(At least in his films) Inglourious Basterds is no different. Romo Gorrara Willoughby Gray Gerard Heinz John G. Heller George Hilsdon John Hollis Alf Joint Juba Kennerley Hildegard Knef Ann Lancaster Richard Marner Dick Miller Lionel Murton Suzanne Owens-Duval Mike Reid Terry Richards Frederick Schiller Richard Shaw Warren Stanhope Hedger Wallace Theodore Wilhelm Rocky Taylor Burnell Tucker Vicki Woolf Michael Segal, Nunnally Johnson E.M. Nathanson Lukas Heller, Van Allen James John Poyner Franklin Milton Claude Hitchcock Aaron Rochin, Seven Arts Pictures MKH Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Een dozijn ploerten, Os Doze Condenados, Das dreckige Dutzend 1, 12 del patíbulo, Los 12 del patíbulo, Los doce del patíbulo, 12 salopards, Les 12 Salopards, Les Douze salopards, Και οι 12 ήσαν καθάρματα, 十二金剛, De Twaalf Veroordeelden, 12 fördömda män, Tolv fördömda män, Dirty Dozen, 150 mins   Lots of fun. volumes can be written about this movie. "It's judgment day, sinners! AMC would run a bunch of war movies on cable around holidays related to veterans and the 4th of July. The Nazis with the most screen time end up becoming the most completely human characters in the film, which ironically makes them even worse monsters. The Dirty Dozen meet the Stiff Upper Lip. Not really. But to have this bunch of felons a totally incorrigible lot, some of them psychopathic, and to try to make us believe that they would be committed by any American general to carry out an exceedingly important raid that a regular commando group could do with equal efficiency—and certainly with greater dependability—is downright preposterous.[17]. [13] Interiors and set pieces took place at MGM British Studios, Borehamwood where the château set was built under the direction of art director William Hutchinson. He was unable to find any corroboration in the archives of the US Army in Europe. The silliness of the story is marvelously camouflaged with great dialogue and some superb performances. Quentin Tarantino 's 2009 Inglourious Basterds was derived from the English-language title of the Castellari film. [38] Ernest Borgnine again reprised his role of General Worden. Franko goes in where the others have been. War games that I would like to try out with my friends sometime. I can't imagine a director whose thirst for blood and violence is greater than Quentin Tarantino's. If you have to censor, stick to censoring sex, I say...but leave in the mutilation, leave in the sadism and by all means leave in the human beings burning to death. Tarantino is certainly clever and knows how to use the camera but then, I have to say it, nothing. Back in England, a voiceover from Armbruster confirms that General Worden exonerated the sole surviving member of the Dirty Dozen and communicated to the next of kin of the rest that "they lost their lives in the line of duty". It starred the American actors Fred Williamson and Bo Svenson, to whom Tarantino gives a cameo as a U.S. Army colonel. His character's name sounds like Aldo Ray and I'm sure that's no accident. The fantastic opening credits sequence. The scene with the Basterds in the British garrison yard is a homage to The Dirty Dozen's opening scene. A list of Edgar Wright's favorite 1000 Movies per his list on Mubi on July 27th, 2016. twitter.com/edgarwright/status/758339515421433856 mubi.com/lists/edgar-wrights-favorite-movies. For me a movie like this -- even with such an incredible cast -- thrives on economy more than anything else. Reisman's friend, Major Max Armbruster, suggests a test: During upcoming war games in Devon, the "Dirty Dozen" will attempt to capture Colonel Breed's headquarters. [6] Jack Palance refused the "Archer Maggott" role when they would not rewrite the script to make his character lose his racism; Telly Savalas took the role instead.