They are not common in Kenya, but teach you important social skills. These are the Master programmes taught in English at the Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences. For details and procedures, please contact the Belgian diplomatic representation in your country or consult the BTC-website. The relevance refers to statistical analyses, knowledge of various ecosystems, aspects of molecular biology and the conductance of a Master thesis. The University offers bachelor, masters, and postgraduate degrees in business, laws, economics, languages, and sports education. What other funding options do you have for this programme? How are (re-)examinations organised at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and what are your rights as a student? Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussel REALISEER JE MASTERPLAN AAN DE VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL. Read more, Cardiac Arrhythmias management is rapidly developing as a subspecialty within cardiology that is devoted to the diagnosis and the treatment of cardiac rhythm disorders, including invasive evaluation of their mechanisms, controlled destruction of arrhythmogenic myocardium by percutaneous catheters, and implantation of cardiac rhythm management devices. Wil je na je bachelor- of masteropleiding je kennis en vaardigheden verder uitbreiden? This two-year specialisation deals with the interactions between humans and their natural environment. FindAMasters. For an overview of all Master courses, click here. Vrije Universiteit Brussel en Belgique, Bruxelles. For details, please consult the website of the Flemish community. It has a holistic approach to science, combining theoretic, practical as well as field work. For other bachelors in science, applied science and life sciences, equivalency will be evaluated based on scientific competences and skills of the students by the Master of Biology Steering Committee. I studied Botany and Zoology at the University of Nairobi, and am now enrolled in the MSc Biology, profile Human Ecology at the VUB. Read more, The programme is co-organised by Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), offering students the possibility to obtain a double master's degree at the end of the programme. Ranked as one of Europe's top universities, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) combines award-winning research and a range of study programmes with a supportive open-door policy in Brussels, one of the most interesting cities in Europe. VUB alumni are therefore excellent critical thinkers and articulate persons able to network and function remarkably well in society. The project is devoted to creating a mutual forum for scientific cooperation, learning enhancement and exchange of best practices. Read more, Do you already have an academic bachelor’s degree in another scientific field and do you want to pursue your academic career in the field of Computer Science?… A case study on the Brussels Capital Region | Master of Geography (WE) Promoter: Prof. dr. Frank Canters, co-promoter: Dr. Boud Verbeiren. Which challenges and opportunities facing humanity do you want to address using your academic knowledge? MORE INFO:, After I finished my Bachelor in Biology in Peru, I have been working 4 years in the interface between policy-making and research. Read more. The system of majors and minors enables students to plan their studies in a way that best meets their interests. Read more, Join our virtual open days - Book one of our info sessions now! After you submit your application, we will verify your degree and transcripts in order to determine whether you are eligible for the programme of your choice., Overslaan en naar de algemene inhoud gaan, VUB Foundation - filantropische fondsenwerving, Crosstalks - niet-disciplinaire kennisuitwisseling, Doctoral School of Life Sciences & Medicine, Doctoral School of Natural Sciences and (Bioscience) Engineering, Brussels Humanities, Sciences & Engineering Campus, Sociale Wetenschappen & Solvay Business School, Wetenschappen en Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen, Multidisciplinair Instituut Lerarenopleiding (MILO), European Master of Science in Photonics (en), Educatieve Master in wetenschappen en technologie, International Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (en), Master of Science in Applied Sciences and Engineering: Applied Computer Science (en), Master of Science in Architectural Engineering (en), Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (en), Master of Science in Chemical and Materials Engineering (en), Master of Science in Civil Engineering (en), Master of Science in de industriële wetenschappen: elektromechanica, Master of Science in de industriële wetenschappen: elektronica-ICT, Master of Science in de ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur, Master of Science in de ingenieurswetenschappen: biomedische ingenieurstechnieken, Master of Science in de ingenieurswetenschappen: bouwkunde, Master of Science in de ingenieurswetenschappen: chemie en materialen, Master of Science in de ingenieurswetenschappen: elektronica en informatietechnologie, Master of Science in de ingenieurswetenschappen: fotonica, Master of Science in de ingenieurswetenschappen: toegepaste computerwetenschappen, Master of Science in de ingenieurswetenschappen: werktuigkunde-elektrotechniek, Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (en), Master of Science in Electromechanical Engineering (en), Master of Science in Physical Land Resources (en), Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering (en), Educatieve Master in cultuurwetenschappen, Master of Arts in de kunstwetenschappen en de archeologie, Master of Arts in de taal- en letterkunde, Master of Arts in de wijsbegeerte en de moraalwetenschappen, Master of Arts in Linguistics and Literary Studies (en), Research Master of Arts in Philosophy (en), Educatieve Master in de maatschappijwetenschappen, Master of Laws: Dual master in Comparative Corporate and Financial Law (en), Master of Science in de criminologische wetenschappen, Educatieve Master in gezondheidswetenschappen, Master of Science in Biomedical Research (en), Master of Science in de biomedische wetenschappen, Master of Science in de farmaceutische zorg, Master of Science in de geneesmiddelenontwikkeling, Master of Science in het management en het beleid van de gezondheidszorg, Master of Science in het management, zorg en beleid in de gerontologie, Research Master of Science in Gerontological Sciences (en), Master of Science in Applied Sciences and Engineering: Computer Science (en), Master of Science in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: cel- en genbiotechnologie, Master of Science in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: chemie en bioprocestechnologie, Master of Science in de ingenieurswetenschappen: computerwetenschappen, Master of Science in de stedenbouw en de ruimtelijke planning, Master of Science in de toegepaste informatica, Master of Science in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management (en), Master of Science in Molecular Biology (en), Master of Science in Physics and Astronomy (en), Educatieve Master in maatschappijwetenschappen, Master of Arts in Digital Communication Leadership (en), Master of Science in Business Engineering: Business and Technology (en), Master of Science in Communication Studies (en), Master of Science in de communicatiewetenschappen, Master of Science in de politieke wetenschappen, Master of Science in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen, Master of Science in International Business (en), Master of Science in Political Science: European and International Governance (en), Educatieve master in gedragswetenschappen, Master of Science in de agogische wetenschappen, Master of Science in Educational Sciences (en), Educatieve Master in lichamelijke opvoeding, Master of Science in de bewegings- en sportwetenschappen, Master of Science in de revalidatiewetenschappen en de kinesitherapie, International Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering, Master in Applied Sciences and Engineering: Applied Computer Science, Master of Applied Sciences and Engineering: Computer Science, Master of Arts in Digital Communication Leadership, Master of Business Engineering: Business and Technology, Master of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Master of Laws: Dual master in Comparative Corporate and Financial Law, Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies, Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management, Master of Science in Political Science: European and International Governance, Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering, Research Master of Science in Gerontological Sciences.