adds: “Cocktails are worth £500m (US$660m) to the on-trade and are stocked in a third of outlets, up by 33% versus two years ago.”. London, UK, Fusion Communications You can find further source information in the methodology section. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries Retrieved November 08, 2020, from, "Spirits - United Kingdom." Data has been extrapolated from the last iteration of the World Bank's International Comparison Program (ICP) using inflation and exchange rate data . in million US$. The 20 million British adults who enjoy spirits out of home are more likely than average to be engaged and experimental with their drinks. “These lower-alcohol cocktails use the likes of Sherry, vermouth and sake to replace hard spirits like vodka and gin. Cocktails are a crucial factor in the ongoing success of spirits, and CGA data shows that sales by value have risen by 7.5% in the last year. Consumers may well have reduced purchasing power in the next few years due to economic slowdown and potential global economic recession. It covers all private household spendings meant for consumption at home. Gaps filled with next higher COICOP position. Here are six of the big takeaways. swallowed up the business at the end of the year, Martin Miller’s Gin, at the start of 2018, extended its collection of limited-edition, small batch casks to rum last month, Takeaway alcohol sales to be restricted in England, Couple find Prohibition-era whisky hidden in wall of home, Aldi lists Brewdog’s spoof ‘copycat’ beer, Customer Services Administrator - Fixed Term Contract. UK, Spiritrade This channel is also called on-trade, on-premise or HORECA (short for hotels, restaurants and cafés). bars and restaurants). Here you can find more studies and statistics about "Spirits". Data has been extrapolated from the last iteration of the World Bank's International Comparison Program (ICP) using inflation and exchange rate data . | Source: Statista, based on OECD, The indicator shows the share of unemployed people in the selected region, defined as persons without work that seek employment, as a percentage of the total labor force. The ""Price per Unit"" box shows the average retail value per unit in the selected market (market segment, region) in US dollars for each year. Required fields are marked *. And which still have more room to grow? Otherwise, all other spirits products will record declining total volume sales in 2020. Gin, of course, is the notable success story of the past few years. (n.d.). | Source: Statista, based on IMF, The indicator shows as a result of surveys the difference between positive and negative answers of consumers regarding their economic situation and plans for major purchases in the form of an index that has the long term trend (=100) as its basis. $(document).on('focus', '#comment', function(){ | Source: Statista, based on IMF, UN, World Bank, Eurostat and national statistical offices, Consumer spending per capita for clothing and footwear (according to the Classification of Individual Consumption Purposes, COICOP) in the selected region (in current prices, constant exchange rate). “Looking at London’s bar scene, more and more people are drinking it – and it’s not just shots,” says Flanagan, talking of Tequila. | Source: Statista, based on WHO, Per-capita consumption of alcohol (all types) in litres of pure alcohol in the selected region | Source: Statista, based on WHO, Share of men in the selected region (15+ years) who smoke at least occasionally | Source: Statista, based on World Bank, WHO, Share of women in the selected region (15+ years) who smoke at least occasionally | Source: Statista, based on World Bank, WHO, Number of years a newborn in the selected region can expect to live if prevailing patterns of mortality were to stay the same throughout its life. London, UK, Fusion Communications var st = null; Gin brand Sipsmith — launched as a micro distillery in 2009 — saw its sales in terms of volume grow at least eightfold between 2012 and 2016 on the back of the craft spirits boom. GB: 239-2559-40 Registered in England No. The market for Alcoholic, Non-Alcoholic and Hot Drinks not only include sales for at-home consumption (off-trade) but also sales to the on-trade sector (restaurants, bars, cafés). }); Terms & conditions | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Please drink responsibly | Log in Nevertheless, there seems little doubt that moderation and a desire to consume in a more health conscious way will drive demand for more low- or no-alcohol products. The indicator is valued at the current exchange rate of the respective year versus the US$. The event featured craft beers, wines, lower-sugar sodas, infusions and nonalcoholic ‘spirits’ all served-up by expert mixologists. var count = parseInt($('#force').val()) + 1; $(document).on('keypress', '#comment', function(){ The COICOP definition varies from the market definitions employed in the Consumer Market Outlook. $('#stay').val(ft - st); Gaps filled with next higher COICOP position | Source: Statista, based on IMF, national statistical offices, Consumer price index for furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house. There will also be a selection of top secret distillery bottlings aimed at the most devoted collectors. The “Revenue” box shows the forecasted revenue development of the selected market (market segment, region) in million US dollars for each year. The markets for Alcoholic, Non-Alcoholic and Hot Drinks in turn not only include sales for at-home consumption (off-trade) but also sales to the on-trade sector (restaurants, bars, cafés). Included are both consumption of goods as well as services (cleaning and cobblers). If you continue to use this site, you consent to our use of cookies. st = new Date(); yoy, United Kingdom: top ten spirit brands on Facebook 2020, Alcohol duty tax receipts in the UK 2000-2020, Alcoholic beverages consumer price index (CPI) in the United Kingdom (UK) 2016-2020, UK: leading spirit brands on YouTube 2020, Spirits consumer price index (CPI) in the United Kingdom (UK) 2016-2020, United Kingdom: Leading 5 spirit export destinations, ranked by value 2019, Alcohol clearances: Spirits produced and cleared in the United Kingdom (UK) 2005-2019, Spirits - United Kingdom. United Kingdom: Revenue in the Spirits segment amounts to US$13,579m in 2020. The indicator is valued at the current exchange rate of the respective year versus the US$. In retrospect, the booze-maker’s decision to invest in a nonalcoholic brand for the first time in its 257-year history may prove to be a pivotal one. The global craft spirits market size was valued at USD 6.13 billion in 2016 and is expected to witness a growth at a CAGR of 33.4% in the coming years. | Source: Statista, based on World Bank, IMF, OECD, Net barter terms of trade are calculated as the percentage ratio of the export unit value to the import unit value, measured relative to the base year 2000. | Source: Statista, based on World Bank, IMF, Eurostat and national statistical offices, Estimated price level index for health (U.S.=100). “We expect to see more low- and no-alcohol spirits products emerge, as well as products that meet dietary or lifestyle needs, such as gluten free and dairy free,” she adds. | Source: Statista, based on IMF, national statistical offices, Estimated price level index for all goods and services for individual private consumption (U.S.=100). | Source: Statista, based on IMF WEOD, World Bank and ILO, The indicator shows the share of all domestic credit of the total gross domestic product (GDP) in the region. London, UK, The Whisky Exchange
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