— Democrats netted seven House seats in California in 2018, winning 46 of the megastate’s 53 seats. We drilled down a little bit deeper to just look at competitive races — those that we rated as something other than Safe Democratic or Safe Republican in our final House ratings for each of the last four cycles. Remember Jan. 2018 "wake-up call" GOP loss of state Senate seat in western WI that Trump had carried by 17? The outcome of this race remains too early to call.” #CA25 pic.twitter.com/DHVx9ZhhZ4, — Bridget Bowman (@bridgetbhc) May 13, 2020. Based on that 48.5% cutoff point, three other marginal Democratic districts should be in good shape for Democrats: Reps. Josh Harder (D, CA-10) and Gil Cisneros (D, CA-39), and the vacant seat in CA-25 — but there are special circumstances in CA-25 that we’ll get into later. President Trump's approval numbers posted every weekday, Georgia’s Senate Races Both Move to Toss-up By Kyle Kondik, Election 2020: A Fortnight and Five Days Away By Kyle Kondik, With Just Weeks to Go, Trump is Not Making up Ground By Kyle Kondik and J. Miles Coleman, Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, available for $4.95 a month or 34.95 a year, What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls, The Difference Between Liberals and Leftists By Ted Rall. Additionally, our use of the combined two-party voting technique may obscure some important details about the CA-21 count, which was 52%-48% Republican overall. However, nearly a third of those ballots are in Stanislaus County, which makes up the heart of CA-10. For those that are choosing to vote at your polling site…all are open until 8 p.m. CST / 7 MDT. There were two additional candidates in the race besides Cox and Valadao: Rocky De La Fuente (R) and his son Ricardo De La Fuente (D); the elder De La Fuente has achieved something of a cult status among hardcore election-watchers for appearing as a gadfly candidate in all sorts of different races across the country, including many presidential primaries. That may or may not matter for the fall. Meanwhile, Democrats have won 20 individual races while finishing below 50% of the two-party vote in the first round of voting. California’s 25th Congressional District, Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District, and Nebraska hold elections today during the coronavirus crisis. Part of Mike Garcia (R)’s appeal in #CA25 (Clinton +7% in 2016) is that he’s a lot of things Trump’s not: a military veteran, son of a Mexican immigrant, even-keeled and well-credentialed. Nightly polling on politics, business and lifestyle topics provides the content to update the Rasmussen Reports web site many times each day. Polls close in 30 minutes in #WI07 for this Special Election. This district north of Los Angeles shows promise for Democrats, even though it has sent Republicans to Congress since 1993; the district favored Hillary Clinton in 2016. Valadao won easy victories despite the upballot partisanship in 2012, 2014, and 2016 and is running again. There were two separate elections for this seat: a regular primary setting up the November contest, and a special primary setting up the May 12 special election. So that may be one district where we see a little bit of a change once the results become totally final. While the districts and candidates certainly aren't parallel (CA-25 appears tight while WI-07 is considered safe) they're both traditionally Republican (until 25 flipped in '18). We’ve compiled the combined Democratic and Republican voting in all of these districts over the course of the decade, and there are a few general trends we’ve noticed. In the four previous California House elections this decade, the highest share of the two-party vote that the Democrats received in the primary in a race they did not go on to win in the fall was 48.5% in the fluky CA-31 election in 2012. Comments about this content should be directed to the author or syndicate. On average, the Democratic share of the two-party vote in each district that we included in our compilation went up about six percentage points in 2012 House races, four points in 2014, and a little over three points in 2018, while it went down by about one and a half points in 2016. 9:30 PM: In NE-02, Kara Eastman is the projected winner for the Dems. Vox has live results in partnership with Decision Desk. Polls. But the district (one Electoral Vote) is a Toss Up for president. The most important reason is overall presidential partisanship: Both districts voted Democratic for president in 2016 and seem likely to do so in 2020; that may very well be enough for Democrats to hang onto these seats. @TomTiffanyWI will be a great leader for the people of Wisconsin. That includes six of their seven pickups last cycle. Polls in CA-25 will close at 11 PM ET. Vote Tom Tiffany today! A special election to the United States House of Representatives for California's 25th congressional district was held March 3, 2020, the same day as the California Presidential primaries.As no candidate received a majority, a runoff took place on May 12, 2020, between the top two finishers Christy Smith and Mike Garcia. Meanwhile, Republicans argue that CA-48 is the most fundamentally Republican of the districts the Democrats hold in California. The hope for Republicans is that 2020 looks more like 2016 than the other years. 9:00 PM: Polls closed in Wisconsin and Nebraska. #VoteTiffany pic.twitter.com/AyqDuIDzYI, — Tom Tiffany (@TomTiffanyWI) May 12, 2020, 2020 ElectionPoliticsCaliforniaNebraskaWisconsin. — Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) May 13, 2020, Note that some county election sites will say 100% precincts reported, though there are still an unknown number of votes to be tallied in this vote-by-mail election (can be received as late as Friday if they are postmarked by today) #ca25. Source: Election results and race calls from The Associated Press. https://t.co/RDz1mmMrK1, The controversy over Democrats pushing for a #CA25 polling location in Lancaster has bubbled up to the president.