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New Roads: Mark Sheinkman at Lennon, Weinberg, Inc. Past, present, future: Lizbeth Mitty and Dana James, Book report: Mary Gabriel’s Ninth Street Women, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide: April 2019, Interview: Delphine Hennelly at Carvalho Park, Rebekah Callaghan: Meditations on light and time, Gestures of grace: Carol Saft at Lesley Heller, Hilma af Klint: A timely message from the beyond, A Pocket Guide to Painting at SPRING/BREAK Art Show, Vincent Desiderio: Painting as a theoretical vanguard, Dennis Hollingsworth: Pushing paint and painting, Dana Schutz, jogging alongside the train wreck, Farley Aguilar’s screamingly urgent figurative paintings, Lynette Yiadom-Boakye: Call it soulfulness, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide: February 2019, Beyond the legend: James Baldwin at David Zwirner, Fiction (and curatorial statement): THEY’RE MADE OUT OF MEAT, Catalogue essay: Jennifer Riley’s Machine Series Paintings, Erasure as aesthetic principle at Pierogi, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide: January 2019, Art and Film: Cheapening the art world one toxic bite at a time, Immediate, physical, emotional: Studio visit with Elise Siegel, Melissa Meyer: Close attention to familiar surroundings, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide: December 2018, Yes, Julian Schnabel painted the Van Goghs, Warhol at the Whitney: A provocateur for all seasons, Jenny Snider: Mutiny, rebellion, the experience of life, Brian Dupont and Rachael Nevins: Suffering for something beautiful, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide: November 2018, Assembled but not resembling, at Patricia Sweetow, Art and Film: Catherine Weldon and Sitting Bull, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide / October 2018 (updated), Lindsay Walt: Infinite space, logical form, and inner contemplation, Exhibition essay: Sarah Sentilles on Nancy Bowen at Kentler International Drawing Space, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide / September 2018, Two Coats of Paint Resident Artist: Nancy Evans, Artist Statement of the Day: Jock Ireland, Invitation: “Sharon Butler New Paintings” at TheodoreArt, Throbbing heart: Queerness and abstract painting, Dona Nelson: Exuberant overworking as a strategy, Art and Film: Meta’s meta in Madeline’s Madeline, Interview: Aleksandr Blanar, Justin Polera, and “A Strong Desire”, TEXTING: Julia Schwartz at LA Visitor Welcome Center, Fiction: The Western Tailor [Shubha Sunder], Art and Film: John Callahan’s Higher Power, Summer studio: Catherine Howe in Clermont, NY, Fiction: The Square Drawing [Laurie Fendrich], Santa Fe: A visit to the Railyard Arts District, Art and Film: The beautifully unlovely Nancy, Meet the 2018 Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program Awardees, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide / June 2018, The meditative process of making: Abstraction in Connecticut, Report from Berlin: Ana Mendieta’s Super 8 films, Apply Now: Subsidized studio space in DUMBO, Art and Film: Paul Schrader’s risky business, Angel Otero: Painting and the social landscape, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide / May 2018, Two Coats of Paint artist-in-residence: Craig Stockwell, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide / April 2018, Jennifer Coates: Lullabies for difficult times, Laura Blacklow on painterly photo processes, Rachelle Krieger: Skirmishes between invisible forces, Haley Josephs talks to Austin Lee about her new paintings, Invitations: Upcoming events and discussions, Report from Berlin: Judith Hopf’s idiosyncratic vision, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide / March 2018, Presidents’ Day video: The unveiling of the official Obama portraits, The Desert is Not Barren, 2: John Plowman and Bernard Leibov at BoxoPROJECTS, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide / February 11, 2018, Press release of the day: Lauren Faigeles at Crush Curatorial, Interview: Lesley Dill on her new work, with Leslie Wayne, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide / January 18, 2018, Art and Film: Dedicated followers of fashion, Art & Film: Liquid asset in The Shape of Water, Jacqueline Humphries: The Matrix meets Cy Twombly, Roy Dowell and Richard Kalina: Standing their ground, Lauren Luloff: Drawing (with bleach) from life, Art and film: Billboard as political provocation, Undergraduate Sketchbook: Phoebe Funderburg-Moore, Joan Mitchell Foundation 2017 grants: Artist Images and links, Year-End Fundraising 2017: How you can help, Art and Film: Ruben Östlund’s bloated indignation, Your November Horoscope!

There are currently no reviews for this company. “Drift,” the sublime Raoul De Keyser exhibition on view at David Zwirner through April 23, was organized around a group of 22 small paintings known as The Last Wall. This can be seen in titles (e.g., Bern-Berlin hangend, 1993, ill. p. 41, a reference to two exhibition venues that were especially important to De Keyser at the time, or Dalton, 1990, ill. p. 27, a reference to the four Daltons from the Lucky Luke comics) and subject matter (e.g., his studio’s surroundings that include the monkey puzzle tree outside of the window in the aforementioned Bern-Berlin hangend; the folding grille, Closerie I (Berliner Ensemble), 1998, ill. p. 45 ; or the internal staircase, Untitled, 1998, ill. p. 49). In a Please. top of each other in his early works, that he later reproduced his own Ladies fashion boutique, offering international collections for the classic & contemporary woman. Contributed by Jonathan Stevenson / Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck’s film Never Look Away concerns a German painter named Kurt Barnert (the charismatic Tom Schilling), but it is an unabashed interpretation ... Lisa Corinne Davis, Registered Impersonation, 2020, acrylic and oil on paper, 14 x 12 inches Published continuously since 2007. by Crystal “Kitty” Shimski, Fernanda Fragateiro: Commemorative abstraction, Invitation: Print project in Bushwick this weekend, Dragged paintings: ​Studio visit with​​ Margie ​​Livingston, Sahana Ramakrishnan, Atlas Discussion #179, Art and Film: Noah Baumbach’s New York state of mind, Two Coats Resident Artist Gyan Shrosbree returns in October, Bushwick Open Studios 2017– from Bogart to Troutman. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsy’s Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. over finished pieces. Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalised tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. wide-ranging essay on the various periods of the artist’s practice, Steven Jacobs has The most common keyser material is ceramic. It also operates in the Clothes, children's and baby; and Clothes, women's; industries. Jacobs makes a similar argument with regard to De Keyser’s painting of a window of his house; when he painted the window, he represented the painting itself, which can be metaphorically seen as a window: “The metaphor turns into metonymy : instead of a view through to another world, the window draws the viewer’s attention to the color, the paint, and the support.” [5], Raoul De Keyser, Blue R, 2012, gesso and silkscreen on cardboard on canvas mounted on wood panel, [Image at top: This is a snap of the moving photo on the back cover of the catalogue. First published as “Uit mijn plastisch logboek bij het werk van Raoul De Keyser,” in Raoul De Keyser 1979–1985 (Brussels: Museumfonds van het Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, 1986), pp. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Melle and beyond. Jacob Kassay: Familiarity superseding reflection? Since May 2019 the EUROPAGES European platform and the B2B platform wlw, leader in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, are together under the new Visable entity. Our vision is fast-paced, forward-thinking and fashion-centered at its core, and all of our products reflect these ideals. De Keyser’s last paintings; it runs throughout his entire oeuvre. (New York and Göttingen: David Zwirner and Steidl, 2011), n.p. [1] See Steven Jacobs, Raoul De Keyser: Retour 1964–2006 (Ghent: Ludion, 2007). David Zwirner, Chelsea, New York, NY. images and integrated them into new works, and that he often painted Rather, the paintings create mimetic connections to things outside themselves or incorporate the traces of passing circumstances. It is tempting but not unproblematic to clarify the ambiguity of De Keyser’s painting with the concept of “homeless representation,” [2] coined by Clement Greenberg in 1962. In 2008, DKE took over the activities and staff of another old and renowned Antwerp forwarder, SBTC-Sotramar. In addition to his own previous works, they are mostly things that possess an inherent affinity with painting, in which painting can recognize itself. Related posts: white lines from 1971 and 1973, which De Keyser then covered with new Sizes 6-20 available. Did you scroll all this way to get facts about keyser? One might argue that the atopian construction of the work of these and some other artists is a conscious response to the loss of certainty regarding the place of the artwork in the modern era. “Raoul De Keyser: Drift,” curated by Ulrich Loock. But while the paintings are distinguished by a moment of mnemonic recurrence, the referentiality remains strangely inconclusive, since one cannot tell what the model (in this case the linocut) refers to. De Keyser connects his works to a model, a reference point, a motivation, thus highlighting earlier works, perhaps even critically.

Enter a review title. Your trust is our top concern, so businesses can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Collecting, typologies, and objects in “The Keepers”, Conversation: Harry Davies on the union of material and meaning, Interview: Timothy Nolan and his public art project at LAX, Invitations: Outlet Fine Art, Theodore:Art, Galerie Jean Fournier, Lesley Heller, Upstate: Victoria Palermo at The Hyde Collection, Eric Aho shadows his father at the New Britain Museum, MTA Arts Spotlight: Faith Ringgold at 125th Street Station, Berlin postcard: Edmund de Waal’s rich austerity measures, Cheat sheet: Summer group shows (and what curators are writing about them), Lucio Fontana’s ghost: Amy Feldman, Maximilian Schubert, Alan Wiener at 11R, Hilma af Klint at Serpentine Gallery: Sustenance and Possibility. Keyser Clothes. You guessed it: white. De Keyser. On this occasion, the company was renamed to “Sotramar & De Keyser nv” (short: SDK). Rather, by referring to other images, De Keyser succeeds in creating a situation in which his painting is kept free from pure subjective construction and is able, through mimesis, to acknowledge a reality outside itself. De Keyser excelled in the depiction of objects in perspective, such as the worn lute case and the classically ornamented doorway. The Museum of Modern Art, New York; gift of Edward M. M. Warburg, 1939 Learn more.