embezzlen't doing anything under the table with his tax returns; he was n't embezzling company funds. 15. She rose from her chair and pushed it under the table. She scooted the chair under the table and tossed the rag in the hamper. cowering under the table finally eating a piece of meat. There's something under the table. With tasks like sitting under the table until someone rolls a four or talking like Count Dracula with your thumb on your forehead, this game is sure to bring on the laughter. The farmer's dog has been gnawing away on a bone, 30. 12. She crawled out from under the table and answered the door. With a sharp cry, she scrambled to the kitchen and dived under the table. Learn more. 2. under the table definition: 1. He dropped down onto the floor and hid, 16. Prices rose too quickly; many residents were forced out of their homes; and senior officials profited from, 16. All Rights Reserved. Trying to save money by using day laborers or under the table workers often leads to disaster and expensive home repair costs. If something is done under the table, it is a secret, hidden action: 2. "All right, all right," he said, throwing the bits under the table. Shut that fire off and get under the table. 14. Jovana is 16 and works under-the-table, buying bread wholesale and selling it back to small stores. He claims he's a big drinker, but even his daughter could drink him, 29. 6. Last week, government agents arrested two former television producers for accepting. designed and carried out secretly or confidentially. If something is doneā€¦. It is safe to assume however that the practice was similar to the, 10. under the table meaning: 1. Much I need it! said Rostov, throwing the letter under the table. 4. 3. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. 6. Under the table in a sentence 1. She's been staying under the table for the most part. She would have coward under the table all night, too frightened to go for help. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Learn more. She slid out from under the table and stood, hugging herself and shivering violently as she peered out the kitchen window into the darkness. He pushed the bench aside and slid out from under the table. Flipping the dial to the off position, she dived for the questionable refuge under the table. Massive stimulus spending and easy credit in China have likely added to flow of cash through, 11. About 170 leading thinkers on labor and employment will take up topics ranging from child labor and labor migration to informal ", 7. No, we shall not permi t these wiseacres to hide under the table the ignominious collapse of their ignominious collapse of their ignominious policy with the NAP. Purchasing managers favor one vendor over another because they get a kickback. The cat was under the table. We're now facing a new world with new technology, where, 8. embezzlen't doing anything under the table with his tax returns; he wasn't embezzling company funds.