These are some I (think) I remember, Once the noble cat Don Gato Tried to remember all the verses a few years back but couldn’t, but I never forgot the name of the song. we sat there, we two. said the fish. Seven ribs and all his toes The Cat in the Hat and Other Stories Album, Lyricapsule: The Surfaris Drop ‘Wipe Out’; June 22, 1963, Lyricapsule: The Byrds Drop ‘Mr. It was too wet to play. I loved the song. He said, "Do I like this? LetsSingIt comes to you in your own language! You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. It was love at first sight Album: The Cat in the Hat and Other Stories, Who has a hat of red and white Marry me oh mistress pussy, On the rooftop high he waited And here they are, on this terrific Web site! She and I have been best friends for over 30 years and it’s all because of Don Gato. and we did not like it. Most of my friends think I’m crazy when I try to tell them about the song, but now I finally can show them! put me down!' Learn more. I look forward to seeing it! Cause I really want to get a hold of one or maybe two. No! Thanks for writing! Mr. Tchakalian was our music teacher and he taught us silly fun songs like this as well as exposing us to serious classical music and opera. Child Song Lyrics Animal Rhymes Lyrics. Who has a hat of red and white fun all day and fun all night who has ears that wiggle like that whats he called the cat in the hat Lyrics too wet to go out and too cold to play ball. This article was posted "With a cup and a cake I sang this song in 1960’s music classes in Tulsa, OK. the sun did not shine. LetsSingIt in only English? You're not logged in. Isn’t he flippant! It was in the same series of books that taught the basics of music (along with a record) with story songs or children’s songs from throughout the world. Said the cat... "Look at me! we did nothing at all. You can hear a midi tune of this song at…, And his whiskers and his nose, All the doctors came to see him I learned it in the early 80’s in Georgia and remembered all but the second to the last verse! Animal Rhymes Lyrics. I learned the song “Senor Don Gato” while I was in third grade 1977-78, I went to a Catholic school in MN and it was in our music book. Look at me now!" "Why, we can have I learned this song in gradeschool in Chicago in the 70’s. Log in to enjoy extra privileges that come with a free membership! It was done by the BBC British Broadcasting corporation, and it an easier version. That’d be great! Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Is your language not listed? Don Gato Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. © 2020 METROLYRICS, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. So thanks for the lyrics and I would LOVE if you posted a recording so I can hear it again (without my bad singing). I just learned it a few days ago at school and I really liked it! "A lot of good tricks. After they said the name the imbittered woman went through the woods or the marsh, trying to find out who told her name (I suppose to curse them as well). Haha – the two songs I remember from elementary school are “Senor Don Gato” and “Fender Bender” I think our music book had a guitar on the front of it, for Fender Bender. Needless to say, that’s the only thing I typed into Google and this wonderful website came up! Loved it then and sing it to my children now. I’d be happy to sing the Don Gato song for you if you haven’t already got someone who has done it for you! Though, I do rember singing the wonderful song about how the poor cat passed away and his new life came as he smelled the awful fish passing threw the market place. Though, I do rember singing the wonderful song about how the poor cat passed away and his new life came as he smelled the awful fish passing threw the market place. On the top of my hat! Thank you again! "Now look at this house! Meow, meow, meow! I could never remember the words to the last two verses but my kids loved for me to sing the song nonetheless. Now I can! Play that rhythm, yeah, yeah, yeah! All the way, yeah, yeah, yeah! We had something to do!". Thanks for your website. Go go go go, on an adventure. This was one of my favorite songs that I learned from an elementary music book in the mid 60’s, probably 2nd or 3rd grade. For the day. who has ears that wiggle like that Who was fluffy white, and nice and fat. There are always seven colors and this is how they go! I learned it as a 4th grader in 1985. "This is no fun at all! said the cat. Yes we ARE! Said out fish as he lit. And the sun is not sunny. sit! Where sardines were lying in the sun This song brings back so many good memory’s for me. Like so many of the people who wrote comments here, I was thrilled to find these lyrics because I only recalled part of them, (about Don Gato’s injuries) and it took me right back to 1969, when I was about 9 years old and in public elementary school in San Mateo, CA, at Beresford Park School. “I adore you,” wrote the lady cat, I was so pleased to find the lyrics on your web site. Too wet to go out Tell that Cat in the Hat ", "Put me down!" But I would never let anyone get that far when I was a kid! we did nothing at all. so we sat in the house. Poor Senor Don Gato up and died. Have no fear!" This song was submitted on February 29th, 2008. Lyrics. so we sat in the house all that cold, cold, wet day. Boots that go “squeak, squeak”, Mister Banjo, I said “it is a child hood song from my elementary days.” He hit the floor laughing. Meow, meow, meow! And too cold to play ball. We sang it almost every week. sit! 'my tricks are not bad,' said the cat in the hat. On the rooftops he was basking