Recent research concerning the origin of life on Earth suggests that the physical and chemical processes leading to the origin of life occur rapidly in the early history of the majority of planets within our Milky Way galaxy–perhaps as many as a million–are inhabited by technical civilizations in advance of our own. The Story of Ragnarok, The Ancient Norse Apocalypse, Neptune: The Evolving Roman God Of Fresh Water, The Sea and Horses, The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt, Beaver's teeth 'used to carve the oldest wooden statue in the world’. Like the Robertson Panel, the committee concluded that there was no evidence of anything other than commonplace phenomena in the reports and that UFOs did not warrant further investigation. A famous example is the city Troy, which is central to Homer’s ‘The Iliad’. Many researchers involved with Project Sign were originally convinced that UFOs were high-tech Soviet aircraft; a minority ascribed to the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH). Astonishing footage of a UFO hovering above Earth has been caught by NASA cameras. I discover them subsequently then I analyze the images. Nevertheless, the remainder of The Iliad is still viewed as a myth and fantasy without any serious attempts being made to investigate whether or not there may be more truth behind the tale. All three of us, like everyone else there I expect, found it difficult. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us”. In the 17 years that Project Blue Book was in operation, it recorded over 12,000 sightings. The incident took place on May 2007 at 14.00 local time in Lima Peru. Messiah on Temple Mount: Are We Nearing the End of Time? Unidentified Flying Objects – the reality, the cover-up and the truth Ancient Astronaut Theory. Not only did this strange craft appear on this particular occasion, but it did the same thing each evening for about a week. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. The initial opinion of those involved with the project was that the UFOs were most likely sophisticated Soviet aircraft, although some researchers suggested that they might be spacecraft from other worlds, the so-called extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH). Interstellar space flight is far beyond our present technical capabilities, but there seems to be no fundamental physical objections to preclude, from our own vantage point, the possibility of its development by other civilizations.” Carl Sagan, Ph.D. (Late Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Cornell University). Unfortunately, there are numerous charlatans who have tried to ‘cash in’ on this movement for profit or publicity, or who have diminished it with caricatures of little green men, resulting in the ancient astronaut perspective being widely criticized and attacked for its lack of credibility. It also hinges on the following assumptions: It is clear that these arguments show the arrogance of mankind, a mankind that may just be an infant in the Universe. Arnold estimated the speed of the crescent-shaped objects as several thousand miles per hour and said they moved “like saucers skipping on water.” In the newspaper report that followed, it was mistakenly stated that the objects were saucer-shaped, hence the term flying saucer. An American obsession with the UFO phenomenon was under way. You got just enough of a hint of a direction maybe, but really it just vanished. The sightings caused a commotion on Twitter after one user wrote: “Everyone in Osaka, go outside! There’s a UFO!” prompting others to grab their cameras and snap up photos of mysterious luminous object. Canada’s government is the only one besides that of the U.S. that has kept relatively extensive records on its citizens’ UFO sightings. The Antikythera Mechanism, for example, is a 2,200-year-old mechanical device that is still not completely understood despite decades of research by top scientists around the world. The Legendary Emerald Tablet and its Secrets of the Universe. Lights of varying descriptions were seen by thousands of people between 19:30 and 22:30 MST, in a space of about 300 miles (480 km), from the Nevada line, through Phoenix, to the edge of Tucson. Many would say that the above examples constitute irrefutable proof that extra-terrestrial UFOs exist. Updates? Powerful telescopes have shown distant planets in solar systems that could possibly sustain life. about Ancient Artists Left Signs For us to Decode. According to the Chicago Tribune's Jon Hilkevitch, "The disc was visible for approximately two minutes and was seen by close to a dozen United Airlines employees, ranging from pilots to supervisors, who heard chatter on the radio and raced out to view it.". I mean, what could you SAY? The Belgium UFO wave peaked with events on the night of 30/31 March 1990. "It is common to see people selectively decide what is real and what is not and all of this on the unsubstantiated assumption that ancient people were primitive and had little to no knowledge compared to us today...". Norimitsu Odachi: Who Could Have Possibly Wielded This Enormous 15th Century Japanese Sword? An alleged UFO seen from a farm near McMinnville, Oregon, 1950. Everything went quiet, as thousands of car engines, and trucks and coaches ground to a halt in both directions, and on that very clear day on that perfectly lit hillside, everybody got out of their vehicle, and everybody looked up into the blue sky above us where there hovered, utterly silent and motionless an absolutely enormous machine. Many have been recorded in detailed reports witnessed by police, pilots, astronauts, government officials, pilots, military personnel and, of course, ordinary citizens. All that remains is more and more precise measurement, Lord Kelvin, 1901, physicist. Is this what governments and corporations are afraid of – a shift in balance and their loss of their positions of power and control? Dr John (Ioannis) Syrigos initially began writing on Ancient Origins under the pen name John Black. In most cases, I did not see any objects in the sky during the photography. 6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding, Ten amazing inventions from ancient times.