His revamped Grays of 1931, just as he had advertised, would be nearly impossible to defeat. The Homestead Grays (also known as Washington Grays or Washington Homestead Grays) were a professional baseball team that played in the Negro leagues in the United States. Required fields are marked *, You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
, © 2012 Blackbaseball's Negro Baseball Leagues | webmatters. Gibson played 16 seasons in Pittsburgh with the Homestead Grays and the Pittsburgh Crawfords winning 11 pennants. Homestead Grays (1900 – c.1950) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: ... 1931 • 1937 • 1938 • 1939 Item: 402118060966 In spite of 1931’s hot and humid summer, Pittsburgh’s Homestead Grays never cooled. Sign up to receive updates on new products, blogs, and coming events. Notes: • Home Ballpark: Forbes Field (Pittsburgh, PA) • 7 members of the Baseball Hall of Fame amzn_assoc_linkid = "a4617dbef50253fdd66d8c70d72c7301"; , Your email address will not be published. Josh Gibson remains a Paul Bunyanesque figure – part historical figure, part myth – seven decades after his passing. MLB has revealed the 1931 Homstead Grays as the greatest Negro League team of all time. amzn_assoc_default_category = "Apparel"; (*Hall of Fame)Terrific 4x6 inch photograph of the team. /* BB 336 below post */ At the end, a Grays team did take the No. google_ad_slot = "4982589476"; Affiliate Marketing: Lynda Mann. google_ad_slot = "9600932271"; Authorities on the Negro Leagues have made them the consensus pick as the best team ever. Among Negro League historians, one of the favorites (among many) is the 1931 Homestead Grays. Required fields are marked *, Website Design: Bridget Doran Probably taken at Fogel Field. So might some of the pre-Negro League teams like the 1910 Leland Giants or the 1905 Philadelphia Giants. 2010,