The sixth age began with the reconstruction of Klingvonia, the marriage of Drake and Regina, and the return to naming the planet Anur Transyl, and themselves Transylianss. In the original series, Transylians were referred to as the second smartest beings in the galaxy behind the. Face Emotes= Transylians are immune to intense heat, such as a Pyronite's attacks and an evolved Necrofriggian's ice flames. * ** (wave) Transylians possess enhanced durability, being able to withstand a hybrid Terroranchula's attacks. * The second age is the Medieval Age. **(blush) **(devilangry) In the 246th year, Augustus returned after his suppost death under the alisas of Roy. **(annoyed) * * * **(waitwhat) The Vladats had easily taken control at the time of the planet. * * Locomotion **>:( Benvicktor seems to be based on the Frankenstein Monster , from various horror films of the mid-20th century, to keep with the "horror" element associated with Ghostfreak. **(rage) * Swampfire changed back into Ben. Like other living beings, Transylians can be controlled by a Vladat's Corrupturas. Height Despite not appearing on-screen, it is confirmed that Albedo and Mad Ben both have Frankenstrike available in their Omnitrixes. This time would be the time period starting with the creation of the planet, life on the planet, and the creation of the Vladats and Transylianss up to the time before the second age. **(derpwut) The first age is referred to as the Creation Age. ** :P Anur Transyl is located in the Anur System., where it has at least one known moon called Luna Lobo. **(wink) They called their planet Klingvonia, and then named themselves Klingons. Benvicktor is a Transylian (a play on Transylvania) scanned from Dr. Vicktor in "Be Afraid of the Dark"; from the planet Anur Transyl. **(sad) During 2 years, the Rebillion and Darzon fought for years. Anur Transyl, also once known and possibly still referred to as Klingvonia is the main setting of The BTFF Cinematic Universe film, The Black Knight. Anur Transyl is the home planet of the Transylians. Lord Transyl is a villain in Ben 10: Omniverse. **(heart) The Transylians were the Vladats' main source of food until the Transylians rebelled against the Vladats, using superior technology that they had developed in secret, they hunted all Vladats on Anur Transyl into utter extinction and became the dominant species on Anur Transyl.