/* Zipcodes LU 468x15 */ 01608-1127 is a ZIP code of 9-11 Lincoln Square Worcester Massachusetts (MA) and list of areas associated with same ZIP code are shown below. Templeton is a town of Worcester, Massachusetts in the New England region of the USA. It is also extremely high compared to nearby ZIP codes. google_ad_slot = "5539420162"; //-->, Cities in Massachusetts that start with W. The percentage of children under 18 living in the 01609 ZIP code is small compared to other areas of the country. to print your map. Here, we provides the Zip codes of different areas of USA for not only fulfilling the need of people as well as come up with authentic information in simplest manner with their map location. The Census also indicates that there are one or more correctional facilities, nursing homes and universities nearby. The city for 01609 is usually the name of the main post office. ZIP code 01609 has a small percentage of vacancies. If you are a person that likes walking or biking to work, it will be a comfort for you to know that 01609 has a well above average number of people who do not use a vehicle to commute. The list below includes the cities that the US Post Office accepts for ZIP code 01609. Zip Codes; WARREN Zip Code (MA) The Zipcode for Warren is . Zip code number of 809 Boylston street, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts (MA), Zip code number of 75 Mountain Street, Haydenville, Massachusetts (MA), Zip code number of 20 Southwest Park, Westwood, Massachusetts (MA), Zip code number of 1267 Boston Road, Springfield, Massachusetts (MA), Zip code number of 275 Center Street # 2, Holbrook, Massachusetts (MA), Zip code number of 42 Washington Street, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts (MA), Zip code number of 2197 Commonwealth Avenue, Brighton, Massachusetts (MA), Zip code number of 123 County Road, East Freetown, Massachusetts (MA), Zip code number of 378 Union Street, Ashland, Massachusetts (MA), Zip code number of 150 Staniford Street, Boston, Massachusetts (MA). The people living in ZIP code 01609 are primarily white. Looking at 01609 real estate data, the median home value of $292,900 is high compared to the rest of the country. Massachusetts ZIP code map and Massachusetts ZIP code list. While money isn't everything, residents in ZIP code 01609 earn less than in other parts of town. google_ad_width = 468; For Season Recreational Or Occasional Use. Here, we provides the Zip codes of different areas of USA for not only fulfilling the need of people as well as come up with authentic information in simplest manner with their map location. It also has a large population density. Warren is a town of Worcester, Massachusetts in the New England region of the USA. Rentals in 01609 are most commonly 2 bedrooms. As with most parts of the country, vehicles are the most common form of transportation to places of employment. For more information, see Worcester, MA public school enrollment. It is also compared to nearby ZIP codes. Prices for rental property include ZIP code 01609 apartments, townhouses, and homes that are primary residences. Please make sure you have panned and zoomed to the area that you
There are a slightly smaller percentage of employees that have to travel over 45 minutes to reach their place of employment. City/State/ZIP Code Associations Find the ZIP Code for an area of a city or town, or the location of a given ZIP Code. ZIP code 01609 is located in central Massachusetts and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. 9-digit Postal Code: 01610-2826 5-digit ZIP: 01610 ZIP 4: 2826 County: WORCESTER FIPS County Code: 25027 State: MA City: WORCESTER Street: MILLBURY ST Address Primary Number: 205 - 205 (Odd) ZIP code 01609 is located in central Massachusetts and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. Data sources include the United States Postal Service, U.S. Census Bureau, Yahoo, Google, FedEx, and UPS. ZIP+4 Code Lookup We make it simple. Worcester, MA Stats and Demographics for the 01609 ZIP Code. The number of young adults is extremely large while the number of middle aged adults is small. Zip Codes; TEMPLETON Zip Code (MA) The Zipcode for Templeton is . WORCESTER MA Massachusetts zip codes, maps, area codes, county, population, household income, house value,01655 Zip Code - The median household income of $40,660 is compared to the rest of the country. It is located about 58 miles west of MA's capital city of Boston. The people living in ZIP code … google_ad_height = 15; The preferred city may not be the city in which the ZIP is located. There are also an extremely large number of single adults and an extremely small number of families. Buy: Massachusetts ZIP Code Database @ United States ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 Database Supermarket COVID-19 Up to 2020-09-28 in MA(Massachusetts) , there were 3,931,219 viral tests, 131,072 positive results, 2,076,881 negative results, 418 currently hospitalized patients, 9,415 deaths, 111,479 individuals who have recovered from COVID-19. When mailing your package or letter, always include the preferred or acceptable cities. Warren Zip Code - Get the zipcode for Warren in Worcester, (MA) Massachusetts - zip-codez.com.