The most common rescuing situation arises when an overcall has been doubled for penalties, a rarer event than it was before negative doubles became popular.

DEFENSIVE BIDDING. Tricks that a hand may be expected to produce if the holder buys the contract; attacking tricks or winners, as distinguished from defensive tricks or winners when the holder must play against an adverse contract. Subsequent calls proceed normally in a clockwise direction. TRAY. The player who commits an irregularity (Laws). Alternatively, a player who judges that he will be outgunned in high cards may prefer to remain silent on the theory that he will end up as a defender and does not wish to give information that may help the declarer. (2) The term frequently used in team matches to name the actual gain or loss on a single hand. In duplicate games, scoring is usually done by North (although in some countries it is always South), a matter designated by the sponsoring organization.

The ace, king, queen, jack have priority in that order. A bid with a limited point-count range. For a brief period (1932-1935) the grand slam bonuses were higher than they are now: 1500 non-vulnerable, 2250 vulnerable. East wins with the 10, but declarer later enters the North hand, and pushes the queen through East, blotting out the entire defensive holding. A play undertaken as though is it a legitimate finesse, as when leading the queen, holding Q-x-(x), from hand with A-x-(x) in dummy.


Also British colloquialism meaning neither side vulnerable. Interested ACBL members and volunteer workers have taken the TAP course and have earned the title of ACBL Accredited Teacher. All these are typical encouraging bids, indicating that the partnership has a minimum of 23-24 points and urging partner on to game if he has a little more than his promised minimum.

Experienced players will be aware of some exceptions: (1) when a fit has been established, directly or by implication, (2) after a 2/1 response, guaranteeing a rebid in the modern style and (3) in a second suit. An alternative meaning of the word in modern bridge jargon, especially in a postmortem, is to indicate the most desirable contract for a side: “We belong in 5 ♦.” BELOW THE LINE. The essentials of a tournament are the planning thereof by a sponsoring organization, publicity and promotion, the programming of events, the competition itself, the scoring and determination of winners, and the hospitality in connection there with. ACBL sends the sponsoring organization a form for reporting the results of the tournament. There is a modern tendency to be less revealing on the opening lead, with the lead of a low card indicating a suit whose return is desired and a middle card to indicate a suit to be abandoned. This basic assumption furnishes the player with a simple yardstick for measuring the relative high-card strength of a given hand, and may assist materially in estimating the game potential or penalty expectancy of any bid. LIMIT BID. Two cards in the same suit, of which one ranks two degrees lower than the other; the major tenace is A-Q; the minor tenace is K-J; more broadly, any holding of cards not quite in sequence in a suit. CHUKKER. The contest is free to enter and is open to all bridge players. Of the 13 tricks that are won on each deal, approximately eight are won with aces, kings, queens, and jacks; the remaining five tricks are won with spot cards. Il y a un interlude entre les deux chœurs, avec un changement de clef. UP TO. Also a description of a set of cards that have been established during play and are winners ready to cash. A card or combination of cards that may reasonably be expected to or actually does stop the run of a suit. Bridge Total Number of words made out of Bridge = 53 Bridge is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 10 points.Bridge is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 12 points. In ACBL tournaments, players are required to explain or pre-Alert to opponents regarding certain aspects of their methods, including unusual bidding treatments and/or defensive conventions, such as the agreement to lead the low card from a worthless doubleton. A bid, based on a long suit, made with less-than-normal values because of a misfit with partner’s bid suit after it has been doubled. In a social or “party bridge” game, the accoutrements should include two score pads, two decks of bridge cards, two sharp pencils, coasters and four chairs. Guide cards may be in the form of printed instruction cards remaining permanently at each table (suitable only for cyclic movements) or they may be in the form of separate cards to be hand-carried by each contestant (suitable for either cyclic or non-cyclic movements). It is acknowledged that the ace is somewhat undervalued using this count, so there also have been adherents of a 6-4-2-1 count. FLUKE. FIXED. In World Bridge Federation events, it is usual to classify the non-playing captain as a contestant.

The concept was first broached by Hall of Famer Bobby Wolff during his tenure as president of the ACBL in 1987. In postmortem heat, players tend to exaggerate the degrees of coldness. The king of a suit may instead be considered a secondary honor when it is unaccompanied by the ace or queen and when it is in a suit in which partner is known to be short.

AVERAGE HAND. In duplicate and Chicago, vulnerability is arbitrarily assigned. AUCTION.

♠ J 9 3           ♠ K 8 7 5 A contest of one or more sessions in duplicate bridge played to determine a winner. DUCK. Four tricks over book, or 10 tricks in all. This loses to West’s ace, but declarer cannot be prevented from ruffing his third club in dummy. GADGET. Experts prefer to estimate slam possibilities below the game level. Delivered to your inbox! VULNERABILITY. Four, five or six players competing as a unit in bridge tournaments. KIBITZER.