Likelyhood is high. Employees at call centers are given authority to “wow” the customer call in. I also wonder if Amazon has any interest in the Zappos robotic fulfilment system and would consider moving that into their fulfilment centres to increase efficiency. To WOW, you must differentiate yourself, which means doing something a little unconventional and innovative. * Pattern: style of working or way of working stream of actions. How did a once-lowly shoe company play its e-tail cards so right as to be acquired by an ecommerce giant like Amazon? To get some clarity on this, I talked to someone close to the transaction and learned: What’s the difference? Start your 14-day free trial now. The company tends to not focusing on individuals as assets; they instead focus on building as our asset a pipeline of people in every single department with varying levels of skills and experience, ranging from entry level all the way up through senior management and leadership positions (Hsieh, 2011). They have ventured on to more than just shoes, servicing the public with offering things like accessories, handbags, watches, clothing, and even home goods. One, deliver WOW through service. * Perspective: Rightway or strong& stable wayto know the world.H-P way (Engineering culture)&Perspective is shared&Collective mind If there was an award for the best company in the U.S., I believe ZAPPOS would receive this award. However, it might be not enough since Amazon and Nordstrom also have very good customer service but they are earning a higher margin. 6.0 Appendix 12 My guess is they were looking at eBay as another ‘returns liquidation’ option (see below) and I think the worst case integration scenario for many 3P sellers is that they dump a lot of these goods on Amazon through 3P. Earlier in July, Zappos told Auctionbytes: “We did a small test on eBay but are not currently planning on moving forward with it.”  We monitored the test and the seller ID has been mysteriously deleted recently. We’ve talked to a variety of retailers of all sizes and have some interesting perspectives to share and some integration scenarios to consider. “Zappos” 4.2.1 Factors Affecting Pricing Decision 7 How can company position themselves in industries to got big profits? Turns out that Zappos’ return rate is so high that the $375m difference in there is, While these are all ’08 numbers, analysts I talk to see modest 08/09 growth  somewhere in the 15-20% range. ———————————- Opinions. If you are a shoe liquidator, you are probably ok here. Here’s what Hsieh said when the deal took place: “We think that there is a huge opportunity for us to really accelerate the growth of the Zappos brand and culture, and we believe that Amazon is the best partner to help us get there faster.”. I don’t think Amazon would mess around with the Zappos model and move to something like normal S+H, free with Prime. From Zappos, Amazon has learned things like the importance of the after-buying experience, and how a streamlined returns platform can create major loyalty.