Required fields are marked *. “We are heading back into the lowest solar activity in at least 400 years,” says David DuByne in this eye-opening eBook. It shields us from incoming cosmic rays and harmful electromagnetic radiation (such as UV B-C and gamma rays). Shown is the optimum positive correlation (r = 0.54) with a solar lag of +17 months. Hi Alyssa, thanks for your comment. (see below). This, in turn, caused a brief ‘brownout’ of shortwave radio signals over South America and the South Atlantic Ocean: map. Your email address will not be published. This is most likely why the floating sea ice of the Arctic had (officially) been shrinking until recent years, while the land locked Antarctic ice was growing. As we see below, all the conditions are present to suggest that we have entered the next Grand Solar Minimum, this matches some of the symptoms on the ground: Antarctic ice has been increasing, Arctic sea ice is recovering, the all  time US record for natural disasters was just broken in 2017. This simplification often gets construed by the proponents of the theory of anthropogenic (man made) climate change, when they argue the variability in solar activity could affect climate only minimally. Great read. In the service of the globalist elites: The “climate change” activists are the Pro migration activists. Also, the lack of a CO2 cycle at millennial time scales underscores the independence of such long climate variability from anthropogenic greenhouse enhancement.”, “The warming following the Little Ice Age is generally perceived as a natural recovery from the previously cold period, and the effect of anthropogenic greenhouse enhancement is assumed to become important only after 1975 (IPCC, 2007). Our simple cyclic model (Fig.) Accurate sunspot records were made since 1610. There is an increasingly noticeable difference in plant growth and reactions. A grand solar minimum can occur when the “solar magnetism diminishes, sunspots appear infrequently and less ultraviolet radiation reaches Earth,” according to NASA. The correlation between war deaths and grand maximum is r= 0.9 (very high correlation). The count of visible sunspots can provide a very rough, low-tech overview of the trend in solar activity, even without electricity or intranet access, using only a pair of binoculars or a telescope. During a solar minimum – and particularly – in a Grand Solar Minimum, more cosmic rays enter Earth’s atmosphere. Maybe, the 5-7 times greater effect on temperature IS WHAT CAUSES the 0.05-0.01 degree difference over a solar cycle? Plus, in the long run: overall cooling and droughts. The year 1816 went on to earn the name, “Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death“ (see the link below). As a farmer I am aware of Stay tuned to the Grand Solar Minimum channel for more updates! Holland has invested hugely in the technology . The sun is heading toward solar minimum now. Solar cycles still occur during these grand solar minimum periods but are at a lower intensity than usual. Greetings Sacha, hello She [Zharkova] suggests it could be a repeat of the so-called Maunder Minimum – a period in the 17th century with little solar activity that may have influenced a cooling on Earth. I am thinking about huge numbers of huge greenhouses and GMO crop plants and meat animals that can actually porduce in what may well be our new normal. (See the projection from 2-23 below). At 1321 UT on Feb. 10th, the sunspot’s magnetic canopy erupted, producing a C4-class solar flare. We are also monitoring a coronal hole that has expanded even more today on the eastern limb of our star. 2003). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. What I would like to know is why the jet streams are so profoundly affected? “The water vapor molecules need a site to condense on. Bitcoin, COVID’s Billionaire and Big Government Power-play, Florida Man Killed in Motorcycle Accident Recorded as ‘COVID Death’, Inconvenient Truth: ‘They’re Lockdown Deaths, Not Covid Deaths’, More Statistical Fraud: Florida, Texas, Colorado – All Caught Inflating COVID Cases and Deaths, UK Government Panicking As Fraudulent COVID Death Count is Revealed, US Physician: ‘CDC and US Government Are Inflating COVID-19 Death Count’, More Vaccines, More Masks, More Social Distancing. Not only is animal husbandry based on grass growth, but cereals, e.g. -As for the probability of extinction, I’m very optimistic, we would likely be one of the last mammals to disappear. As the magnetic fields change, so does the amount of activity on the Sun’s surface. Over time, solar activity—and the number of sunspots—increases. The next Solar Cycle (25) is likely just a stop-off on our descent into the next super Grand Solar Minimum cycle. This paper does not support the claims you make. As a consequence of these eruptions, increased amounts of volcanic aerosols and gases can generate global dimming and further cloud nucleation, leading to more cooling and crop failure, another feedback mechanism. Major Winter Storm on the Way Midwest and Northeast / Heavy Rain for U.K & Ireland 12-5-2019, New York Governor Declares State of Emergency, Boston Schools Close as Winter Storm Pummels Northeast, #2020 Big Problems Forecasted & #WinterStorm Update, Nasty #Thanksgiving Storm Will Disrupt Many Turkey Day Plans Winter Storm #Ezekiel. Source: Science Graphic: Sacha Dobler The next time you see notable sunspots on an internet sunspot monitor, see if you can spot them in a projection with your telescope. But during solar minimum, this natural heating mechanism subsides. Whenever the final drop takes place, during a Grand Solar Minimum, we expect more severe weather, erratic cloud formation, stronger winds, storms, hail, crop failure, but also droughts, earthquakes, and volcanos and in the long run, global cooling.