In most school districts, however, teacher diversity is in short supply. Have a general idea of what you want to explore? like advising, tutoring, and tech resources. All classes are being conducted 100% online. Let’s get you started! COEL Launches Professional Studies Courses, WilmU’s Promise Grants: A Helping Hand When the Classroom is Calling. Online Courses and Online Learning in Canvas. University campuses and sites are closed, with all business conducted remotely. Learn more about how to make your WilmU courses fit your life. Our Admissions Specialists can guide you through the application process, admission requirements, funding options and more, so you can build the WilmU education plan that works for you. Explore 200+ in-demand, accredited degree and certificate programs. WilmU academic programs create streamlined pathways to in-demand careers. Academics. WilmU academic programs create streamlined pathways to in-demand careers. It’s a great time for professionals to enhance their skills and move forward on their career tracks. Law, Public Policy, Criminal Justice & Security, Applied Statistics for the Social Sciences, Doctor of Social Science in Prevention Science, Dual Degree: DNP with MBA (Health Care Concentration), Dual Degree: DNP with MSM (Healthcare Administration Concentration), Dual Degree: MSN Leadership with MBA or MSN (Heath Care Concentrations), Elementary and Secondary School Counseling (Non-Certified), English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management, Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management, Health Sciences to MSM or MBA Healthcare Administration Concentration Accelerated Option, Higher Education Leadership and Innovation, Holistic Perspective on Aging and Wellness, MSN Family Nurse Practitioner to Doctor of Nursing Practice (Accelerated Option), MSN Leadership to Doctor of Nursing Practice (Accelerated Option), Organizational Learning, Leadership and Innovation, Post-Baccalaureate Legal Nurse Consultant, Post-Master's Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option), Post-Masters Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option), Post-Masters Legal Nurse Consultant Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option), Post-Masters Nurse Educator Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option), Post-Masters Nurse Executive Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option), Post-Masters Public Health Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option), Special Education: Autism/Severe Intellectual Disabilities, Special Education: Early Childhood Exceptional Children, Special Education: K-12 Teacher of Students with Disabilities. Explore 200+ in-demand, accredited degree and certificate programs. Our flexible course offerings let you take courses at a variety of sites, as well as online, allowing you to complete programs that may not be offered in their entirety at the WilmU location closest to you. Learn more. Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology, Academic Interests: Science, Technology, Engineering & MathInformation TechnologyArt, Communication & Marketing, Bachelor of Science (BS) | College of Business, Academic Interests: FinanceBusiness, Management, Administration, Post-Bachelor Certificate | College of Business, Master of Science (MS) | College of Business, Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business, Graduate Certificate | College of Education, Master of Science (MS) | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Concentrations: Criminal Behavior, Homeland Security, Leadership and Administration, Academic Interests: Law, Public Policy, Criminal Justice & Security, Formats: Traditional ClassroomOnlineHybrid, Academic Interests: Science, Technology, Engineering & MathArt, Communication & Marketing, Certificate of Advanced Study | College of Education, Undergraduate Minor | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Bachelor of Science (BS) | College of Technology, Undergraduate Certificate | College of Arts & Sciences, Academic Interests: Science, Technology, Engineering & MathBusiness, Management, Administration, Academic Interests: Human ServicesHealth & Nursing, Academic Interests: Science, Technology, Engineering & MathHuman Services, Associate of Science (AS) | College of Technology, Academic Interests: Science, Technology, Engineering & MathInformation Technology, Academic Interests: Science, Technology, Engineering & MathEducation, Master of Education (MEd) | College of Education, Undergraduate Minor | College of Arts & Sciences, Academic Interests: Art, Communication & Marketing, Bachelor of Science (BS) | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Bachelor of Science (BS) | College of Arts & Sciences, Academic Interests: Science, Technology, Engineering & Math, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) | College of Health Professions, Undergraduate Minor | College of Business, Academic Interests: Business, Management, Administration, Master of Business Administration (MBA) | College of Business, Concentrations: Accounting, Business Analytics, Business Technology Management, Environmental Sustainability, Finance, Health Care Administration, Homeland Security, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing Management, Non-Profit Management, Organizational Leadership, Graduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Academic Interests: Business, Management, AdministrationArt, Communication & Marketing, Undergraduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Academic Interests: Law, Public Policy, Criminal Justice & SecurityHuman ServicesEducation, Concentrations: Digital Journalism, Public Relations and Strategic Communication, Visual Communication, Academic Interests: Law, Public Policy, Criminal Justice & SecurityHuman Services, Academic Interests: Law, Public Policy, Criminal Justice & SecurityFinanceBusiness, Management, Administration, Academic Interests: Science, Technology, Engineering & MathLaw, Public Policy, Criminal Justice & SecurityInformation Technology, Academic Interests: Human ServicesBusiness, Management, Administration, Master of Science (MS) | College of Technology, Academic Interests: Science, Technology, Engineering & MathInformation TechnologyBusiness, Management, Administration, Academic Interests: Law, Public Policy, Criminal Justice & SecurityInformation Technology, Academic Interests: Science, Technology, Engineering & MathBusiness, Management, AdministrationArt, Communication & Marketing, Undergraduate Minor | College of Technology, Academic Interests: Information TechnologyArt, Communication & Marketing, Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) | College of Health Professions, Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) | College of Business, Doctor of Education (EdD) | College of Education, Formats: Traditional ClassroomOnlineHybridFLEX, Concentrations: Doctor of Nursing Practice, Advanced Practice, Doctor of Nursing Practice, Leadership, Doctor of Social Science (DSS) | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Academic Interests: Health & NursingBusiness, Management, Administration, Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) | College of Health Professions, Graduate Certificate | College of Online & Experiential Learning, Academic Interests: Information TechnologyEducation, Bachelor of Science (BS) | College of Education, Concentrations: Career and Technical Education, Early Care and Education (Birth-Grade 2) (Licensure/Certification), Elementary Education (Grades K-6) (Licensure/Certification), Middle Level Education (Grades 6-8) (Licensure/Certification), Concentrations: Career and Technical Education, Elementary Studies (K-6), Secondary Teaching: Grades 7–12, Concentrations: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education (K-6), Middle Level Education (Grades 6-8), Skilled and Technical Sciences, Concentrations: Elementary Education (K-6), School Leadership (Non-Certification), Secondary Education (7-12), Skilled and Technical Sciences, Academic Interests: Science, Technology, Engineering & MathLaw, Public Policy, Criminal Justice & Security, Graduate Certificate | College of Business, Associate of Science (AS) | College of Business, Graduate Certificate | College of Technology, Academic Interests: Information TechnologyEducationArt, Communication & Marketing, Undergraduate Certificate | College of Health Professions, Academic Interests: Human ServicesHealth & NursingBusiness, Management, Administration, Bachelor of Science (BS) | College of Health Professions, Concentrations: Military Leadership, Safety and Security, Concentrations: Information Assurance, Management and Management Information Systems, Technology Project Management, Web Design, Associate of Arts (AA) | College of Arts & Sciences, Concentrations: Health Care Administration, Homeland Security, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Military Leadership, Non-Profit Management, Organizational Leadership, Public Administration , Sports Management, Formats: Traditional ClassroomHybridFusion, Concentrations: Family Nurse Practitioner, Post-MSN Certificate | College of Health Professions, Concentrations: Educator, Executive, Legal Nurse Consultant, Academic Interests: EducationBusiness, Management, Administration, Post-Bachelor Certificate | College of Health Professions, Post-Bachelor Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Graduate Certificate | College of Health Professions, Concentrations: Special Education (K-12), Special Education Teacher K-12 (Alternative Route - ARTC), Special Education: Instruction, Special Education: Paraeducator to Special Education Teacher K-12 (Alternative Route - ARTC).