I want it solved and I want it done right. Like Daryl Parker's theory about Rhonda Fitzwater knowing more. She says Jennifer told her Rob came home drunk and forced himself on her. He was soon reduced performing on the supper club circuit. Fitzwater has always insisted that all she saw that night was Jennifer's parked Jeep. 36 years later, James Ellroy and L.A. County Sheriff's Department homicide detective Bill Stoner spent 18 months investigating Jean's murder, but also came up empty handed. She was raped and strangled with her stocking. She and her mother have both passed away. Jim Axelrod: Meanwhile, there's no shred of evidence that he was connected at all? Jim Axelrod: And in your view Rhonda Fitzwater is that eyewitness? …until I'm sure that either the person is held accountable or I can't do anything more, I have to carry it. Jennifer "was a dreamer" says her younger sister, Alyssa. Eight years after her murder, Parker, then a lieutenant for the sheriff's department, dropped by Rob Holman's house. And he's not the only one. Jerry Harris: He took his fist and knocked five holes in the living room wall about as big as a softball…. In 10 weeks, five people were killed and another three survived attacks by the same man. In 1987, three elderly siblings and their 30-year-old nephew were murdered by gunshots to the head on their property in the middle of the night. And both denied seeing Jennifer the night she disappeared: JAMES HAMILTON [police interview]: I know I'm not guilty of anything…. The girls disappeared during the afternoon, and were all likely taken by car. But when they weren't home, he drove around alone for five hours on the roads of rural Fannin County. But Jennifer's infatuation with Hamilton quickly faded. The counselor discovered their bodies the next day - raped, beaten, strangled, and stuffed back into their sleeping bags. Daryl Parker: The public grabbed a hold of that information and they started concocting their own theories as to who did it and why. …for my Dad, he needs to see some justice done," says Alyssa Werinck, walking with her father, Jerry. The identity and murder of "America's Unknown Child" has haunted investigators for several decades. Jim Axelrod: Did you see anybody following the Jeep? © 2019 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Blood was found in his car, but DNA evidence was unavailable at the time. In 1996, Ellory wrote My Dark Places: An L.A. Crime Memoir, documenting his attempt to solve the mystery of his mother's death. That question became even more important after the medical examiner's autopsy revealed a stunning piece of information. Not only did he brutally beat and, in some cases, shoot his victims, but there was also a horrific game-play aspect to his murders. … But he was responding to me. Jennifer "was the red-haired girl who was the goof ball … adorable… loveable …Lucille Ball-type," says sister Alyssa Wernick. …They leaked … a lot of stuff got wet. Daryl Parker: It was the anniversary of the crime. Jim Axelrod: But that's the one that caught his attention? DARYL PARKER: Did you believe she was pregnant? He was responding to the pressure I was putting on him and I let it slip away. Could Deborah Lambert hold the answer to who killed Jennifer Harris? … "OK." And with that I turned around and left. But Rob would later tell police, after her disappearance, that Jennifer was the violent one in the relationship: ROB HOLMAN [police interview]: She was hot-tempered when we were married. The girl she says she saw had reddish-brown hair. Copyright © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc.All rights reserved. "There's not one day that I don't wake up and think about my sister.". One year after Jennifer's murder, Deborah Lambert -- who had seen a news report about the unsolved case -- told detectives she saw something when she was driving across the Red River Bridge on Mother's Day. The "Alphabet Murders" (also known as the "Double Initial Murders") took place in Rochester, New York in the early 1970s. ", Joe Moura: You have to consider it … however he disbelieves her and he admits that in the interviews. No other suspects have ever surfaced and the case remains open. There were three survivors of the attack in a room adjacent to the crime scene. Because … this girl was not too removed from high school. How many photographs do they show? "If anything happens in this case, rain or shine, anytime of day, I'm on it," Parker says. McCreary County, KY has at least 23 unsolved disappearances and murders dating to the late 70s. Joe Moura: The sadness is we all have kids. But at the end of the day, the men who've been working this case for years see it very differently than the man with the fresh set of eyes. Myles Porter: "What are you talking about? Every month, the Riders for Justice saddle up for Jennifer Harris. Over 60 people have confessed to killing Elizabeth Short and while some suspects appear to be viable leads, time is running out – her murder will likely never be solved. They will make you reconsider your next trip to somewhere nice and quiet. "Finding the killer and actually being able to prove who the killer is, will that actually be able to provide closure? Daryl Parker thinks he knows who's responsible. It was Sunday. Jerry Harris: I was getting about three or four hours a sleep a night … spent the rest of my time … searching, driving country roads …looking for buzzards. It was Mother's Day 2002. For his part, Moura was surprised authorities seemed to quickly disregard James Hamilton, the ex-boyfriend who wanted to marry Jennifer before she left him when their business failed. Why so emotional Daryl? ROB HOLMAN [police interview] I'd had plans with my girlfriend … she got real upset 'cause it was Mother's Day and I wouldn't come over. David Parker Ray, AKA the Toy Box Killer, is accused of killing over 50 people near a small town called Truth of Consequences in New Mexico in the 1990s. Watch episodes from past seasons of
Susan Bowen: She said, "I'm not happy … I don't care about the business anymore.". Jim Holloway: To me, I think it boils down to who had the most to lose by killin' her or not killin' her? The search would continue for three more days. That someone was James Hamilton -- someone she'd met in that massage therapy school. And she said, "I'm moving to Bonham." All three women were menstruating at the time and had sanitary napkins placed on or near their bodies. Shockingly, although other cabins were occupied nearby, no one heard a sound. But they haven't been able to physically connect Rob Holman to Jennifer Harris the night of her disappearance. Over the years, suspects have included Carmen Colon's uncle and Kenneth "The Hillside Strangler" Bianchi, but the most credible lead thus far comes from Joseph Naso, 80. Jim Moura: No shot. "The Boy In the Box" (as he's also known) was found in February 1957 on the outskirts of Philadelphia. A year after Jennifer's murder, Myles Porter found himself in the center of the storm. Despite this discovery, no new information has ever come to light and the murders remain unsolved to this day. She was a sixth- grader when she began dating Rob, a fifth-grader. Sheriff Mark Johnson: This is all the documentation that's in there … you know, when she first came up missing … this is a poster they're looking for her … newspaper articles, business records … and this is just some case reports. Jim Axelrod: The problem here, I suppose, is that Deborah Lambert's dead? Jim Axelrod: Barry wants to raise $50,000 under the theory that reward money could shake someone loose. Joe Moura [to Jim Axelrod]: If you have a prosecutor who's worth his weight, he would never bring this case to trial. Rob Holman: Yeah, I'll talk to you if you turn it off. Joe Moura: I can see your frustration where …you're in the job for one -- one year you got the public -- I'm sure the family still wants to know what happened to their daughter. Barry Wernick: Jennifer's murder impacted my wife and her family, you can't even put it in words. Though there has been much speculation as to his identity, he has never been found. She was so badly decomposed the medical examiner couldn't determine the cause of death. But it did little to clear up the mystery of what had happened to her. Jim Axelrod: So Jennifer was living a little bit of a split life? To add to the chaos, the massage business had failed and Jennifer was forced to file for bankruptcy. New York State Police … With small-town killings, you're forced to face the prospect that the killer is someone you know - someone you think of as a friend. 12-year-old family friend Justin who was at the Sharp's for a sleepover, also survived unscathed. That's because after more than 15 years, they don't have a lot to work with. And had authorities approached it differently, they may have gotten more from their interviews.